State of Mississippi closed for Confederate holiday and open on Juneteenth

Yeah. We won the Civil War….but should have had the backbone to demand we see it all the way through…dang John Wilkes Booth
So how come today, June 2023, most if not all of us this is the first time Confederate Memorial Day has come up? Never, ever effing heard of it. I do not care about a Juneteenth "holiday", but this is dumb, stupid and idiotic.
So how come today, June 2023, most if not all of us this is the first time Confederate Memorial Day has come up? Never, ever effing heard of it. I do not care about a Juneteenth "holiday", but this is dumb, stupid and idiotic.
Is that the only federal holiday you don’t care about?
So how come today, June 2023, most if not all of us this is the first time Confederate Memorial Day has come up? Never, ever effing heard of it. I do not care about a Juneteenth "holiday", but this is dumb, stupid and idiotic.

Seriously you've never heard of confederate memorial day?

Presidents of both parties used to send a wreath to confederate soldiers in Arlington on confederate memorial day.

It's only relatively recently that we've sort of decided we should stop celebrating traitors who fought in the name of enslaving human beings.
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