Spanish Language TV journalist shreds Trump and Stephen Miller's Venezuelan Crime Statistics vs US crime numbers cited in debate

Does Stephen Miller care about all the kids killed in school shootings?
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I think that's the first time I ever heard him speak. Seems like an awful guy. But he is with Trump, so that goes without saying I guess.
In a world full of scum bags and grifters, Stephen Miller is the worst of the worst. He is a truly awful human. He isn't in if for the money, or the access to Trump. He is in it to utilize the federal government as a cudgel against non-whites, women, Libs... He is a hate filled pocket of pus.
Side note, Dems really need to ratchet up their efforts on Spanish language outlets. Voters whose primary language is not English are susceptible to misinformation at a greater rate than voters whose first language is English. They are more susceptible to targeted misinformation on social media as they seek out information in their native language.