So it begins

Are you suggesting that a legislature shouldn't have an oversight committee focused on education? (That would certainly be news at the federal level).

To be sure, there will be some wacky things considered through a legislative committee like this. But they are a legislature, and it is in fact their job to consider them. To be honest, if I were doing a blue sky exercise with respect to public higher education where no idea was off the table, I'd spend a fair bit of time thinking about whether a public university is, or should be, really designed and administered to be the kind of institution described in St. John Henry Neuman's "The Idea of a University", or rather whether its public character should direct it to more mundane and practical types of learning and training to support the society's values and needs. I might ultimately conclude that publics and privates should be no different...but I'm not sure about that sitting here today.
Iowa legislature creating a new committee for higher education.
Nobody asked these crackers to change the University of Iowa. Let them go to Ames.

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I would laugh at any data source that attempted to correlate education with voting pattern,.. So I would disagree.
That would be an opinion based on emotion, not fact. All polls and studies indicate that higher education, for some time now, corresponds to voting Democratic.

Also, it appears in recent years more engaged and politically aware people vote for Democrats, while people who pay little attention to matters of government vote Republican. It’s a challenge that Democratic strategists are struggling with.
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Maybe a standardized test by major administered across all students in the country would be a good way to measure a schools worth.

I doubt that kind of clarity would be desired.
All the data I've read indicates that the more educated someone is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat.

Do you disagree?
The argument can be made that the more educated someone is the more detached from reality and less intelligent they become.....and therefore more likely to participate in groupthink and vote for democrats.
All the data I've read indicates that the more educated someone is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat.

Do you disagree?
Not at all. I know people that have college degrees that voted Republican and others that voted democrat.
The only thing you believe is that people that voted democrat have college degrees, which isn’t true either as I know people without college degrees that voted democrat.
This is a fvcking joke. Nothing positive will come of this.
OMG the people's representatives overseeing the education of children. Why can't we leave education to the pedophiles and the educrats, what are we a democracy? Before you know it the parents will have a say in the education of their children......where will it end? Will they end gender studies at the universities? Oh the humanity.
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I don't think there's any doubt that that D affinity and higher education degree attainment correlate positively. But i'm not sure how you'd assess any correlation between party affinity on the one hand, and actual intelligence, wisdom, or judgment on the other.
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Not at all. I know people that have college degrees that voted Republican and others that voted democrat.
The only thing you believe is that people that voted democrat have college degrees, which isn’t true either as I know people without college degrees that voted democrat.
That's the difference between anecdotal evidence and actual data.
I hope upon hope upon hope that there is a majority in either the Iowa Senate or the Iowa House that looks closely at The New College of Florida and applies the lessons that can be learned from that cesspool of a situation.
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