So Musk outright supports the Nazis?

Speaking of, are you a recent bit of Nole flotsam and jetsam that washed up on our shores, or a retread? You don’t seem clever enough for me to pay attention to for much longer at this rate.
mmm...he didn't come over in the first or second wave. He's usually posting on the old LR board where he has a much friendlier audience.
This next 4 years is gonna be even more fun than I ever imagined lol
I agree. 4 years of pointing out all the stupidity that the Bonespurs paper president unleashes. All the people he hires and fires. All the countries he pronounces wrong, all the people he mixes up. Including his wife again. All the stumbling and bumbling he's going to do. All the lies he's going to tell. Pointing out all the lies he's already made and broken. (this has already started as we all know)Yep. Going to be 4 years of pointing all that out. It's going to be fun.
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I agree. 4 years of pointing out all the stupidity that the Bonespurs paper president unleashes. All the people he hires and fires. All the countries he pronounces wrong, all the people he mixes up. Including his wife again. All the stumbling and bumbling he's going to do. All the lies he's going to tell. Pointing out all the lies he's already made and broken. (this has already started as we all know)Yep. Going to be 4 years of pointing all that out. It's going to be fun.
He's gonna clean up a lot of democrat messes.
Yeah the Republicans in the House are scared shitless of somebody that wasn't even elected and isn't even a paid public official. Talk about spineless lemmings...
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I imagine they pay for that wall before biden gets those student loans forgiven 😉
Once again for the umpteenth time in the last number of posts, scruffy tries to deflect. Such a weak ass approach when you can't answer the situation presented. Soooo... have you seen the check from Mexico for the 30 miles of wall that Bonespurs built during his first administration? I thought not... Hahaha.
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Once again for the umpteenth time in the last number of posts, scruffy tries to deflect. Such a weak ass approach when you can't answer the facts presented. Soooo... have you seen the check from Mexico for the 30 miles of wall that Bonespurs built during his first administration? Hahaha.
Lol you're so desperate for my attention
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Yeah the Republicans in the House are scared shitless of somebody that wasn't even elected and isn't even a paid public official. Talk about spineless lemmings...

They're afraid of several unelected somebodies that aren't even paid public officials - voters.
Germany’s AfD is considered more pro-Israel than the other leading party, the BSW (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht). Odd for a neonazi party, no? And OP’s link on Twitter/X is still active…one would think a true Nazi would have had it removed by now instead of leaving posts up by people calling for his arrest?

It’s a kinder, gentler Nazi party than the one Prescott Bush helped put in power, huh?

“Since it is claimed that there is an ideological affinity between us and the AfD, I allow myself a comment - AfD stands by Israel like no other party in Germany does, even now in the war against Gaza.”

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The actual nazis are the azov battalion fighting in Ukraine who dems keep gifting money to. Cope harder and understand where your side is actually at.
Azov is real. Azov at Mariupol is what Putin...a despot was talking about.
I agree. 4 years of pointing out all the stupidity that the Bonespurs paper president unleashes. All the people he hires and fires. All the countries he pronounces wrong, all the people he mixes up. Including his wife again. All the stumbling and bumbling he's going to do. All the lies he's going to tell. Pointing out all the lies he's already made and broken. (this has already started as we all know)Yep. Going to be 4 years of pointing all that out. It's going to be fun.

How much of this activity have you done the last fours years you total hypocrite?
There is some truth in this statement. Most of Germany’s political apparatus are on course for cultural and ideological suicide.
Just so we are clear here there's no excuse for this. He is trying to sabotage and undermine Democracies for his personal ambition and gain. He is a Menace and a terrorist pos and you an embarrassment.
Just so we are clear here there's no excuse for this. He is trying to sabotage and undermine Democracies for his personal ambition and gain. He is a Menace and a terrorist pos and you an embarrassment.

So you are willing to sacrifice western civilization and our values? For what? To not offend people and an ideology that is diametrically and explicitly opposed to ours?

And I’m the embarrassment? Look in the mirror Chis.
Just so we are clear here there's no excuse for this. He is trying to sabotage and undermine Democracies for his personal ambition and gain. He is a Menace and a terrorist pos and you an embarrassment.
How specifically does allowing free speech undermine any democracy? I think your PTSD and alcohol abuse is clouding your mind. You're just saying words with no understanding of their actual meaning. Kind of sad really.. i think I'm actually starting to pity you, chis.
They're a right-wing populist party in Germany. The party has attracted extremists from the sounds of it, but it's not exactly a neo-nazi party.

Remember, when the Nazi's were actually running in elections prior to taking power they had an issue agenda, they weren't running on kill all the jews and start by far the biggest and bloodiest war in the history of the planet. Those were results of the Nazi's getting power, advocacy for those policies was not how they attained power. Which is why people in a country like Germany are so scared shitless of AFD, they've experienced the results first hand.

The official AFD political program is similar to the Hitler Nazi political program. Hence, the "neo-Nazi" tag.
We've been pointing out biden's failures akd screw ups for years. There's many of them, which is why you got spanked so badly in the election.
Hey if somebody's screwing up badly then point it out. Which is what I'm going to be doing for the next 4 years, pointing out all of Bonespur's screw ups and lies. It's going to be great... but probably going to keep me busy! 🤣 I just hope all his screw ups don't hurt the country too badly. Make America great again! 🤣
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So you are willing to sacrifice western civilization and our values? For what? To not offend people and an ideology that is diametrically and explicitly opposed to ours?

And I’m the embarrassment? Look in the mirror Chis.
Wow. Talk about a response straight from the Nazi/Fascist rhetorical playbook. Actually, also straight from the Afrikaner playbook.
Remember, when the Nazi's were actually running in elections prior to taking power they had an issue agenda, they weren't running on kill all the jews and start by far the biggest and bloodiest war in the history of the planet. Those were results of the Nazi's getting power, advocacy for those policies was not how they attained power. Which is why people in a country like Germany are so scared shitless of AFD, they've experienced the results first hand.

The official AFD political program is similar to the Hitler Nazi political program. Hence, the "neo-Nazi" tag.
Actually the nazis, although they didn't use that name at the time, had a grand scheme to wipe out all the Jews and non-arians. That is documented back as early as 1919, almost as soon as they lost World War I. It just took them 10 years to get their apparatus and party in place, and find someone like Hitler, to launch it.
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Wow. Talk about a response straight from the Nazi/Fascist rhetorical playbook. Actually, also straight from the Afrikaner playbook.
Whuuuh? Western civilization is the embodiment of naziism/fascism? Pick up a history book. Western civilization saved the world from the Nazis.
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We've been pointing out biden's failures akd screw ups for years. There's many of them, which is why you got spanked so badly in the election.
Biden and crew did an excellent job when it comes to the economy.

In another year or two people are going to be longing for the good old days of 23 and 24, before the Trump/Musk chaos show took over.
Whuuuh? Western civilization is the embodiment of naziism/fascism? Pick up a history book. Western civilization saved the world from the Nazis.
LOL's. Somebody needs to read some real history.

Fascist movements in the west, ALWAYS, always pose as the defenders of western civilization. ALWAYS. It's one of the core schticks of fascism.