So when I goes to heaven will I


HB All-American
Sep 21, 2008
1. know if my significant other will make it and how will I handle it if he don t? How will you deal with it if it happens to u.
2. Or do u forget about your past life?
3. I would suspect there s alot of disappotment in heaven because your whole family ain t Makin it.
4. So what gives do ya have amnesia about your past or do ya remember?
1. know if my significant other will make it and how will I handle it if he don t? How will you deal with it if it happens to u.
2. Or do u forget about your past life?
3. I would suspect there s alot of disappotment in heaven because your whole family ain t Makin it.
4. So what gives do ya have amnesia about your past or do ya remember?
As soon as you get to heaven Tommy Lee Jones greets you with a memory wipe thingy. They say it’s St. Pete, but it’s actually Tommy Lee Jones.
1. know if my significant other will make it and how will I handle it if he don t? How will you deal with it if it happens to u.
2. Or do u forget about your past life?
3. I would suspect there s alot of disappotment in heaven because your whole family ain t Makin it.
4. So what gives do ya have amnesia about your past or do ya remember?
just for fun...
1. yes. you will care, but not that much relative to being in the presence of/communion with God
2. depends if you're shirley mclaine
3. my friend, as with most of humans, you are always giving way too little thought to the t-axis. there's a decent chance they'll make it, it's just that it may take a little longer.
4. See #2
Say you got an ACL replacement from a cadaver, when you get to Heaven, does he get it back?
This is why I chose to have them use a piece of my patellar tendon. I don’t want to risk having a gimpy knee for eternity.
1. know if my significant other will make it and how will I handle it if he don t? How will you deal with it if it happens to u.
2. Or do u forget about your past life?
3. I would suspect there s alot of disappotment in heaven because your whole family ain t Makin it.
4. So what gives do ya have amnesia about your past or do ya remember?
When you go to heaven?
i'd like to believe that when you die, you will be met by someone that will give you a logic, science, math, and reasoning test by looking at your life.
did you use these things and follow the golden rule = you pass. If you can't explain why you didn't use the brain given to you = you fail.

While i don't really think that will happen, it really isn't any less plausible than any religion has to offer. The fact people believe fairytales and made up stories from profits (yes on purpose) is beyond me.

The Death of Lazarus​

11 Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. 2 (This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair.) 3 So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.”

4 When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” 5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. 6 So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days, 7 and then he said to his disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.”

8 “But Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone you, and yet you are going back?”

9 Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world’s light. 10 It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.”

11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”

12 His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” 13 Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.

14 So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, 15 and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.”

16 Then Thomas (also known as Didymus[a]) said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.”

You will fall asleep.
If I die, and the love of my life finds another, then they die years later, do we have to have some sort of Mormon three-way relationship in Heaven? Or does she have to choose once everyone's up there. Like if I die, then she dies, then we hook back up in Heaven, then her second love dies, then what happens? Is he just SOL for all of eternity? And If I die today and she lives to be 98, do I have to live with her wrinkly ass for all of eternity if I die young(ish) and beautiful?
I got into a discussion about heaven with a religious coworker a while back. He goes to church at least twice per week, tithes his income, does mission work etc... and I asked him if he believed that his efforts would get him extra rewards in heaven. I used the example of someone who is Christian, believes in God, goes to church maybe a couple of times per year, doesn't write $20k+ checks to the church every year, and generally leads a good life vs him and his family. He is adamant that the more devout followers will basically be the equivalent of upper class in heaven. He backs his belief with bible verses of course. The part time Christians will be sweeping his floors in heaven.
He is adamant that the more devout followers will basically be the equivalent of upper class in heaven. He backs his belief with bible verses of course. The part time Christians will be sweeping his floors in heaven.

I’m curious what verses say this.

I’m a pretty devout Christian and I don’t believe any of this is true.
OP must not have believed the warning label on the package to only take one gummy and decided to go with the "Two Gummy Challenge" instead and is clearly losing.
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I’m curious what verses say this.

I’m a pretty devout Christian and I don’t believe any of this is true.

I'm tempted to ask him but I don't want to get into with him again. Doing some googling I can find verses that one could interpret the way he did. I don't think these are what he referenced. It was something to the effect of the more devout followers would be rewarded with a seat next to God and some other similar references.

It's like interpreting a poem. Different people will come away with different interpretations that can be wildly different.

Matthew 16:27

For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done.

Revelation 22:12

“Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.

Matthew 25:21

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
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I'm tempted to ask him but I don't want to get into with him again. Doing some googling I can find verses that one could interpret the way he did. I don't think these are what he referenced. It was something to the effect of the more devout followers would be rewarded with a seat next to God and some other similar references.

It's like interpreting a poem. Different people will come away with different interpretations that can be wildly different.

Matthew 16:27

For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done.

Revelation 22:12

“Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.

