Steve Forbes Says Biden Will Pull Out

About time. Ship him off to the old folks home already.

Dems should put up a Mid 50s woman, experienced leader, and not a psycho woke person candidate. She would win going away.
Elon and Phenom just want a middle-aged woman they can fap to who will unironically call them "Meme Lord" and totally respect them. Not give them that look all the psycho woke women who turn them down give them.

Robin Wright available? Course she'd probably turn out like all the rest. Such a disappointing world.
The actual story is much more a parable of the Trump cult apologists that POS was EVER mentally or emotionally capable as POTUS.
What is "C&C"?
I think it’s a music factory.
The actual story is much more a parable of the Trump cult apologists that POS was EVER mentally or emotionally capable as POTUS.

I think it’s a music factory.
Sad that he was a better choice than the murder factory the Democrats nominated.

How pathetic is it that no one can even argue Hillary supported more death and destruction in this world over the last 25 years than even Putin’s critics can pin on him?
The numbers are clear.

What is the mental and emotional state of people who want mass murders as their leaders?
I'd love to see the Dems put a moderate in there to destroy trump and run the country with a little common sense. Not just be a squad puppet.

Someone who's recently left the party due to its leftist influence would be a good start. Telling Joe Manchin to dawn the D label again and run would be great, or Tulsi Gabbard. Either would be preferable to either candidate now and both would be able to beat trump.
Biden is as moderate as you’re ever going to see.
About time. Ship him off to the old folks home already.

Dems should put up a Mid 50s woman, experienced leader, and not a psycho woke person candidate. She would win going away.
Agree. Gretchen Whitmer would crush Trump in a landslide. I cannot believe the Dems were so insular not to see the issue they have in 2024 with independents.
I'd love to see the Dems put a moderate in there to destroy trump and run the country with a little common sense. Not just be a squad puppet.

Someone who's recently left the party due to its leftist influence would be a good start. Telling Joe Manchin to dawn the D label again and run would be great, or Tulsi Gabbard. Either would be preferable to either candidate now and both would be able to beat trump.

Wait, run a moderate? What the hell do you think Biden is? He's about as moderate as they come.

And Manchin/Gabbard? No, no, hell no.
Wait, run a moderate? What the hell do you think Biden is? He's about as moderate as they come.

The only "Biden" they see is what Fox/OAN/Newsmax/Sinclair feeds them. They're incapable of stepping out to look for themselves at the many laws he has negotiated into place that are benefitting Main St Americans....

He ain't perfect, and I've never said he was. But he's put in place LOTS of long-term/infrastructure related stuff that will benefit regular Americans for the next decade and beyond. And that is why Big Money is against him - they want their handouts, and he's been pretty stingy with kowtowing to them.

Trickle Up Economics is what we need to be calling his policies, because what puts more spending power into the hands of lower class and middle class Americans is what will increase sales and profits for the Big Corporations; the inverse of giving massive tax breaks to the ultra-rich and corporations saddles the lower and middle class with higher effective taxes to cover infrastructure, etc, limiting what they can spend on goods and services. And when the borrowing gets out of hand, recessions that hammer Main St Americans, along with the sales/returns Big Corporations get.

The problem is that Big Corporations want their quarterly sugary fix for short term profits; yes, they will have lower returns with higher taxes, but that pathway puts things on a plan for steadier growth and reliable growth. The infrastructure investments the Biden Admin have made have been game-changing, and several CEOs have tried to explain that, but are shouted down by the the right-wing media that just want their quick-fix tax cuts and more debt.
The only "Biden" they see is what Fox/OAN/Newsmax/Sinclair feeds them. They're incapable of stepping out to look for themselves at the many laws he has negotiated into place that are benefitting Main St Americans....

He ain't perfect, and I've never said he was. But he's put in place LOTS of long-term/infrastructure related stuff that will benefit regular Americans for the next decade and beyond. And that is why Big Money is against him - they want their handouts, and he's been pretty stingy with kowtowing to them.

Trickle Up Economics is what we need to be calling his policies, because what puts more spending power into the hands of lower class and middle class Americans is what will increase sales and profits for the Big Corporations; the inverse of giving massive tax breaks to the ultra-rich and corporations saddles the lower and middle class with higher effective taxes to cover infrastructure, etc, limiting what they can spend on goods and services. And when the borrowing gets out of hand, recessions that hammer Main St Americans, along with the sales/returns Big Corporations get.

The problem is that Big Corporations want their quarterly sugary fix for short term profits; yes, they will have lower returns with higher taxes, but that pathway puts things on a plan for steadier growth and reliable growth. The infrastructure investments the Biden Admin have made have been game-changing, and several CEOs have tried to explain that, but are shouted down by the the right-wing media that just want their quick-fix tax cuts and more debt.

I agree. I'm not saying being a moderate is bad. Ijust try to correct them when they mislabel people like Biden.

Republicans have been constantly fed out of whack labels for Democrats for 40 years. Example, most of the Democrats currently in the House and Senate are moderates. Yeah, the squad and Bernie are pushing in Liberal territory, but they're exceptions.

But, when your talking heads feed you disinformation at every turn for a couple of generations, you are going to think everyone left of Mitt Romney is a socialist.

