Socialist Venezuela is enjoying 510% Inflation


HB King
Aug 14, 2002
The Foundation for Economic Education reports that Venezuela’s bolivar is collapsing and its annual implied inflation rate has soared to 510%:

Using black-market exchange rate data that The Johns Hopkins-Cato Institute Troubled Currencies Project has collected over the past year, I estimate Venezuela’s current annual implied inflation rate to be 510%. This is the highest rate in the world. It’s well above the second-highest rate: Syria’s, which stands at 84%.

This follows on the heels of the Cato Institute's report in April that Venezuela had "truly achieved socialism": "shortages, queues, black markets, and official theft."

Mission accomplished.
I don't agree with Socialism, but, Venezuela is actually a dictatorship, and not practicing true Socialism.
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The US does not practice true Democracy either

No. It's intended to be a Republic.

However, we do practice true Socialism in spots. Like Indian Reservations.

Amish Colonies would be another example, but unlike Indian reservations the collective has private property ownership and has to work for what they share.
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No. It's intended to be a Republic.

However, we do practice true Socialism in spots. Like Indian Reservations.

Amish Colonies would be another example, but unlike Indian reservations the collective has private property ownership and has to work for what they share.
And before gambling came along the reservations were a mess also which further proves Socialism does not work