Spencer Lee article

The comparison to how Gavin was treated on this forum to what happened live with Spencer is a false equivalency. Trying to say they were remotely the same is just BS.

I would readily admit every fan base has its jerks. But I have to say, and trying to be as objective as I can, if one goes to a supposedly neutral site, e.g. themat forum, it seems obvious as the nose on my face that one particular fan base - PSU - far exceeds all others when it comes to trying to slime others.

There are Minn fans, Okla St fans, MSU fans (okay, one anyway ;)), tOSU fans, ISU fans. But PSU stands out. I realize it is only a handful of posters (and we have some decent PSU guys posting over here), but they post frequently and end up polluting most any discussion. Personal attacks, ridiculing wrestlers coaches, schools, making up or revising incidents, digging up nothing stories and blowing them all out of proportion - it's the norm for those guys.

After a while it get gets nauseating. We are...:eek:
Nice blog! Spencer continues to represent himself well...incredible wrestler obviously, but with his kind of mentality, he should be successful in whatever he does in life!

I'll stay out of the other crap and simply state that it's sad that a HS athlete is ever booed no matter what the situation is! I doubt the negative treatment did anything but reinforce in his mind that he made the right decision and I also doubt that anything like that will motivate him more than he already motivates himself.

Congrats to you guys, Iowa got a true "face of the franchise" type of guy with Spencer!
Nice blog! Spencer continues to represent himself well...incredible wrestler obviously, but with his kind of mentality, he should be successful in whatever he does in life!

I'll stay out of the other crap and simply state that it's sad that a HS athlete is ever booed no matter what the situation is! I doubt the negative treatment did anything but reinforce in his mind that he made the right decision and I also doubt that anything like that will motivate him more than he already motivates himself.

Congrats to you guys, Iowa got a true "face of the franchise" type of guy with Spencer!

I agree with the above guy...there are Dbags in every group. But man...Spencer was huge to the state of PA and always represented well so all both wrestlers should have gotten was a standing O for their effort because it was an enthralling match with DeSanto's backstory and Spencer going out there with an injury.
I really think everyone is making a big deal about nothing. I am a pa guy who lives near Hershey. The crowd goes nuts any time an underdog wins. That is how PA is. I have seen it over and over and over. Do you guy's have any idea how hard everyone in the place rooted for undefeated Chance Marstellar to loose. At districts his senior year the place went nuts like he lost the super bowl just because someone finished a match and chance only won by a regular decision. Not sure why but that is how PA is.
I really think everyone is making a big deal about nothing. I am a pa guy who lives near Hershey. The crowd goes nuts any time an underdog wins. That is how PA is. I have seen it over and over and over. Do you guy's have any idea how hard everyone in the place rooted for undefeated Chance Marstellar to loose. At districts his senior year the place went nuts like he lost the super bowl just because someone finished a match and chance only won by a regular decision. Not sure why but that is how PA is.

Did you read the article? A lot of personal crap was yelled at Spencer that is complete BS! I truly believe that would never happen in Des Moines.
I really think everyone is making a big deal about nothing. I am a pa guy who lives near Hershey. The crowd goes nuts any time an underdog wins. That is how PA is. I have seen it over and over and over. Do you guy's have any idea how hard everyone in the place rooted for undefeated Chance Marstellar to loose. At districts his senior year the place went nuts like he lost the super bowl just because someone finished a match and chance only won by a regular decision. Not sure why but that is how PA is.

Wasn't Chance committed to OSU at the time? Not exactly a good example IMO.
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Believe what you want guys. Half the crowd at this place probably didn't even know Lee was heading to Iowa. Been going there a very long time. Many young fans and high school kids.
Believe what you want guys. Half the crowd at this place probably didn't even know Lee was heading to Iowa. Been going there a very long time. Many young fans and high school kids.

Things have changed...PA now has a college that is top tier. Spencer Lee is one of the best wrestlers to ever come out of the state and he didn't choose that college. While it was a decent wrestling school before, people understood if a kid wanted to go elsewhere. Spencer chose Iowa so I think a lot of folks enjoyed seeing him lose. He said it (the jeers included his family), multiple guys also know people who were there. Does that mean people didn't enjoy seeing the plucky underdog win for it's own sake? Heck no. PA is a great wrestling state with what I am sure are some great, classy fans. But it just wasn't a few hecklers.
All I am saying is if he was heading to Penn State they would have acted the exact same way. The rabid dog's at PA states want blood. Quite a few people at this place would love to see Penn State taking a beating , trust me.
Where are all the Penn State posters now? They seem to appear on every other thread.