And FTR, I'm not a fan of people labeling everyone on the right as Nazis (except Stephen Miller, that mf'er is a reincarnation of Goebbels). I mean, people call Trump a Nazi. He's not a Nazi, he's egocentric. Everything he says and does is purely for his own ego. I don't even think he wants the power, he's just obsessed with his own image and money. He's the greatest at "everything", it's just stroking his ego.

Hitler believed everything that came out of his own mouth, Trump believes none of what comes out of his own mouth, except when he's talking about himself.
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Grassley is mostly incoherent these days.
He certainly hasn't done jack squat with the Judiciary Committee in holding any SC Justices with millions in handouts accountable. But that is his job. Why won't he do his job?

Why? Because he used to have morals and ethics, but he threw it all away to appease his base.
Biden is just the figure head. It’s the folks under him that are far left loons.

The Biden who was against gay marriage and tough on crime is long gone.
Biden's opponent is a convicted criminal. And he's trying to beat him. He's very tough on crime.
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I know the Dems won't go with a common sense moderate they cant control, but I can dream.

Give me a 1990s democrat vs. Trump.

Who cares if Manchin is a "coal stooge?" Coal is necessary too. Coal miners aren't hurting solar and wind.

He's also a better option than Biden or trump.
Manchin is probably a solid choice, tulsi is putinized.
Why didn’t either win their party’s nomination?
Joe Biden on why politicians are corrupt and why you should not presume he isn’t corrupt.

50 years ago.

What do you take away from that?

It sounds like you see it as an admission, and a reason to reject Biden.

Whereas to me it's an indictment of our political system and an argument to fix it. Which, by the way, is something the Dems tried to do, but the Rs blocked.
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What do you take away from that?

It sounds like you see it as an admission, and a reason to reject Biden.

Whereas to me it's an indictment of our political system and an argument to fix it. Which, by the way, is something the Dems tried to do, but the Rs blocked.

1. that he has been in politics too goddamned long.
2. that in the moment he didn’t want to lie and say he wasn’t corrupt or
3. that he was telling the truth about our political system.
4. there is a class of people who really run this country and our politicians work for them, not us.
You just can't say stuff with this level of stupidity and expect to be taken seriously.

I don't expect to be taken seriously by the lefties here because they are incapable of seeing the view of a moderate.

One can easily see Biden has been pulled left and been beholden to the far left.

He came in saying he'd be a great uniter. You want to unite? You start at the center. He historically has been a fairly center democrat (at one time known as a conservative Democrat).

He simply hasn't held to that, and the left/squad would hate him if he did. They get irritated if he even shows the slightest support for Israel...over HAMAS...a known terrorist organization who literally believes Hitler was on to something... That isn't good company to be in for a POTUS trying to win moderates.
I don't expect to be taken seriously by the lefties here because they are incapable of seeing the view of a moderate.

One can easily see Biden has been pulled left and been beholden to the far left.

He came in saying he'd be a great uniter. You want to unite? You start at the center. He historically has been a fairly center democrat (at one time known as a conservative Democrat).

He simply hasn't held to that, and the left/squad would hate him if he did. They get irritated if he even shows the slightest support for Israel...over HAMAS...a known terrorist organization who literally believes Hitler was on to something... That isn't good company to be in for a POTUS trying to win moderates.

All false. Every bit of it. I think I have bona-fides regarding my moderate views; and Biden is a moderate who is not beholden to the far left, at all.

Further, the really stupid part of your post was insinuating that "the squad" has some kind of control of the Democratic party, which is simply absurd - especially coming from anyone on the Right given the complete domination of the GOP by MAGA. It looks like a tortured attempt to try to claim the Democrats are as broken as the GOP right now. They are not.
All false. Every bit of it. I think I have bona-fides regarding my moderate views; and Biden is a moderate who is not beholden to the far left, at all.

Further, the really stupid part of your post was insinuating that "the squad" has some kind of control of the Democratic party, which is simply absurd - especially coming from anyone on the Right given the complete domination of the GOP by MAGA. It looks like a tortured attempt to try to claim the Democrats are as broken as the GOP right now. They are not.
Of course the squad doesn't have "control" in any official sense, but the Dem views look a LOT more like squad views now than they did during the Obama admin.

I don't actually view either party as "broken," I just view them as "what they are now." BUT...if you want to use that terminology...

How can you say the squad/Bernie are synced up with Dems (not broken) and then also say you're moderate and presumably then stand with the squad? You just insinuated that Hamas is not a terrorist organization (by claiming my entire post is false) and then claimed you're moderate. I know you do have some moderate views but come on man.

On the GOP side you have the MAGAs and then conservatives those who just wish Trump would go away, and yeah that's broken. In fact the US very own terrorist organization, the KKK even supports trump, and that's not a group most Republicans want to associate themselves with, so sure the GOP is "broken."

But the reality is you can find stupidity in both parties. I'm not sure what the point of an argument over "who's more broken" accomplishes?

Yes, I know you are supportive of a strong military and you don't believe men should play women's sports...those are moderate views and you deserve credit for that.

I think what's more telling than anything is that I suggested the Dems should replace Biden with a moderate who can appeal to the center and not be beholden to the squad, and I'm catching flack over it... That's crazy. Predictable, but crazy.
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