Something’s Rotten About the Justices Taking So Long on Trump’s Immunity Case


HB King
May 29, 2001
By Leah Litman
Ms. Litman is a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, a host of the “Strict Scrutiny” podcast and a former clerk to the Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy.

For those looking for the hidden hand of politics in what the Supreme Court does, there’s plenty of reason for suspicion on Donald Trump’s as-yet-decided immunity case given its urgency. There are, of course, explanations that have nothing to do with politics for why a ruling still hasn’t been issued. But the reasons to think something is rotten at the court are impossible to ignore.
On Feb. 28, the justices agreed to hear Mr. Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution on charges that he plotted to subvert the 2020 election. The court scheduled oral arguments in the case for the end of April. That eight-week interval is much quicker than the ordinary Supreme Court briefing process, which usually extends for at least 10 weeks. But it’s considerably more drawn out than the schedule the court established earlier this year on a challenge from Colorado after that state took Mr. Trump off its presidential primary ballot. The court agreed to hear arguments on the case a mere month after accepting it and issued its decision less than a month after the argument. Mr. Trump prevailed, 9-0.
Nearly two months have passed since the justices heard lawyers for the former president and for the special counsel’s office argue the immunity case. The court is dominated by conservatives nominated by Republican presidents. Every passing day further delays a potential trial on charges related to Mr. Trump’s efforts to remain in office after losing the 2020 election and his role in the events that led to the storming of the Capitol; indeed, at this point, even if the court rules that Mr. Trump has limited or no immunity, it is unlikely a verdict will be delivered before the election.
The immunity case is not the only big case hanging fire. Some two dozen remain undecided that were argued even before the April 25 oral argument over Mr. Trump’s immunity. A case on gun rights for domestic abusers under a restraining order was argued in November; cases involving the power of federal agencies and a multibillion-dollar settlement for opioid victims were heard in December and January; the court also has yet to decide whether upwind states must cut emissions that affect the air quality in downwind states. That case was argued in February.

The court is a busy place, though the justices are completing decisions at the second slowest rate since the 1946 term, according to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal. The court tries to wrap up its business for the term that began in October by the end of June. It’s not shocking that cases argued later in the term end up being decided later, especially because by the end of April, when the immunity case was heard, the court was still working to finish cases argued months earlier. April was also among the court’s busiest months: The justices heard 10 cases.
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But these seemingly mundane, process explanations overlook some of the particulars in the immunity case. Mr. Trump’s lawyers put together a set of arguments that are so outlandish they shouldn’t take much time to dispatch. Among them is the upside-down claim that, because the Constitution specifies that an officer who is convicted in an impeachment proceeding may subsequently face a criminal trial, the Constitution actually requires an impeachment conviction before there is any criminal punishment.
That gets things backward: The Constitution confirms that impeachment is not a prerequisite to criminal prosecution. And yet Mr. Trump’s lawyers continued to take the untenable position, in response to questioning, that a president who orders the assassination of a political rival could not face criminal charges (absent impeachment by the House and conviction in the Senate).
It does not take weeks to explain why these arguments are wrong.
In 1974, the Watergate special prosecutor squared off against President Richard Nixon over his refusal to release Oval Office tape recordings of his conversations with aides. Nixon argued that he was immune from a subpoena seeking the recordings. Last year, Steve Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, looked at how long that case took once it reached the Supreme Court on May 31 of that year. The justices gave the parties 21 days to file their briefs, and then 10 days to respond. Oral argument was held on July 8. Sixteen days later, on July 24, the court issued its 8-0 decision ordering Nixon to turn over the tapes. The chief justice, Warren Burger, who had been nominated to the court by Nixon, wrote the opinion. Total elapsed time: 54 days. Nixon subsequently resigned.
As of Tuesday, 110 days had passed since the court agreed to hear the Trump immunity case. And still no decision.


