Still believe that the DOJ wasn't weaponized?

How can you not question things? That is our civil duty is to question our institutions.
How did you come up with the death penalty? Where did you pull that crap from?
A person would choose to discredit a jury’s decision in one instance but allow a similar jury to choose the death of another person.
The DOJ does not have the ability to tell a District Attorney or County Attorney, or a State Attorney General to prosecute. You get that right? You are full of it. They may communicate, but the charging party has final say. 34 unanimous verdicts by a jury of his peers. Grow up
Stop, just stop
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Lol. You might call it winning, but your hero wound up losing WW2, so why don't you go out behind your mom's trailer and stick your head down the hole in the outhouse.
My heroes won ww2 including members of my family. Have friends that lost family at Auschwitz. You are a piece of human garbage
It is what it is and what’s done is done. The cases were brought and presented continuously by the America media. Millions upon millions were spent. At the end of the day, a majority of Americans didn’t buy it.
DOJ had nothing to do with a State prosecution, or grand jury.