I personally don't boo High School kids. That being said, I'm a 47 yr old adult. That being said when I played football back in the day, it was commonplace for people to jeer, boo, give it to a stud from the other team when they lose.

I would guarantee the majority of the people that gave Spencer the business that night were probably between the ages of 15-30.

The greats are always gonna get jeered when they lose. He should wear it as a badge of honor.

No ones ever been to a high school game and one team has a stud (any sport) and people yell over rated or some kind of rhyming chant? If not you haven't been around high school sports much

When I played and I was big in high school, a bunch of games when we would play opposing teams would chant "he's on steroids" every time I touched the ball.

Sounds like the young man hasn't been boo'd much if ever. Learning experience. If they're not booing you when you lose or mess up, you're probably not the stud you think you are.

That's how I see it
Nice blog! Spencer continues to represent himself well...incredible wrestler obviously, but with his kind of mentality, he should be successful in whatever he does in life!

I'll stay out of the other crap and simply state that it's sad that a HS athlete is ever booed no matter what the situation is! I doubt the negative treatment did anything but reinforce in his mind that he made the right decision and I also doubt that anything like that will motivate him more than he already motivates himself.

Congrats to you guys, Iowa got a true "face of the franchise" type of guy with Spencer!

Oh I've booed high school kids before haha I was also in high school and a kid flipped off the crowd after losing a match. Outside of poor sportsmanship, you should never boo a kid.
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I personally don't boo High School kids. That being said, I'm a 47 yr old adult. That being said when I played football back in the day, it was commonplace for people to jeer, boo, give it to a stud from the other team when they lose.

I would guarantee the majority of the people that gave Spencer the business that night were probably between the ages of 15-30.

The greats are always gonna get jeered when they lose. He should wear it as a badge of honor.

No ones ever been to a high school game and one team has a stud (any sport) and people yell over rated or some kind of rhyming chant? If not you haven't been around high school sports much

When I played and I was big in high school, a bunch of games when we would play opposing teams would chant "he's on steroids" every time I touched the ball.

Sounds like the young man hasn't been boo'd much if ever. Learning experience. If they're not booing you when you lose or mess up, you're probably not the stud you think you are.

That's how I see it
Ok then, you are either seeing it WRONG or just biased in what you think you are seeing. I played 4 sports, including football in HS and was pretty good in all 4, but more importantly one of my team mates was to be a world record holder, so pretty much a "stud". No one was booed. You cheer for your HS team and the players but you don't boo or jeer at a player when he loses. Sorry that's just wrong and NOTHING you can say will justify it or make it right.
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Ok then, you are either seeing it WRONG or just biased in what you think you are seeing. I played 4 sports, including football in HS and was pretty good in all 4, but more importantly one of my team mates was to be a world record holder, so pretty much a "stud". No one was booed. You cheer for your HS team and the players but you don't boo or jeer at a player when he loses. Sorry that's just wrong and NOTHING you can say will justify it or make it right.

As an AdULT I agree with you 100%!! But if you're telling me that in your high school the opposing student body didn't jeer, boo, rhyming chants, etc than all I can say is I grew up in a different world than you.

I'm saying there's a different take from an 35 yr old and older adult than 15-30 yr olds

If you're going to tell me you've never heard the chant "over rated" or some other type of rhyming chant at a high school game, I call BS
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As an AdULT I agree with you 100%!! But if you're telling me that in your high school the opposing student body didn't jeer, boo, rhyming chants, etc than all I can say is I grew up in a different world than you.

I'm saying there's a different take from an 35 yr old and older adult than 15-30 yr olds

If you're going to tell me you've never heard the chant "over rated" or some other type of rhyming chant at a high school game, I call BS
Call it whatever you want. I said no one deserves to be booed after losing. You stated jeering during a contest...or as some fans might call it, cheering, during the contest. Anyone, no matter what their age is wrong to boo a young person who has just competed well and lost. More likely to be booed or jeered when winning by the young "poor sports" fans in attendence....and yes have had a couple of bad experiences with away crowds after winning. This was a basically a neutral crowd and not a home and away type mentality. Really can not be justfied unless their was poor sportsmanship displaye by the athlete or his team. Was that the case here?
As an AdULT I agree with you 100%!! But if you're telling me that in your high school the opposing student body didn't jeer, boo, rhyming chants, etc than all I can say is I grew up in a different world than you.

