Steak prices at HyVee

I get most of our beef from Costco. I ventured into HyVee the other day and wow prices there are crazy. Seems like $17 a pound for steaks that didn’t look that good, some more than $20 a pound. And we’re not talking prime. I can get decent steak at Costco for under $10 a pound, and ribeyes/strips for like $13 a pound. About the same at Sam’s. Not sure why anyone who can doesn’t use Costco or Sam’s club. Csb.
Costco cuts are too thick with their strips, filets, and ribeyes. I like a good 8 to 10 oz cut not 16 or more with their offering. Was just in Hy Vee picking up bulk boneless/skinless chicken at $4.99 a pound. Beef at my Hy Vee is either choice select or prime for all cuts. Sirloin $8.99 pound for choice select. I only get prime for strips or filet mignon and the prices are ok on those but agree better at Costco. You are getting so much more of it though from them when I don’t need 40 to 60 oz for a four pack.

Was just in the Nashville area for meetings last week and stopped into Kroger to pick up a few things with the no pic wife since she decided to go and hit the shopping scene in Nashville, Brentwood, and Franklin. Swung by the meat department to check out their offering, it was a pathetic joke. I couldn’t believe how small of selections there were with no one staffing it on a Sunday afternoon. I know, csb.
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I get most of our beef from Costco. I ventured into HyVee the other day and wow prices there are crazy. Seems like $17 a pound for steaks that didn’t look that good, some more than $20 a pound. And we’re not talking prime. I can get decent steak at Costco for under $10 a pound, and ribeyes/strips for like $13 a pound. About the same at Sam’s. Not sure why anyone who can doesn’t use Costco or Sam’s club. Csb.
Because for some dumb reason, Costco blade tenderizes their meat. So you have to cook it to 145 degrees which no self-respecting meat eater would do.

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I said woke because farmers reacted to a persistent drought. A drought many believe is exacerbated by climate change. Farmers actions signal an acknowledgement the planet and markets are changing to a new reality no matter what is said publicly about such silly things as human based climate change.
LOL - Worldwide ranchers and farmers have reacted to weather conditions for the last 500+ years. Climate change is cyclical and has been going on since the beginning of the earth. Warming and cooling keeps happening over and over.
Costco cuts are too thick with their strips, filets, and ribeyes. I like a good 8 to 10 oz cut not 16 or more with their offering. Was just in Hy Vee picking up bulk boneless/skinless chicken at $4.99 a pound. Beef at my Hy Vee is either choice select or prime for all cuts. Sirloin $8.99 pound for choice select. I only get prime for strips or filet mignon and the prices are ok on those but agree better at Costco. You are getting so much more of it though from them when I don’t need 40 to 60 oz for a four pack.

Was just in the Nashville area for meetings last week and stopped into Kroger to pick up a few things with the no pic wife since she decided to go and hit the shipping scene in Nashville, Brentwood, and Franklin. Swung by the meat department to check out their offering, it was a pathetic joke. I couldn’t believe how small it was with no one staffing it on a Sunday afternoon. I know, csb.
Huh, I didn't know there were a bunch of sailors in that area.
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I got a half beef in Feb and I was out the door at $6.08 a pound. Locked in for a year at $6.08 but it seems like prices have been going up about a $.75 to $1 a year the last couple of years.
You say that like it's a bad thing AND there's a helpful smile in every damn aisle. Why would anyone shop anywhere else?
I prefer ALDI where there's not a helpful smile in every aisle and everything is cheaper :)

I get to pay less AND not have to talk to everyone asking if I need help finding something. It's beautiful.
I don't get the hyvee hate, must be politically driven. Their meat quality overall is the best of the grocery stores imo.
They frequently have ribeyes and strips for 14.99/lb or less, just need to keep an eye out and buy when on sale.
Their quality is definitely better than Costco. The precut steaks from Costco are almost all void of good marbling and flavor in my experience.
How does buying a half cow compare to Costco on taste? Honestly, Costco is much much better tasting than the grocery store steaks.

But what are the chances that I spend $1800 or something on half a cow, and then it turns out I LIKE all the antibiotics, hormones, radiation and whatever other deadly shit they put in it for the store?

I already know I would want grain finished because I know I'm looking for that kind of taste and marbling compared to fully grass finished.

But what are the chances that this is one of those things that is theoretically "better" but I like the taste of grocery steaks more?
Years ago we use to buy sides of beef. It seemed like we were saddled with a lot of round steak. People would say just get it ground into burger. That ended up being some expensive burger.

We would eat better ( more steaks) but I never thought we really saved a lot of money doing it.

With beef prices you probably can save money now.
How does buying a half cow compare to Costco on taste? Honestly, Costco is much much better tasting than the grocery store steaks.

But what are the chances that I spend $1800 or something on half a cow, and then it turns out I LIKE all the antibiotics, hormones, radiation and whatever other deadly shit they put in it for the store?

I already know I would want grain finished because I know I'm looking for that kind of taste and marbling compared to fully grass finished.

But what are the chances that this is one of those things that is theoretically "better" but I like the taste of grocery steaks more?
Depends on your farmer. I prefer grass fed then grain finish. Taste better to me and it is a superior product.

For $1800 you get more meat for far cheaper prices. Like I said for myself, I paid $6.08 out the door with .78 processing which is on the cheaper end. I usually see beef processing from $1-$1.50 a pound
Years ago we use to buy sides of beef. It seemed like we were saddled with a lot of round steak. People would say just get it ground into burger. That ended up being some expensive burger.

We would eat better ( more steaks) but I never thought we really saved a lot of money doing it.

With beef prices you probably can save money now.
Make jerkey or smoke a round roast and cut very thinly. You’re welcome
I have a group of steers/heifers that I feed out each year for locker beef customers. My price is based on hanging weight, and the buyer is responsible for processing. My method for price determination is to take the top bid that week from packers at local auctions. Get the live weight prior to butcher appointment, take that times the local bid and divide by 4. That will give me a general idea for each quarter if you take live weight times a dress yield factor of .62.
But...but...Hy Vee is lowering the prices on everything, aren't they? That's what the current ad campaign says. It also says its customers are their family.

They wouldn't lie to their family, would they?
You know if they wouldn’t spend 10k per store on those stupid signs maybe they could actually, you know, lower prices. So friggen dumb.
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Not going back to do the math but the total bill with processing fees and everything was like $750 and yield was around 200 lbs.
I am thinking the hanging weight was around 200 pounds and yield is usually 60% of that.

So I’m guessing you paid around $6.25ish a pound after processing which is about what the market is dependent on the locker