Soldier salute

Are the brackets coming out today? Or is this a day of "seating" deal?
From a Flo article about Nelson Brands:

Soldier Salute Lineup​

Brands said he expected 27 Iowa wrestlers, including three who will wrestle unattached, will compete in this weekend’s Soldier Salute in Coralville.

Brands hopes the tournament could help solidify Iowa’s lineup heading into the final three months of the season.
3 wrestlers competing unattached? How many Ferrari bros are there again?
Can post grads compete or is that disallowed now? Still remember Schwab vs Ironside at Midlands.

Also, is there a schedule published anywhere? Sorry for my lazy-ness.

Looks like McKee and Salazar will be there. No Blockhus
Glad we’re sending what we’re able. I was really hoping we’d get to show off our true freshman 133 Tyler Wells, but I believe he’s wrestled 4 events and they want to save him for a big ten dual? Glad Max McEnelly and Gavin Nelson are going. These three have a very very bright future.
I was half joking. They aren’t technically Iowa wrestlers yet, so Brands wouldn’t count them as unattached. All 3 could compete unattached however. In his last interview Angelo said he was planning on competing in some college opens. So maybe
Do you know what weight Angelo would wrestle at?
Here's a list I've put together so far. I put all the Iowa guys in, not sure who all is going. And I believe Columbia is sending their starters, but didn't add them in to the weights yet. The rankings are Wrestlestat rankings

11-Drake Ayala So-Iowa 9-1
16-Jore Volk So-Wyoming 6-3
19-Patrick McKee Sr-Minnesota 4-1
32-Spencer Moore So-North Carolina 9-2
62-Ethan Perryman Fr-Iowa State 3-2
101-Joey Cruz Fr-Iowa 6-3
135-Brandon Morvari Rs-Minnesota 2-4
142-Quincy Hulverson Fr-Minnesota 1-4
160-Marco Tocci Rs-North Carolina 1-0
215-Aiden Harris Jr-Iowa 0-0
219-Blake Giomio Rs-Iowa State 0-1
248-Charles Matthews Jr-Iowa 0-0

18-Brody Teske Sr-Iowa 4-2
35-Cullan Schriever Jr-Iowa 1-0
43-Garrett Ricks Jr-Wyoming 3-1
57-Jager Eisch Jr-Minnesota 7-2
72-Cooper Birdwell So-Wyoming 5-6
74-Jake Gliva Sr-Minnesota 0-0
82-Jace Rhodes Fr-Iowa 4-1
87-Caden McCrary So-North Carolina 5-4
92-Jace Palmer Jr-North Carolina 3-2
100-Jesse Ybarra Jr-Iowa 5-1
120-Josh Kyle Jr-Wyoming 2-1
213-David Saenz Jr-Wyoming 1-2
214-Kale Peterson Rs-Iowa 0-0

1-Real Woods Sr-Iowa 5-0
5-Lachlan McNeil So-North Carolina 11-1
31-Vance Vombaur So-Minnesota 6-1
52-Cole Brooks Fr-Wyoming 7-2
81-Ben Lunn Jr-Minnesota 2-3
109-Stockton O’Brien Jr-Wyoming 2-3
183-Warren Carr Jr-Wyoming 0-0
193-Cade Siebrecht Fr-Iowa 0-0
240-Rhett Koenig Rs-Minnesota 0-1

?-Anthony Ferrari 5-0
14-Victor Voinovich So-Iowa 7-2
15-Gabe Willochell So-Wyoming 8-4
46-Drew Roberts So-Minnesota 13-2
67-Jayden Scott Fr-North Carolina 7-5
81-Caleb Rathjen So-Iowa 6-1
91-Leif Schroeder Jr-Iowa 0-0
92-Joel Jesuroga Fr-Iowa 8-3
105-Wil Guida Jr-North Carolina 2-1
114-Bretli Reyna So-Iowa 0-0
125-Theo Cha Jr-Minnesota 2-5
129-Connor Alexander Jr-North Carolina 1-0
172-Aidan Noonan So-Wyoming 2-2
252-Ryder Block Rs-Iowa 0-0
269-Koye Grebel Rs-Iowa 0-1