I'm saying there's a different take from an 35 yr old and older adult than 15-30 yr olds

If you're going to tell me you've never heard the chant "over rated" or some other type of rhyming chant at a high school game, I call BS

You grew up in PA where that is expected, we get that. I watched a team that had won 6 straight state championships lose this year in the finals, I don't think I heard a boo. So maybe Iowa is a different world. Know which one I prefer.
There's so many scenarios studs get boo'd, jeered whatever and we all know it. It sucks when it happens to "your guy" but it happens all the time. Especially to a kid that comes across as cocky and TRUST me I'm not saying that in a negative way. I have nothing but respect for Spencer Lee.

I'm a PSU fan. Bo Nickal has the same type of Look. Call it a confidence, smirk whatever. He's a great kid as is Spencer but he has that look like "I can't be beat and I'm gonna laugh in your face if you truly think you can beat me" When Nickal lost last year to Martin, people went crazy, called Bo overrated, etc.

Some kids bring it on themselves (ex Gilman or Downey)

Then there are some that just keep their heads down, go to work and do their jobs and they never get boo'd (ex Clark)

Every situation is different. In this case he at a crowd closer to Desanto, he's the best wrestler in HS, going for his undefeated 4th state title, Desanto on a "vision quest,". You know Lee is cocky, confident whatever you want to call it, to go out with a torn ACL and honestly believe he can't be beat. That takes some brass stones. He loses. A Perect storm

I honestly believe if people knew he went out there with torn ACL, you would have people cheering Lee. But since they didn't know, it was David vs Goliath
You grew up in PA where that is expected, we get that. I watched a team that had won 6 straight state championships lose this year in the finals, I don't think I heard a boo. So maybe Iowa is a different world. Know which one I prefer.

Actually I'm from Jersey. Much worse
Oh I've booed high school kids before haha I was also in high school and a kid flipped off the crowd after losing a match. Outside of poor sportsmanship, you should never boo a kid.

Ok yeah, sometimes that's warranted...I was at a HS postseason tournament a handful of years ago and a kid in the finals punched his opponent and took a swing at the ref and charged the kid again after being held back - stuff like that deserves some boos.

That scene is actually on YouTube somewhere I think...

However, to boo a HS kid that's just out there chasing a dream and putting it all on the line in front of everyone - that's garbage! Injury or not, underdog or favorite, committed to your favorite school or your least favorite school...HS kids that wrestle hard and display good sportsmanship should never get that kind of treatment!
I was there...most everyone was cheering for DeSantos' victory because it was completely unexpected since Spencer TF'd him last year in the finals. Yet, if Spencer can't handle a simple WE ARE as he walks out then a different problem exists. Folks, get a grip...PA wrestling fans are true wrestling fans.
- I have been to PA states many times, including all of Lee's.
- I think a small portion of fans were rooting against Lee because of him going to Iowa.
- Anyone who boo'd him or said derogatory stuff to him is a piece of ****!
- I think the majority of fans were just rooting for a competitive match against Desanto(who was teching everyone all year) and started going nuts when it became a legit match. Then when people sensed there could be an upset "everyone" was rooting for the big underdog. And when Austin won the fans went nuts because he pulled off one of the biggest upsets ever.
- Many sporting events fans go nuts and start rooting for big underdogs, nothing new.
- Regardless Lee is going to be amazing at Iowa. I will root for him, except against PSU.
- Lee was my favorite HS wrestler to watch, in fact so much i have my younger son mimic much of his style of wrestling.
- Just my worthless opinion:)
I have a bet to make with the Penn State guests. Lets see who can find more negative posts about Gavin. I bet I can find more on your board than you can find here. If I win, you leave. If you win, I won't ever go back to your board. Deal?

