Sports Illustrated is gone.........

Matt Bowen in Sports Illustrated "They Said It- "tackling Ron Dayne is like trying to tackle a freezer that fell down a flight of stairs".
I’ve had to dodge appliances tumbling down stairs more than once. It’s like Indiana Jones running from the boulder.
He's a pitcher, part yogi and part recluse. Impressively liberated from our opulent life-style, Sidd's deciding about yoga—and his future in baseball.
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This is the oldest issue I still have.

The Dealers roll to a title Led by 'J.J.' Johnson, Iowa's slick combo came on late with the acid to edge Purdue and take the Big Ten championship Joe Jares

In all of Iowathere is not a pigpen or a corncrib that is out of earshot of University ofIowa basketball broadcasts. Instead of a single "Voice of theHawkeyes," there is a whole chorus of voices emanating from Iowa City,Cedar Rapids, Davenport and Des Moines, all with announcers and sponsors oftheir own. One clear-channel station is so powerful that a transplanted Iowan,over the Rockies in California, has been driving to a spot near his home tolisten in.
I've got two framed SI Covers featuring the Hawks. One is DJK and the other is George Kittle.

I also got my one and only letter to the editor published.

The Uncle used to (maybe still does) collect SI mags. He had every one stating back in the 50's for decades.

I don't subscribe any longer, but had many years of reading enjoyment.
Did the internet kill it?
folks don’t read any more. Went the route of newspapers. Growing up...and I’m talking 60 years ago, fans anxiously awaited the postman bringing them their latest edition of Sports Illustrated and all its glossy color pics inside....that and Sporting News, and it’s gritty, ink stained tabloids format for baseball fans.
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folks don’t read any more. Went the route of newspapers. Growing up...and I’m talking 60 years ago, fans anxiously awaited the postman bringing them their latest edition of Sports Illustrated and all its glossy color pics inside....that and Sporting News, and it’s gritty, ink stained tabloids format for baseball fans.

I don't disagree with you, except 1 aspect. Folks do read, they just read differently these days. Everything we do on this site is reading (and writing). We also expect our news to be instant and brief. I do agree the attention span has decreased for sake of quick hitting headlines. There is also more interaction with the idea author these days vs being told the details.

Makes sense magazines are all folding, the format is simply outdated. Long stories. Week-long delays for "news". Detailed. People also think they know more than the "experts" these days. However, by listening to my grandfather, that isn't new; comment sections just allow folks to state the disagreement publicly vs grousing at the barber shop.

We may read less books, but I would submit with the internet, we read more. We may consume less valuable information though.