Stolen valor - Is there anything more pathetic?

Shows how good I was at ignoring that guy, because I missed that. What an asswipe.

One of my fraternos, who I talk to pretty much every day in a long running FB chat with a group of OXs, lives in the same area of Virginia and is FB friends with Pben. I’ve known that he has been FB friends with him going back to the time when he was outed but never cared enough to ask how well he knows him. Now that we have this thread, I will ask.

Edit - I must have asked about him back when he was outed. One of the other guys in the chat seems to remember talking about him.

Oh boy.....some quotes from the OX in Virginia who knows Pben.....

"He went to the extremes of actually paying one of those companies that will create a phony newspaper article and framing it and putting it on his wall. This story of heroism during Blackhawk Down and how he paused his heroics long enough to birth a little Somali baby or some shit"

"Yes, claims to have an MBA from W&M"

"Yes. Know him and his family pretty well. Been a while, tho, haven’t seen him in years. Feel like he sorta went quiet after being outed."

"His very nice wife believed all of it, too, or used to. Hard to believe she would now."
  • Wow
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The thing that boggles my mind is that these stolen Valor types always claim to be Special Forces, Rangers, SEALs, Marine Recon, etc. They pick the easiest thing to disprove. Had a guy tell me he was SF in 5th Group one time. I asked him how school was, he said "Great, the AIT was tough". Yeah, there's no AIT for SF. Then I asked how he liked Ft Bragg, he loved it...yeah, 5th Group isn't at Bragg.

Here's a hint kids, if you want to claim the "glory" of serving without actually serving...88M, 91B, 42A. But if you pick one of those, don't talk about patrolling, riding in helicopters, kicking in doors, etc. Those are truck driver, wheeled vehicle mechanic and HR.
5th SFG was at Bragg for 28 years before moving to Campbell. Also technically everyone going to the SF Pipeline is an AIT graduate of some sort. Even the 18X route they attend infantry or MP basic/AIT before ABN school and SFAS, SFQC…
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. But sometimes it’s just trash. Thanks for sharing this.

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