There is no way I should win since Gavin was never committed to your school. Gavin didn't screw your school over. Gavin didn't do anything to ever deserve a negative word said about him on your board. Should be an easy win for you guys. Gavin screwed Iowa over so there should be pages of posts on here ripping him. You guys want to sack up and take the bet?
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I was at Lees state final match .. all of them and his loss this year was controversial BUT anyone who ever saw him wrestle before knew he wasn't at full strength and he was running on fumes...but he tried and tried...I loved his effort and his sportsmanship. I always ask people when they chant or post WE ARE.... when did you attend PSU?? ...driving by it or buying the T-shirt at Wally World doesn't ACTUALLY MEAN YOU WRESTLED FOR PSU.... and most of the wannabes sitting and booing were jack asses who couldn't wrestle their way outta the damn covers if they had to. I was so glad he signed to be a Hawkeye and how Brands treated him...the blogs details even made me more proud of the wrestling community that is evident in Iowa city. Hopefully he fires up the twitter and his cell and tells some the other PA guys to give the Black and Gold a good look.
Its actually sad when you boo anyone no matter the age. I've never booed anyone and never will. You boo because you are jealous.
Okay, while I agree with this in theory, some times it's a pretty tough thing to stick to. So I want to take a moment and confess to the two times that, as an adult, I boo'ed someone:
1- Iowa vs ISU, at Iowa a few years ago Gadson won his match afterwards gave a gesture to the crowd, I boo'ed, he threw his head gear and his coach dragged him off the mat. He cost his team a point. I believe it was my Boo that helped get Iowa that point.
2- Grapple on the Grid Iron - Chance vs Cooper - enough said.
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Have to admit, I boo all the time. When the opposing team, usually football and usually a rival comes on the field. I would boo a guy being a jerk but not after a's over with and our guy won.
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You grew up in PA where that is expected, we get that. I watched a team that had won 6 straight state championships lose this year in the finals, I don't think I heard a boo. So maybe Iowa is a different world. Know which one I prefer.
In small town Iowa you might find yourself thrown out if you say the wrong thing of say derogatory things toward an athlete. I guess if they choose to live that way in PA I am glad its a long ways away. I cant remember a time I have heard a HS athlete get booed except for poor sportsmanship.
There's been booing in wells for years.
St. John lost to nickels. I have never heard wells that loud. When Meeks took timeout or breath in finals match against perrion. This last year wells went crazy when brands almost lost to yank. I think fans wanted that match to go into overtime. Reed and Anderson two years ago. Also reed vs Lombardi but that was mainly at the ref. I have been to enough iowa duals and heard a lot of booing over the years. People like to see the underdog win at the high school state tournament. Also about people yelling stuff at state I remember the barn was crazy. People yelling at me before and after matches. I remember watching two families getting into fight in the stands at the barn.
well it's nicholson, but i hate being that made good point though yes some iowans do in fact boo at high school events.
i don't always boo, but when i do, i boo these guys -

I was in the stands that night in Hershey watching closely. Did not pay any attention to what happened to Spencer after the match or on podium because I was occupied except for the rousing, over a minute, standing ovation that the crowd gave immediately after it's conclusion.

1) first of all, the fact that Spencer chose Iowa plays little or no factor in this story. I get it - we are on an Iowa forum - but the hammers above is right. It's a HS crowd and PA, while being big PSU fans - is the best HS wrestling state in the country. Sorry, if this offends, but it is. And it's avid. Half the people in the crowd wouldn't even know where he is going to college until they aren't reading about him in the paper's PSU wrestling recap.

2) any booing during the match from my vantage was directed towards stalling. Which get's boo'd all the time and voraciously in Hershey. And, honestly, Spencer was just trying to get out of there after the first period. Which was because of his injury, but that's not going to come into play at all when people are cheering on a highly anticipated match.

3) hammers is also right when he says that the cheering for DeSanto was because of the underdog slant. You should have heard the roar from the crowd when Resnick upset Hong in the quarters. And some have called this the greatest upset in PIAA state championship history. If Marstellar went down his SR year it would have been the same. Shit, when he almost went down in a Christmas tournament (Powerade) to Weircoch the place went bananas. And Chance was as revered as Spencer was in HS. Every bit.

4) can't comment on any "We Are's" directed towards Spencer as he walked off because I didn't hear any. I'm not sure how I could have as I have pointed out there was a one minute standing ovation for DeSanto pulling off the upset. There are tons of HS age kids in Hershey and I can no doubt seeing some endorphin-filled ones, high off of the event that just happened that are rivals or envious of Regional or Lee doing something like that. But, seriously, I see HS kids - and occasionally overzealous parents - do things like this at almost every highly charged dual meet.

I get it. The kid and his parents were obviously devastated and everything that happens then - well you can pick out anything negative coming your way and it becomes magnified. As I've related before, I've been there myself. A bad loss this fall in OT to a kid he's beaten multiple times before and after the match I'm calling his mother and telling her what an ass the kid's mother was as she was screaming the whole match and what a DB the opposing coach was as he was screaming at the ref. Meanwhile, I've met the kid's parents since and they are really great and really respectful. And the coach was someone my guy had wrestled for before and is a really great coach and really loves my guy. But it's much easier to say that now and the butthurt has subsided. And this is just over a stupid out of season 4 minute match. Not a state championship match in front of 10,000 people to cap off your legacy with your 4th state title and an undefeated career. It's a tough pill to swallow a loss like that and then have a stadium give a standing ovation like that after.

