I was in the stands that night in Hershey watching closely. Did not pay any attention to what happened to Spencer after the match or on podium because I was occupied except for the rousing, over a minute, standing ovation that the crowd gave immediately after it's conclusion.
1) first of all, the fact that Spencer chose Iowa plays little or no factor in this story. I get it - we are on an Iowa forum - but the hammers above is right. It's a HS crowd and PA, while being big PSU fans - is the best HS wrestling state in the country. Sorry, if this offends, but it is. And it's avid. Half the people in the crowd wouldn't even know where he is going to college until they aren't reading about him in the paper's PSU wrestling recap.
2) any booing during the match from my vantage was directed towards stalling. Which get's boo'd all the time and voraciously in Hershey. And, honestly, Spencer was just trying to get out of there after the first period. Which was because of his injury, but that's not going to come into play at all when people are cheering on a highly anticipated match.
3) hammers is also right when he says that the cheering for DeSanto was because of the underdog slant. You should have heard the roar from the crowd when Resnick upset Hong in the quarters. And some have called this the greatest upset in PIAA state championship history. If Marstellar went down his SR year it would have been the same. Shit, when he almost went down in a Christmas tournament (Powerade) to Weircoch the place went bananas. And Chance was as revered as Spencer was in HS. Every bit.
4) can't comment on any "We Are's" directed towards Spencer as he walked off because I didn't hear any. I'm not sure how I could have as I have pointed out there was a one minute standing ovation for DeSanto pulling off the upset. There are tons of HS age kids in Hershey and I can no doubt seeing some endorphin-filled ones, high off of the event that just happened that are rivals or envious of Regional or Lee doing something like that. But, seriously, I see HS kids - and occasionally overzealous parents - do things like this at almost every highly charged dual meet.
I get it. The kid and his parents were obviously devastated and everything that happens then - well you can pick out anything negative coming your way and it becomes magnified. As I've related before, I've been there myself. A bad loss this fall in OT to a kid he's beaten multiple times before and after the match I'm calling his mother and telling her what an ass the kid's mother was as she was screaming the whole match and what a DB the opposing coach was as he was screaming at the ref. Meanwhile, I've met the kid's parents since and they are really great and really respectful. And the coach was someone my guy had wrestled for before and is a really great coach and really loves my guy. But it's much easier to say that now and the butthurt has subsided. And this is just over a stupid out of season 4 minute match. Not a state championship match in front of 10,000 people to cap off your legacy with your 4th state title and an undefeated career. It's a tough pill to swallow a loss like that and then have a stadium give a standing ovation like that after.
IMO this happens on a regular basis in wrestling, I see it all the time. It's just magnified because it's Spencer and it's a good angle for journalists to play up. Not really a lot to see here. Spencer will go down as one of PA's greats and is a fan favorite across the state.