Spencer Interview

Go ahead and provide me the list of all the ruined lives and injured kids because they wrestled as true freshmen.....

Thanks in advance.

Not to speak for Tom but he can certainly produce the name of a kid who had surgery to repair a torn ACL in March.
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Go ahead and provide me the list of all the ruined lives and injured kids because they wrestled as true freshmen.....

Thanks in advance.
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I have done a complete 180 on this. At first I thought there was no way he would be healthy enough to wrestle, and if he was it would make the most sense to redshirt and bulk up and Iowa as a team will be down this year.

There are a lot of other factors though. An injury can happen, and we have seen it happen, in another year and cost a guy a season (Stoll). Would be nice to have that redshirt available then so you can actually compete at 4 national championships.

I also know from my own experience, that 4 years for some guys is enough. By my senior year I was glad I did not redshirt as I was ready for a change. 4 years of the same thing can mentally wear on people as well.

If Spencer and his family want to wrestle, then I'm looking forward to watch him this year.
I was originally against him wrestling this year as well - primarily because of injury recovery and size. It sounds like he is getting healthy much faster than expected. Is he a full sized 125? I certainly want him to make Iowa the best team it can be, but I also want him to have his best opportunity to be a 4 timer and reach his ultimate goals. I know TnT feel the same. If he is healthy but still significantly undersized, it still may be a good idea to sit this year. He has taken a few losses in his career not due to talent, but because he was giving up size/strength to guys like Fix and Suriano. If he is big enough and strong enough to go with Gilman, let him loose.

Has he put on some muscle and size to physically match guys like Tomasello and Suriano (and Fix if he gets down to 125)?