IMO this happens on a regular basis in wrestling, I see it all the time. It's just magnified because it's Spencer and it's a good angle for journalists to play up. Not really a lot to see here. Spencer will go down as one of PA's greats and is a fan favorite across the state.
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I was in the stands that night in Hershey watching closely. Did not pay any attention to what happened to Spencer after the match or on podium because I was occupied except for the rousing, over a minute, standing ovation that the crowd gave immediately after it's conclusion.

1) first of all, the fact that Spencer chose Iowa plays little or no factor in this story. I get it - we are on an Iowa forum - but the hammers above is right. It's a HS crowd and PA, while being big PSU fans - is the best HS wrestling state in the country. Sorry, if this offends, but it is. And it's avid. Half the people in the crowd wouldn't even know where he is going to college until they aren't reading about him in the paper's PSU wrestling recap.

2) any booing during the match from my vantage was directed towards stalling. Which get's boo'd all the time and voraciously in Hershey. And, honestly, Spencer was just trying to get out of there after the first period. Which was because of his injury, but that's not going to come into play at all when people are cheering on a highly anticipated match.

3) hammers is also right when he says that the cheering for DeSanto was because of the underdog slant. You should have heard the roar from the crowd when Resnick upset Hong in the quarters. And some have called this the greatest upset in PIAA state championship history. If Marstellar went down his SR year it would have been the same. Shit, when he almost went down in a Christmas tournament (Powerade) to Weircoch the place went bananas. And Chance was as revered as Spencer was in HS. Every bit.

4) can't comment on any "We Are's" directed towards Spencer as he walked off because I didn't hear any. I'm not sure how I could have as I have pointed out there was a one minute standing ovation for DeSanto pulling off the upset. There are tons of HS age kids in Hershey and I can no doubt seeing some endorphin-filled ones, high off of the event that just happened that are rivals or envious of Regional or Lee doing something like that. But, seriously, I see HS kids - and occasionally overzealous parents - do things like this at almost every highly charged dual meet.

I get it. The kid and his parents were obviously devastated and everything that happens then - well you can pick out anything negative coming your way and it becomes magnified. As I've related before, I've been there myself. A bad loss this fall in OT to a kid he's beaten multiple times before and after the match I'm calling his mother and telling her what an ass the kid's mother was as she was screaming the whole match and what a DB the opposing coach was as he was screaming at the ref. Meanwhile, I've met the kid's parents since and they are really great and really respectful. And the coach was someone my guy had wrestled for before and is a really great coach and really loves my guy. But it's much easier to say that now and the butthurt has subsided. And this is just over a stupid out of season 4 minute match. Not a state championship match in front of 10,000 people to cap off your legacy with your 4th state title and an undefeated career. It's a tough pill to swallow a loss like that and then have a stadium give a standing ovation like that after.

IMO this happens on a regular basis in wrestling, I see it all the time. It's just magnified because it's Spencer and it's a good angle for journalists to play up. Not really a lot to see here. Spencer will go down as one of PA's greats and is a fan favorite across the state.

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If Marstellar went down his SR year it would have been the same. Shit, when he almost went down in a Christmas tournament (Powerade) to Weircoch the place went bananas. And Chance was as revered as Spencer was in HS. Every bit.

I could be mistaken but I am pretty sure that(Powerade) was in Cody's HS teams gym. Not arguing your point at all, just saying they were really going nuts as Chance faded and Cody came on a bit late, and it was all his hometown fans. IF it was in Chances home gym I am pretty sure that most of the fans would have not acted the same. Now in a neutral gym or arena...
Not a single Ohio person boo'ed DT when he chose to leave Ohio.

Just pointing it out.....
I could be mistaken but I am pretty sure that(Powerade) was in Cody's HS teams gym. Not arguing your point at all, just saying they were really going nuts as Chance faded and Cody came on a bit late, and it was all his hometown fans. IF it was in Chances home gym I am pretty sure that most of the fans would have not acted the same. Now in a neutral gym or arena...

Yes, and you just described a very similar situation to what happened this year in Hershey on a much larger scale. In a D3 gym, Spencer up then fading late.

Yes, you are correct - if it was in Kennard Dale's gym there would not have been the same reaction. If it was in Hershey, it would have been.
Gannon Gremmel and the Unicorn.

I'm still lost. I didn't know one of them was Gannon Gremmel, but who is "Unicorn"? And why do you relate them to booing? Apparently there's some back story - care to share?