Student Loan Forgiveness Finds Unlikely Republican Champion


HR Legend
Dec 23, 2007
On education, the plan said DeSantis would stop incentivizing "useless degrees and courses with blanket government loans."

"To that end, he will make universities, not taxpayers, responsible for the loans their students accrue," the plan states.

"It's wrong to say that a truck driver should have to pay off the debt of somebody who got a degree in gender studies," DeSantis said at a campaign event in New Hampshire.

"At the same time, I have sympathy for some of these students because I think they were sold a bill of goods. I think these universities knew that they could take all this federal loan money."

DeSantis added: "I think the universities should be responsible for the student debt. You produce somebody that can be successful, they pay off the loans, great. If you don't, then you're gonna be on the hook. That will cause a change in the type of course programs that a lot of these universities are offering."

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On education, the plan said DeSantis would stop incentivizing "useless degrees and courses with blanket government loans."

"To that end, he will make universities, not taxpayers, responsible for the loans their students accrue," the plan states.

"It's wrong to say that a truck driver should have to pay off the debt of somebody who got a degree in gender studies," DeSantis said at a campaign event in New Hampshire.

"At the same time, I have sympathy for some of these students because I think they were sold a bill of goods. I think these universities knew that they could take all this federal loan money."

DeSantis added: "I think the universities should be responsible for the student debt. You produce somebody that can be successful, they pay off the loans, great. If you don't, then you're gonna be on the hook. That will cause a change in the type of course programs that a lot of these universities are offering."

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Dude isn’t big on freedom. Seems authoritarian.

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