This court has lost the benefit of the doubt for myriad reasons, including its willingness to act quickly in cases that benefit Republican interests. In addition to the disqualification case, two and a half years ago, the court scheduled a challenge to the Biden administration’s test-or-vaccinate policy two weeks after the justices decided to hear it, and then issued a decision invalidating the policy less than one week later.
In a case in South Carolina decided by the court 6-3 in May, it was not speed but sloth that aided Republicans. The court allowed the state to continue using a 2021 congressional map that a lower court had found was an unconstitutional racial gerrymander. Both parties in the case had asked the court to rule by Jan. 1; when no decision was issued by mid-March, a district court panel ordered the contested map to be used in this fall’s election.
In the immunity case, the question before the court is this: “Whether and if so to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office.”
In addressing that question, the court could follow a path well charted in other cases and rule narrowly. The justices need not resolve anything and everything related to presidential immunity. It would be enough to conclude that whatever the precise bounds of presidential immunity, it doesn’t extend to orchestrating a monthslong effort to overturn the valid results of a presidential election.
Even if presidents enjoy some immunity for official acts, plotting to remain in office while continuing to question the results of an election they clearly lost isn’t one of them.
I saw a great discussion Maddow had on this last night, she said effectively SCOTUS has granted trump immunity by delaying so long, if he is elected. He would now be able to pardon himself for any federal crimes and he will as president ignore anything NY wants to do as far as probation or prison if elected. She said this is really the first time we have two very compromised and unethical justices and Roberts is not doing his job as Chief Justice. Really sad time for the country.
They're debating whether or not Trump can in fact shoot someone in the street and get away with it as the litmus test for absolute immunity. Alito and Thomas have already stated they believe that he can and recommend a semi automatic rifle with a bump stock if the opportunity presents itself.
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I saw a great discussion Maddow had on this last night, she said effectively SCOTUS has granted trump immunity by delaying so long, if he is elected. He would now be able to pardon himself for any federal crimes and he will as president ignore anything NY wants to do as far as probation or prison if elected. She said this is really the first time we have two very compromised and unethical justices and Roberts is not doing his job as Chief Justice. Really sad time for the country.
Well if the right down the middle non-partisan Maddow said it, it must be true.😆😂🤣
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"it doesn’t extend to orchestrating a monthslong effort to overturn the valid results of a presidential election.
Even if presidents enjoy some immunity for official acts, plotting to remain in office while continuing to question the results of an election they clearly lost isn’t one of them."

none of this happened. in real life.
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They're debating whether or not Trump can in fact shoot someone in the street and get away with it as the litmus test for absolute immunity. Alito and Thomas have already stated they believe that he can and recommend a semi automatic rifle with a bump stock if the opportunity presents itself.
Well hopefully if that is the case they rule before the election so Joe can “take care of business” if you know what I mean…
"it doesn’t extend to orchestrating a monthslong effort to overturn the valid results of a presidential election.
Even if presidents enjoy some immunity for official acts, plotting to remain in office while continuing to question the results of an election they clearly lost isn’t one of them."

none of this happened. in real life.
The hell it didn't.
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The hell it didn't.
pure fantasy. the courts cannot deal in pure fantasy.

facts are trump knew he won and had a bunch of proof. semi truck loads full of fake preprinted ballots for biden. the dems went in on january 6th and did a Reichstag fire to takeover from trump who actually won. that was the insurrection, by dems.

for a solid month and still to this day, trump said he won and dems cheated. when you have proof, it is not illegal to say what you believe.
pure fantasy. the courts cannot deal in pure fantasy.

facts are trump knew he won and had a bunch of proof. semi truck loads full of fake preprinted ballots for biden. the dems went in on january 6th and did a Reichstag fire to takeover from trump who actually won. that was the insurrection, by dems.

for a solid month and still to this day, trump said he won and dems cheated. when you have proof, it is not illegal to say what you believe.
Yeah. That's why Fox News paid 3/4 of a billion. Because their story about the election was true.
pure fantasy. the courts cannot deal in pure fantasy.

facts are trump knew he won and had a bunch of proof. semi truck loads full of fake preprinted ballots for biden. the dems went in on january 6th and did a Reichstag fire to takeover from trump who actually won. that was the insurrection, by dems.

for a solid month and still to this day, trump said he won and dems cheated. when you have proof, it is not illegal to say what you believe.
Man those aliens totally f*cked your brain…
What we have here is a two-tier justice system - one for Donald Trump and the other for the rest of us. The immunity case before the Supreme Court should have been determined in a matter of a few weeks after oral arguments were given. Also, it should have been a no-brainer for the Court to reject Trump's ridiculous claim for immunity for anything he did while in office. What we're getting here is an obvious drag-out from the Court to ensure the Jan 6 trial doesn't happen before the election. And ditto for the documents' case in Florida. Judge Cannon (Trump appointee) has recently declared she has "no set date" for the trial to begin. What a crock - this case has been on the burner for well over a year! ............ In the recently concluded Hush Money trial Trump was cited for contempt of court for breaking imposed gag orders no less than 10 times yet received no punishment except a mild verbal reprimand. Anyone else would have been jailed.
Dems…how dare R’s attack the judiciary in the Trump case.