Matthew 25:21

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’

I’m going to be pissed if I’m a damn servant in the next life.
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1. know if my significant other will make it and how will I handle it if he don t? How will you deal with it if it happens to u.
In Randy Alcorn's book "Heaven," he suggests that we won't have the specific knowledge of whether our significant other will make it to heaven or not. Our focus in heaven will be on God, and we will trust His perfect judgment. If it were to happen, we would find comfort and fulfillment in our relationship with God and His ultimate justice.
2. Or do u forget about your past life?
[In the Bible] there is no explicit mention of forgetting about your past life in heaven. The focus is on the new and glorious life in God's presence, but the details of what we remember from our earthly life are not specified.
3. I would suspect there s alot of disappotment in heaven because your whole family ain t Makin it.
[In Heaven] there is an emphasis on the joy and fulfillment of heaven, and it doesn't dwell on the idea of disappointment regarding the fate of loved ones. Heaven is depicted as a place of perfect peace and happiness, with our focus on God and His presence.
4. So what gives do ya have amnesia about your past or do ya remember?
[In the Bible] there is no clear mention of amnesia or detailed information about what we remember from our past life when we enter heaven. The focus is on the glorious aspects of heaven and our relationship with God, rather than specific details about memory.

Lastly, I realize these threads are to poke holes in the belief system of Christians and that's fine, but (IMO), it is essential to recognize that the Bible and the Christian faith cannot be viewed through the lens of modern American culture. Renowned Christian theologians have emphasized the importance of understanding the context in which the Bible was written and not imposing contemporary perspectives on its teachings.

If one can believe in an almighty, sovereign creator, it is not unreasonable to accept that such a deity possesses wisdom beyond human comprehension. Ultimately, faith is a personal choice – one either believes, or they don't. The Bible is primarily intended for Christians and should not be used to dictate morality to non-believers. Instead, individuals must make their own choices regarding faith and belief. A Christian's true purpose stems from allowing the Holy Spirit to shine through them, rather than imposing their beliefs on others.
In Randy Alcorn's book "Heaven," he suggests that we won't have the specific knowledge of whether our significant other will make it to heaven or not. Our focus in heaven will be on God, and we will trust His perfect judgment. If it were to happen, we would find comfort and fulfillment in our relationship with God and His ultimate justice.

[In the Bible] there is no explicit mention of forgetting about your past life in heaven. The focus is on the new and glorious life in God's presence, but the details of what we remember from our earthly life are not specified.

[In Heaven] there is an emphasis on the joy and fulfillment of heaven, and it doesn't dwell on the idea of disappointment regarding the fate of loved ones. Heaven is depicted as a place of perfect peace and happiness, with our focus on God and His presence.

[In the Bible] there is no clear mention of amnesia or detailed information about what we remember from our past life when we enter heaven. The focus is on the glorious aspects of heaven and our relationship with God, rather than specific details about memory.

Lastly, I realize these threads are to poke holes in the belief system of Christians and that's fine, but (IMO), it is essential to recognize that the Bible and the Christian faith cannot be viewed through the lens of modern American culture. Renowned Christian theologians have emphasized the importance of understanding the context in which the Bible was written and not imposing contemporary perspectives on its teachings.

If one can believe in an almighty, sovereign creator, it is not unreasonable to accept that such a deity possesses wisdom beyond human comprehension. Ultimately, faith is a personal choice – one either believes, or they don't. The Bible is primarily intended for Christians and should not be used to dictate morality to non-believers. Instead, individuals must make their own choices regarding faith and belief. A Christian's true purpose stems from allowing the Holy Spirit to shine through them, rather than imposing their beliefs on others.
wrong: it can not be viewed through the lens of logic.
So what I get is nobody has a clue. One dudes says u only go to worship God and do as he says. Do u age in heaven do u mingle with other inhalants, what fun thing do ya get to do. At least the Muslims say ya might get laid by a bunch of virgins
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If I somehow end up in Heaven and the (no pic) wife and kids end up “downstairs,” I will demand a transfer. I can’t imagine spending eternity having them suffering and me not suffering along with them. What husband/father could?
So what I get is nobody has a clue. One dudes says u only go to worship God and do as he says. Do u age in heaven do u mingle with other inhalants, what fun thing do ya get to do. At least the Muslims say ya might get laid by a bunch of virgins
I tend to reference Randy Alcorn's book Heaven a lot because it's the most exhaustive book I've read on the topic. I've also read Imagine Heaven which explores NDEs (the most compelling argument in favor of life after death I've read).

