State your beliefs if you the following categories.


HR All-American
Gold Member
Apr 19, 2014

Don't adhere to any religion, and I don't think ANYONE on this planet has it right about where we came from when looking at the ENTIRE picture of how it happened.


Only if absolutely necessary, something humanity needs to grow past. Start using common sense, instead of just going with the plan.

Type of Government you prefer

Small, as less intrusive as possible, free from special interests, and most of all dispensable.

Sexual orientation, along with views of others outside your views.

I'm personally all about the women and that can't be changed. I don't care about others preferences for the most part. As long as it doesn't include children.

Race Relations

Obviously we've made some strides but it could be a lot better. Time to let go of the past, and time to address racial problems on ALL sides of the spectrum. Try to focus on the positives more than the negativs. Quit using it as a political tool. Give up on the idea that you can force people to get along.

Believe in Aliens?

Yes, would love to meet one...if I haven't already.

What conspiracy theories do you think may be true?

JFK for sure, Bin Laden dying well before the Seal raid for sure, 9-11(not really, but I do think the fact it happened is a failure of this government.)


Do not like it, think it's ability to see life as a statistic is dangerous, but I'm not one to tell anyone what to do with their bodies.

Left or Right or Neither

Neither, too many other options to stay within their limits.

Climate Change(care or not, believe or not, solutions to fix it if yes)

Definitely think we can improve on environmental issues, but also think Climate change is inevitable and man can neither stop it, or be the primary reason it happens. Climate has changed way before we had the 'ability' to make it happen. If there are solutions to help, then do it instead of bitching about it.

Is humanity going the right direction, yay or nay?

For the most part yes, it's certainly having it's problems still, but we aren't heading to armageddon just yet.

Feel free to add topics if you wish. Let's see what we are all about.

Christian but I don't believe the bible literally.


Only if absolutely necessary, something humanity needs to grow past. Start using common sense, instead of just going with the plan. I agree with you on this.

Type of Government you prefer

Small, as less intrusive as possible, free from special interests, and most of all dispensable. I do believe that some government is needed.

Sexual orientation, along with views of others outside your views.

I've been hetero since I first experienced the pleasure of a woman 52 years ago and the feeling just gets stronger. But I don't care what the rest of you do as long as you aren't doing it out in the street.

Race Relations

I get a little tired of politicizing race relations and that goes for both sides. That being said, I think it is slightly better than it used to be but not where it should be.

Believe in Aliens?

Yes, there are a few working in a packing plant I was involved in. Oh wait, you meant the other kind. I believe they are amongst us.

What conspiracy theories do you think may be true?

Weapons of mass destruction, JFK.


Against it except in the case of rape. We have too many contraceptives available for abortion to be necessary.

Left or Right or Neither

Neither, too many other options to stay within their limits. Well said.

Climate Change(care or not, believe or not, solutions to fix it if yes)

Definitely think we can improve on environmental issues, but also think Climate change is inevitable and man contributes to it. Not the sole reason but does contribute. I would like to see us stop the use of fossil fuels not only to slow climate change but to improve our general health and well-being.

Is humanity going the right direction, yay or nay?

Nay. Nothing has changed in recorded history.

Feel free to add topics if you wish. Let's see what we are all about.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:



Huh! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

Sometimes it's necessary. There was no other way to deal with Hitler, for one shining example.

Type of Government you prefer

Small, as less intrusive as possible, free from special interests, and most of all dispensable.

Sexual orientation, along with views of others outside your views.

To quote a famous British matron in the days of Oscar Wilde: I don't care what people do, as long as they don't do it in the road and scare the horses.

Race Relations

Obviously we've made some strides but it could be a lot better. Quit using it as a political tool.

Believe in Aliens?

I am open to the argument that life exists outside our planet. The more you think about it, the more likely it seems.

What conspiracy theories do you think may be true?

None of the more popular ones. I do think the officials in the Big XII favor Texas in football and Kansas in basketball.


The original Roe v Wade decision was probably a good compromise, albeit bad law. No government involvement the first trimester, but restrictions should be allowed after that point. The virtual lack of any regulation now is bad.

Left or Right or Neither

Right....or what passes for the Right in today's ratings.

Climate Change(care or not, believe or not, solutions to fix it if yes)

Definitely think we can improve on environmental issues, but also think Climate change is inevitable and man can neither stop it, or be the primary reason it happens. Climate has changed way before we had the 'ability' to make it happen. If there are solutions to help, then do it instead of bitching about it.

Is humanity going the right direction, yay or nay?

Compared to when? Overall, there's an underlying weakening in personal responsibility that I think is troubling and could eventually be fatal. In many specific ways, it's going in the right direction.

Feel free to add topics if you wish. Let's see what we are all about.
Religion / Athiest

War / only when neccesary

Government / very small and limited. Would prefer no government at all to what we currently have.

Sexuality / heterosexual, to each there own as long as no one is abused (except for masochists since they like that.)

Conspiracy / the government has been spying on us. Of course that's been proven now. I think it's quite possible that Bin Laden died on his own before we claimed to have killed him.

Abortion / pro choice

Politics / Libertarian. Hate the left and the right.

Climate change / in the middle, think extremist on both sides are dumb. Particularly those who don't know crap but call the other side dumb.

Direction of humanity / bad for us but a zero sum gain for the earth itself. The truth of the matter is that eventually we won't matter. The only reason we can even survive on the surface of this planet is because other creatures polluted it so bad that they no longer can. As The guy in Jurrasic park said, life will find a way.

Non-believer. However, I don't feel a need to argue with believers about it - they can think as they wish. I do celebrate Christian holidays and enjoy Southern Gospel music.