Dems…the SC is totally corrupt!!!!

I mean.....there's been a whooooooole lot that's come out as fact about the SC that looks really damn suspicious. This is not a "both sides" thing like you're trying to make it to be. But once again, that's your thing.
It’s obviously a “both sides” thing 😁

Common denominator is both sides support the judiciary when the decisions go their way and attack it when it doesn’t.

Plain as day.
What we have here is a two-tier justice system - one for Donald Trump and the other for the rest of us. The immunity case before the Supreme Court should have been determined in a matter of a few weeks after oral arguments were given. Also, it should have been a no-brainer for the Court to reject Trump's ridiculous claim for immunity for anything he did while in office. What we're getting here is an obvious drag-out from the Court to ensure the Jan 6 trial doesn't happen before the election. And ditto for the documents' case in Florida. Judge Cannon (Trump appointee) has recently declared she has "no set date" for the trial to begin. What a crock - this case has been on the burner for well over a year! ............ In the recently concluded Hush Money trial Trump was cited for contempt of court for breaking imposed gag orders no less than 10 times yet received no punishment except a mild verbal reprimand. Anyone else would have been jailed.
proving my point, this is all pure fantasy. the courts rule on facts. exactly none of this is fact
That’s a nuanced response.

So SCOTUS isn’t actively running interference for Trump? Two-tiered system of justice? Lawfare?
Republicans have been practicing "lawfare" for well over 50 years. Many examples going back to the Abe Fortas days.
Are they attacking the court or are they suggesting that the 2 justices with spouses with the insurrectionist bent and organized January 6 caravans need to sit out any cases regarding their Dear Leader?
Kind of like how trump supporters attacked the manhattan judge who’s daughter worked as a Democrat consultant?
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Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden attacking the SC.

Did they lie about jury instructions and claim the judge allowed a non-unanimous verdict?

Did they lie about a Justice’s daughter posting a photo of a defendant behind bars?

Did they lie about a Justice prohibiting a defendant from attending his sons graduation?

Did they lie and claim a defendant was prohibited from testifying because of a gag order?

Did they repeatedly violate a gag order?

Did they threaten witnesses in a case before the Court?
They're debating whether or not Trump can in fact shoot someone in the street and get away with it as the litmus test for absolute immunity. Alito and Thomas have already stated they believe that he can and recommend a semi automatic rifle with a bump stock if the opportunity presents itself.
In a nutshell.
Did they lie about jury instructions and claim the judge allowed a non-unanimous verdict?

Did they lie about a Justice’s daughter posting a photo of a defendant behind bars?

Did they lie about a Justice prohibiting a defendant from attending his sons graduation?

Did they lie and claim a defendant was prohibited from testifying because of a gag order?

Did they repeatedly violate a gag order?

Did they threaten witnesses in a case before the Court?
Some people still think they can both sides Trump and Biden. It's truly incredible. "Moderates" are just the BEST.
Did they lie about jury instructions and claim the judge allowed a non-unanimous verdict?

Did they lie about a Justice’s daughter posting a photo of a defendant behind bars?

Did they lie about a Justice prohibiting a defendant from attending his sons graduation?

Did they lie and claim a defendant was prohibited from testifying because of a gag order?

Did they repeatedly violate a gag order?

Did they threaten witnesses in a case before the Court?
Holy shit
Some people still think they can both sides Trump and Biden. It's truly incredible. "Moderates" are just the BEST.
Just let him live in his little world where "BoTh SiDeS" can be mentioned during any discussion on any topic. I hate damn near all politicians, can acknowledge a "both sides" argument when there's one to be made. Hell, I've even been called out by "leftists" on here before for agreeing with a both sides post awhile back. But there's not one to be made here. He's just trying too hard because that's the character he plays here.
pure fantasy. the courts cannot deal in pure fantasy.

facts are trump knew he won and had a bunch of proof. semi truck loads full of fake preprinted ballots for biden. the dems went in on january 6th and did a Reichstag fire to takeover from trump who actually won. that was the insurrection, by dems.

for a solid month and still to this day, trump said he won and dems cheated. when you have proof, it is not illegal to say what you believe.

So Trump saying something - without offering a shred of proof - makes it a fact? And then offering alternate facts that defy what we saw with our own eyes on January 6 is…still proof?

I’m not saying that you’re in a cult, OiT, but you’re probably in a cult.

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