In Randy's book he explores various aspects of Heaven based on Biblical principles and Christian theology. I can take a shot at answering your questions based on that research.
  1. Do you only worship God in Heaven and do as He says? Yes, worshiping God is a central aspect of Heaven. In Heaven, we will be in the presence of God, and worship is part of that, but don't limit your thinking to ritualistic procedure; it's a deep and joyful expression of love and gratitude towards God.
  2. Do you age in Heaven? It's suggested that there is no aging or decay in heaven. Instead, the Bible speaks of believers receiving glorified, imperishable bodies in Heaven (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). These resurrected bodies are described as being free from the effects of aging, disease, and decay. So, the idea is that individuals in Heaven enjoy eternal youth and perfect health. (I imagine us at our peak; mid-late 20s)
  3. Do you mingle with other people? Yes, heaven is often depicted as a place of community and fellowship. We will be reunited with loved ones who have also placed their faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible speaks of a great multitude from every nation and language standing before the throne of God (Revelation 7:9), indicating a diverse and inclusive community in Heaven.
  4. What fun things do you get to do in Heaven? I find it funny that we can believe in a God that can create an awe-inspiring Universe, then put limitations on Him that Heaven will be boring; just a bunch of drones playing harps on a cloud for all eternity. Heaven is a place of joy and fulfillment. There will be various enjoyable activities in Heaven (like exploring the vast universes). Heaven (and the New Earth) will be a place of unimaginable beauty, where people may engage in creative pursuits, explore God's creation, and experience a deep sense of contentment and joy. The specifics of these activities are not detailed in the Bible but are generally understood to be in line with God's character and purpose for His people.
IMO, people limit themselves when they try to comprehend Heaven using modern viewpoints of what matters in life and constitutes "fun". God can create the intricacies of the human body and experience, but I bet he blows it when creating the afterlife. If I'm going to go all crazy in believing in the magic spaghetti monster in the sky, I'm going ALL in on an incomprehensible afterlife as well.
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If I somehow end up in Heaven and the (no pic) wife and kids end up “downstairs,” I will demand a transfer. I can’t imagine spending eternity having them suffering and me not suffering along with them. What husband/father could?
I find these interesting:

If I somehow end up in Heaven and the (no pic) wife and kids end up “downstairs,” I will demand a transfer. I can’t imagine spending eternity having them suffering and me not suffering along with them. What husband/father could?
I agree, I can't imagine being in a place so wonderful that I would not care about the fate of my loved ones. If that's true it sounds like we will become self absorbed jerks if we get to heaven.
I got into a discussion about heaven with a religious coworker a while back. He goes to church at least twice per week, tithes his income, does mission work etc... and I asked him if he believed that his efforts would get him extra rewards in heaven. I used the example of someone who is Christian, believes in God, goes to church maybe a couple of times per year, doesn't write $20k+ checks to the church every year, and generally leads a good life vs him and his family. He is adamant that the more devout followers will basically be the equivalent of upper class in heaven. He backs his belief with bible verses of course. The part time Christians will be sweeping his floors in heaven.
God sounds like a kind of vengeful and self righteous prick.
I got into a discussion about heaven with a religious coworker a while back. He goes to church at least twice per week, tithes his income, does mission work etc... and I asked him if he believed that his efforts would get him extra rewards in heaven. I used the example of someone who is Christian, believes in God, goes to church maybe a couple of times per year, doesn't write $20k+ checks to the church every year, and generally leads a good life vs him and his family. He is adamant that the more devout followers will basically be the equivalent of upper class in heaven. He backs his belief with bible verses of course. The part time Christians will be sweeping his floors in heaven.
There will be varying degrees of responsibility and privilege in the eternal kingdom, but this is not based on an earthly class system. The Bible suggests that believers will receive rewards in Heaven based on their faithfulness and the good works they have done on Earth, but these rewards are not meant to create an upper-class and lower-class division among people in Heaven. Instead, they are seen as a way for God to acknowledge and honor the faithful service and obedience of His children.

In simpler terms, rewards in Heaven are not about personal status or pride but are intended to bring glory to God. Those who are faithful with what they have been entrusted with on Earth may be given greater responsibilities in Heaven to serve and govern in alignment with God's purposes. Again, you can't judge everything through American culture. We live in a very me-centric society.
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Is there beer in heaven?
From what I've heard, no.

Alcohol in Heaven or the New Earth is not explicitly addressed in the Bible. In fact, it does not provide detailed descriptions of the specific foods or beverages available in the afterlife. Some Christians believe there will be no need or desire for alcohol in the presence of God, while others think there could be a place for enjoyment and celebration, including the consumption of alcoholic beverages, in a responsible and Godly manner. Man, I'm pretty much open to all amazing possibilities. God knows the nature of the human heart and will be able to fulfil said desires better than anything we could imagine.

I read Matthew Perry's book and it was interesting that nothing he tried, alcohol, pills, fame, etc. could ever truly fill the emptiness he felt. It's my belief God is the only thing that can truly fulfill us; everything else is fleeting. It's human nature. I call it the "New Car Smell" syndrome--eventually it [whatever your "it" is] fades away and you have to replace it with something else.
the answers to op’s questions are illustrated really well by birgitte and gaidal in robert jordan’s wheel of time series
i'd like to believe that when you die, you will be met by someone that will give you a logic, science, math, and reasoning test by looking at your life.
did you use these things and follow the golden rule = you pass. If you can't explain why you didn't use the brain given to you = you fail.

While i don't really think that will happen, it really isn't any less plausible than any religion has to offer. The fact people believe fairytales and made up stories from profits (yes on purpose) is beyond me.
Well if you think it’s all a fairytale then haven’t you already “failed the test”? Why are you bothering to comment at all?
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