Don't think I can stop it, but it's normally a waste of time unless you're trying to actually defend your country or stop a crazy man.

Type of Government you prefer

As little as possible.

Sexual orientation, along with views of others outside your views.

Strong hetero, but I don't mind seeing two (or more) lovely ladies going at it. I don't think that's inconsistent - one woman is hot, two or more being naughtly is even hotter, imo.

I don't care what people do to each other in private, as long as it's not exploitive or dangerous.

Race Relations

We have lots of white guilt, much of it deserved, but we need to get past that at some point and move to real solutions.

Believe in Aliens?

There may be life on other planets, but I don't think they''ll ever show up here, unless our scientific understanding of space and time are way off.

What conspiracy theories do you think may be true?

Cats are clearly our rulers, dogs also, but to a lesser degree.


Early on it should be solely the woman's choice. However, at some point the fetus gains its rights as a human, and should be protected from that point forward. I don't know what that point is, but it's somewhere after the commencement of brain waves beginning.

Left or Right or Neither

Both on some issues, not registered with either party. Formerly registered as a Democrat until I became sickened by some of their stuff.

Climate Change(care or not, believe or not, solutions to fix it if yes)

Man is affecting the climate, although I don't think it's to the degree that some claim. I'm very skeptical about that. And, even if it were, I don't think we can turn things quickly enough to prevent it. Add in the fact that many of the proposed fixes would have devasating impacts on people's lives and livelihoods, and it makes me think it makes more sense to figure out how we can mitigate any problems than try to prevent them. It's become more political than scientific, and lends itself to groups to use to meet other goals/beliefs.

Is humanity going the right direction, yay or nay?

We're better than we were, but although I'm not a Malthusian, I do wonder if we don't need to dial back the birth rate a little.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Don't adhere to any religion, and I don't think ANYONE on this planet has it right about where we came from when looking at the ENTIRE picture of how it happened.

Practicing Christian and attend services regularly

Only if absolutely necessary, something humanity needs to grow past. Start using common sense, instead of just going with the plan.

Generally speaking. Only as a last resort but they are times(Hitler) when you see a thtreat builing and its better to hit that before it reaches full strength
Type of Government you prefer

Small, as less intrusive as possible, free from special interests, and most of all dispensable.

Very close to my beliefs. I would also add that the closer to the people the government is the better it is.
Sexual orientation, along with views of others outside your views.

I'm personally all about the women and that can't be changed. I don't care about others preferences for the most part. As long as it doesn't include children.

Can not improve on that but I still do get transgendered people.

Race Relations

Obviously we've made some strides but it could be a lot better. Time to let go of the past, and time to address racial problems on ALL sides of the spectrum. Try to focus on the positives more than the negativs. Quit using it as a political tool. Give up on the idea that you can force people to get along.

100% agree

Believe in Aliens?

Yes, would love to meet one...if I haven't already.

I agree. With the planets out there, there has to some that support life

What conspiracy theories do you think may be true?

JFK for sure, Bin Laden dying well before the Seal raid for sure, 9-11(not really, but I do think the fact it happened is a failure of this government.)

Conspiracy theories are generally a waste of brain power

Do not like it, think it's ability to see life as a statistic is dangerous, but I'm not one to tell anyone what to do with their bodies.

I am a little undecided right now but do believe strongly it should be strictly outlawed(with exception for life of the mother) after 20 weeks.

Left or Right or Neither

Neither, too many other options to stay within their limits.

Generally right but I do have a few libertarians ideas

Climate Change(care or not, believe or not, solutions to fix it if yes)

Definitely think we can improve on environmental issues, but also think Climate change is inevitable and man can neither stop it, or be the primary reason it happens. Climate has changed way before we had the 'ability' to make it happen. If there are solutions to help, then do it instead of bitching about it.

I do believe the normal course of the planet is climate change. Some times in history it has been much more dramatic than we see now. I do not believe mankind has any responsibility. I also believe a some point this current movement will be seen as one of the biggest hoax ever played on mankind.

Is humanity going the right direction, yay or nay?

For the most part yes, it's certainly having it's problems still, but we aren't heading to armageddon just yet.

I worry a little. It seems people are more in their own camps than ever before. It seems like the gulf between groups is wider and the discourse is more crude

Feel free to add topics if you wish. Let's see what we are all about.

No gods.


No war.

Type of Government you prefer

No rulers.

Sexual orientation, along with views of others outside your views.

No rules.

Race Relations

No racism.

Believe in Aliens?


What conspiracy theories do you think may be true?

Anthropogenic global warming.



Left or Right or Neither

Left libertarian.

Climate Change(care or not, believe or not, solutions to fix it if yes)

Real, dangerous, requires Manhattan Project level of commitment and doing whatever it takes.

Is humanity going the right direction, yay or nay?


Details on request.

The United States needs to have a balanced
budget. It is a joke to spend money we do not
have and run up a huge debt

The United States needs to have term limits
on U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives.
Career politicians are ruining America.

The United States needs to stop providing
welfare checks that never end. People need
to work for a living and not depend on Govt.
for their sole support.
Originally posted by LuteHawk:

The United States needs to have a balanced
budget. It is a joke to spend money we do not
have and run up a huge debt

The United States needs to have term limits
on U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives.
Career politicians are ruining America.

The United States needs to stop providing
welfare checks that never end. People need
to work for a living and not depend on Govt.
for their sole support.
Your last one has been in place for about 20 years. Thank Clinton and Newt for workfare reforms. The problem is of course that working no longer covers the bills so many working people are on welfare too.