So Sick of this “Free Palestine” Crap

BothSidesBins doesn't care about Bibi's corruption he's pushing off because he's Prime Minister. BothSidesBins is a 🤡
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Some folks in this thread feel strongly about the death of innocent Palestinians going on in Gaza. Enough so to call out Israel. Just to ask: What are you posters doing about it?
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I can only be worried about one thing?
Just ignore them. They're the type of people who'd throw feces at the Breast Cancer Awareness booth while screaming:

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Went on a walk around Gray’s Lake/Waterworks park (DSM) this morning. Beautiful park, beautiful morning.

But “Free Palestine” sprayed on Fleur tunnel wall, the Gray’s Lake ped bridge, the bridge over the Racoon River.

Hey morons:

1). You don’t have a right to deface our beautiful public spaces.
2). Free Palestine? Yes, from Hamas!

Des Moines sucks!
My guess is no. He's either trolling using a terrible humanitarian crisis or complaining about the content of graffiti under a bridge. Neither clseems like next level thinking to me.

Having lived in the downtown area for about 10 years now (yes I know this isn't downtown but close enough down Fleur, it's adjacent by trail), if it wasn't "Free Palestine" it would be some other nonsense. People tag stuff around here sometimes. Someone will report it to the city and they'll clean it up. Rinse and repeat.

The hand wringing around here is obnoxious.
Even with the revised numbers we still have "7,797 children and 4,959 women killed and subsequently identified." You ok. With that many dead kids?
Absolutely! We must support the eradication of cowardly terrorists that use 7,797 children and 4,959 women as human shields and also believe in genocide of the Jewish people and who also would murder you for just for having a rainbow avatar.
Hamas hates Palestinian children so much that they use them as shields so they can launch rockets at Israel….
Definitely agree. Hamas is the bad guy hiding behind two kids thinking that Israel won't shoot. But then Israel does. And kills the kids. Bibi is a war criminal.
Absolutely! We must support the eradication of cowardly terrorists that use 7,797 children and 4,959 women as human shields and also believe in genocide of the Jewish people and who also would murder you for just for having a rainbow avatar.
Support killing them. 100%. But not by killing thousands of kids first. This isn't hard.
99% of the free Palestine crowd have literally no idea what they're protesting. It's nothing more than the popular left wing flavor of the month.
Just today's excuse to behave like animals and not be held accountable for it
Re lost that battle when they invaded the capitol.
Reminder that democrats assaulted and burned the capitol when trump won
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Enlighten me. What's actually going on in Gaza. In your own words.
Mass slaughter of innocent children and women. By both Hamas and Israel. Mass starvation. It's at famine levels. Some 70% of Gaza leveled. No cease fire. War crimes by both Hamas and Israel.

Now enlighten me. What do you think is going on.
I agree that it's bad. The same thing happened on October 7th but that's (d)ifferent.
What Hamas did was despicable. Shocking. And Israel has every right to wipe Hamas out. They desperately need to. But they also should under no conditions starve over a million people and kill thousands of kids to do so. That is equally shocking.
Pivot to what? I asked how you would fight the war? Please enlighten us with your vast military expertise!!!!!
I have no military expertise, genius. It doesn't take any military experience to know that killing so many kids is wrong. It's sick that you can't agree.

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