So, what's next for Barry?

Well, the way you state this YOUR narcissistic tendencies make a continuation of this conversation superfluous.

You can take the final word and declare yourself the winner. :rolleyes:

I'm gonna talk to this wall now. :cool:

Is that your self-portrait?
Will continue to hate Israel.

Will draw red lines with Michelle and then back down when they are crossed.

Will rail against guns and walls while being protected by guns and walls.
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Probably the Clinton blueprint to a degree. Get some cash rolling in with a book or two (while "making friends and influencing people"), then look for an available Senate seat to poach - where he should have stayed all along and ran in 2020 or 2024 instead of 2008. One like NY where a Democrat "political corpse" would still win handily.

Then, working to resuscitate his legacy.
Obama is currently at an approval rating of 55 percent. Trump hasn't even taken office yet and he's stumbling around at Obama's low point of Obama's eight years in office.
I want to see the question.