So the Harris is Stupid, Slurs her words, Cackles, can't handle a solo interview or a Press Conference Hot Takes........

Guessing you didn't watch the debate. Any concerns with Trump not answering any of the questions?

If you think standing on a stage for almost 2 hours actively listening to an opponent and taking that opponent to task for all his his lies, while integrating your own talking points, all the while not having some mannerism or tick that a fanatical opposition will attempt to seize upon is no big deal, you should go to law school. As far as not providing a direct answer to a question, that is what politicians do. See, for example, Trump's failure to answer direct yes/no questions on signing an abortion ban or supporting Ukraine.
I don’t get the fixation on not answering the question…it’s a common occurrence in debates as the essential strategy is to give abbreviated versions of your stump speech and avoid direct responses unless they’ve got the perfect response available. And that rarely happens because in those cases the moderators already know what the response is.

The other part is to try to knock the opponent off-balance and force mistakes. And lord knows Trump didn’t give many direct answers either.
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I don’t get the fixation on not answering the question…it’s a common occurrence in debates as the essential strategy is to give abbreviated versions of your stump speech and avoid direct responses unless they’ve got the perfect response available. And that rarely happens because in those cases the moderators already know what the response is.

The other part is to try to knock the opponent off-balance and force mistakes. And lord knows Trump didn’t give many direct answers either.

IMO, there are 2 things ongoing that are interrelated.......

1) He clearly lost the debate at almost every step. It started when she pinned him in the corner and forced a handshake. So they are grasping at straws to find ways that he was victimized
2) There is very little true and equal standards applied by the Republicans at this juncture. They are led and staffed by clueless numpties and have the same mentality my 10 year old does "why do I have to take a shower, she doesn't have to! <meanwhile the other kid was already showering>" They simply see the world as tilted against them no matter the situation. It is a HUGE part of the victim complex that they fake alpha male their way through.
I don’t get the fixation on not answering the question…it’s a common occurrence in debates as the essential strategy is to give abbreviated versions of your stump speech and avoid direct responses unless they’ve got the perfect response available. And that rarely happens because in those cases the moderators already know what the response is.

The other part is to try to knock the opponent off-balance and force mistakes. And lord knows Trump didn’t give many direct answers either.
Fixation of the viewers or the candidates? It personally drives me crazy when it is a simple yes or no question, and leaves it to the viewer to draw a negative inference. I do get it when there is nuance to something and the answer needs to be qualified, but to just give a completely non-responsive answer is quite irritating.
I liked her too especially after I watched her questioning Kavanaugh and Barr. I am very happy she is at the top of the ticket. Republicans and the media did a great job of making an intelligent competent person look like an idiot with their selective clips and reporting.
She blew me away in those hearings. She's is ridiculously smart and capable. And her campaign is proving that. She's been out there for two whole months and everything has gone as smooth as you can imagine. It's astounding how smooth actually. I can't remember a campaign that makes so few mistakes.
Fixation of the viewers or the candidates? It personally drives me crazy when it is a simple yes or no question, and leaves it to the viewer to draw a negative inference. I do get it when there is nuance to something and the answer needs to be qualified, but to just give a completely non-responsive answer is quite irritating.
It’s really rare tho to see a genuine yes/no question in a debate format - candidates have a couple minutes to respond so they’re expected to provide context to their answer.
It’s really rare tho to see a genuine yes/no question in a debate format - candidates have a couple minutes to respond so they’re expected to provide context to their answer.
How about: "If you are presented with an abortion ban, will you sign it?" That's as black or white as you can get. At least with a question like "Do you want Ukraine to win its war against Russia?", there is room for equivocation on defining "winning". But he didn't do that. He said he wanted it to end. The implication, combined with his adoration of Putin, complaining about its cost, and WW3, is that he will cut/eliminate funding, which means no.
If Kamala was so dumb, how did she trounce Trump so badly? How did she bait him so easily? If Vice President Harris is of average intelligence, she's way above average in poise, discipline, and execution. Even Fox News' lawyers laid out what she did as masterful prosecution strategy.
That’s your (and FOX News’s subjective take) - forgive my skepticism.

It’s really rare tho to see a genuine yes/no question in a debate format - candidates have a couple minutes to respond so they’re expected to provide context to their answer.
I would add that you can still give a general yes/no answer, and qualify it and provide context and potential exceptions. I would expect that. I don't expect a candidate, at this stage of the process and on that stage, to simply answer a different question that was not asked. Harris did it right of the gate too, which bugged me. But she looped back later in the debate and answered it then.
Fixation of the viewers or the candidates? It personally drives me crazy when it is a simple yes or no question, and leaves it to the viewer to draw a negative inference. I do get it when there is nuance to something and the answer needs to be qualified, but to just give a completely non-responsive answer is quite irritating.

If I had a nickel for every time a politician never answered a yes or no question, I'd have more money than trump has, or at least more than he says he has.

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