6-Jared Franek Sr-Iowa 10-0
13-Paniro Johnson Iowa State 1-0
27-Cobe Siebrecht Iowa 0-0??
32-Jason Kraisser Sr-Iowa State 5-3
60-Danny Nini Fr-North Carolina 3-4
69-Sloan Swan Rs-Wyoming 1-2
75-Carter Martinson Fr-Iowa 3-1
106-Sonny Santiago Jr-North Carolina 2-2
114-Cooper Voorhees So-Wyoming 4-6
157-Sebas Swiggum Jr-Minnesota 3-5
170-Kyler Wong Rs-Minnesota 2-5
227-Christian Stanek Fr-Iowa State 1-2
244-Logan Stotts Rs-Iowa State 0-0
272-Isaiah Fenton Rs-Iowa 5-1

7-Mikey Caliendo So-Iowa 9-1
27-Blaine Brenner So-Minnesota 10-3
62-Connor Eaton Fr-Iowa State 4-1
83-Hunter Lyden Fr-Minnesota 7-3
89-Drake Rhodes Fr-Iowa 8-2
118-Isaias Estrada Jr-North Carolina 3-7
132-Marcus Murabito Fr-North Carolina 3-6
163-Brett McINtosh Jr-Wyoming 2-6
173-Tim Stapleton Jr-Minnesota 3-8
175-Carson Martinson Fr-Iowa 4-2
212-Sebastian Robles So-Iowa 0-0

8-Patrick Kennedy So-Iowa 2-1
9-Gabe Arnold Rs-Iowa 7-0
35-Tyler Eischens Sr-North Carolina 0-0
66-Cade Schmidt Jr-Iowa State 1-2
89-Devin Wasley Fr-Minnesota 2-2
230-Colby Huynh Sr-Wyoming 0-0
251-Will Carano So-Iowa 4-2

8-Isaiah Salazar Jr-Minnesota 8-1
15-Max McEnelley Rs-Minnesota 9-0
18-Gavin Kane Jr-North Carolina 7-3
61-Aiden Riggins Fr-Iowa 6-3
98-Quayin Short So-Wyoming 1-5
134-Tyce Raddon Jr-Wyoming 0-2
155-Aidan McCain Fr-Iowa 1-1

21-Joey Novak Fr-Wyoming 9-6
25-Zach Glazier Jr-Iowa 9-0
28-Garrett Joles Sr-Minnesota 9-2
37-Gavin Nelson Rs-Minnesota 6-4
46-Kolby Franklin Fr-Iowa 0-0
49-Gabe Nagel So-Minnesota 3-1
197-McCrae Hagarty Rs-Iowa State 1-3
205-Rowan Udell Fr-Iowa State 1-4
226-Cole Carlucci Fr-Iowa State 0-2

28-Bennett Tabor So-Minnesota 10-2
53-Bradley Hill Fr-Iowa 7-3
64-Kevin Zimmer Fr-Wyoming 5-4
72-Cade Lautt Jr-North Carolina 5-4
81-Gage Marty Fr-Iowa 4-1
84-Nate Schon Fr-Iowa State 1-0
177-Easton Fleshman Fr-Iowa 4-1

Columbia Starters
125-#33 Nick Babin Sr 5-7
133-#21 Angelo Rini Sr 6-1
141-#23 Kai Owen So 5-5
149-#112 Richard Fedalen So 2-4
157 #70 Jaden Le Jr 5-6
165 #20 Joshua Ogunsanya Sr 2-2
174 #23 Lennox Wolak Sr 1-1
184 #28 Aaron Ayzerov Jr 5-6
197 #66 Jack Wehmeyer So 7-5
285 #119 Willam McChesney So 2-5
some definite positives but overall not really the brackets I was hoping for.
Just looked at midlands. 400 participants, several major teams with tons of starters. Seems they have got it back! Yes fan of midlands because of history…particularly iowas dominance as well as the level of compitition. I dont mind SS but not same weekend. Imo i dont think SS ever matches midlands if on same weekend.
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