Suggestions on how to drop cholesterol numbers…


HR Legend
Mar 5, 2005
besides pharma. Doc wants to put me on simvastatin as a recent work up shows me at 260. HDL is 61, VLDL 26, and LDL is 173. This work up is kinda puzzling, since for years my numbers were more like 150 range, although they have been creeping up.
64 years young, fairly active, no tobacco. Decent diet, but prolly a bit heavy on meat mostly due to work travel.

I have no desire to get involved with statins.
Walk 3 miles a day.

Eat an apple a day (no joke).
I walk more than than three daily, but have dropped my fruit intake. The apple is a good reminder. Thanks.
Edit- I will hopefully be doing an 5.5 mile walk up and then back down next Saturday with an elevation climb of approx. 3,000. One of the guys going eats a Granny Smith every day, so your reminder is right on time.

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My doctor and I made a deal a few years ago in order to avoid a statin, I went to no alcohol for a while, and thereafter I kept it to very low alcohol. I drink only on the occasional weekend (scotch, bourbon, or cocktail) and a glass of wine or a beer (or two) during the holidays with friends and family. He said it made a huge difference in my levels. I'm not a daily beer drinker so it wasn't difficult for me.
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My doctor and I made a deal a few years ago in order to avoid a statin, I went to no alcohol for a while, and thereafter I kept it to very low alcohol. I drink only on the occasional weekend (scotch, bourbon, or cocktail) and a glass of wine or a beer (or two) during the holidays with friends and family. He said it made a huge difference in my levels. I'm not a daily beer drinker so it wasn't difficult for me.
That is gonna be part of my strateegery as well.
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besides pharma. Doc wants to put me on simvastatin as a recent work up shows me at 260. HDL is 61, VLDL 26, and LDL is 173. This work up is kinda puzzling, since for years my numbers were more like 150 range, although they have been creeping up.
64 years young, fairly active, no tobacco. Decent diet, but prolly a bit heavy on meat mostly due to work travel.

I have no desire to get involved with statins.
The most important number they’re looking at is the 173 LDL. They want that under 100.

Diet and exercise is the best way. My doc wanted me on a statin and I decided to cut out the red meet except maybe a couple times a year. Mostly chicken, pork and seafood.

Numbers dropped to an acceptable level and I avoided the meds.
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Oatmeal. Lots of oatmeal.

Good link, thanks. I already generally knew most of this, but the impact that stress has on cholesterol (and health in general) was news to me.
My stress levels, due to multiple causes, have been very high of late. Gotta chill…
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I have been over 300 at times, I got it below 200 when I was running 6 miles 5 days per week and playing basketball 3-4 times per week and eating better. Now that I can only walk I am on a statin and it has kept it below 209. I haven’t had any issues from taking it that I know of but I avoided it for a long time too.
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Cholestoff supplement by Nature’s Made and found on Amazon. Stuff is plant based all natural and works for sure. My bad cholesterol ran around 200 and dropped to 110 after taking this stuff before every meal. Good cholesterol jumped by 25% and my ratio was excellent. I’d tried everything but statins prior ti that. My cholesterol is hereditary and not related to being fat.
besides pharma. Doc wants to put me on simvastatin as a recent work up shows me at 260. HDL is 61, VLDL 26, and LDL is 173. This work up is kinda puzzling, since for years my numbers were more like 150 range, although they have been creeping up.
64 years young, fairly active, no tobacco. Decent diet, but prolly a bit heavy on meat mostly due to work travel.

I have no desire to get involved with statins.
Mmmmm Bacon
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Cholestoff supplement by Nature’s Made and found on Amazon. Stuff is plant based all natural and works for sure. My bad cholesterol ran around 200 and dropped to 110 after taking this stuff before every meal. Good cholesterol jumped by 25% and my ratio was excellent. I’d tried everything but statins prior ti that. My cholesterol is hereditary and not related to being fat.
Thanks, I will look into this.
I am morbidly obese, have high blood pressure, high glucose (but A1C is ok). I am 68 years old.

My cholesterol is 129, and has gone down the last 2 years.

Like I tell my doctor - everybody is good at something.
I am morbidly obese, have high blood pressure, high glucose (but A1C is ok). I am 68 years old.

My cholesterol is 129, and has gone down the last 2 years.

Like I tell my doctor - everybody is good at something.
Pick something and excel.
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There are different subtypes of LDL that a normal lipid panel won't pick up on. One of which may be worse than the other.

Based on what I'm reading... would want to get a reading of your SD LDL (small dense particle) to see if you're truly at a higher risk for cardiovascular risk.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) plays a key role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. LDL consists of several subclasses of particles with different sizes and densities, including large buoyant (lb) and intermediate and small dense (sd) LDLs. It has been well documented that sdLDL has a greater atherogenic potential than that of other LDL subfractions and that sdLDL cholesterol (sdLDL-C) proportion is a better marker for prediction of cardiovascular disease than that of total LDL-C.

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In contrast to the current belief that cholesterol reduction with statins decreases
atherosclerosis, we present a perspective that statins may be causative in coronary artery calcification and can function as mitochondrial toxins that impair muscle function in the heart and blood vessels through the depletion of coenzyme Q10 and ‘heme A’, and thereby ATP generation. Statins inhibit the synthesis of vitamin K2, the cofactor for matrix Gla-protein activation, which in turn protects arteries from calcification. Statins inhibit the biosynthesis of selenium containing proteins, one of which is glutathione peroxidase serving to suppress peroxidative stress. An impairment of selenoprotein biosynthesis may be a factor in congestive
heart failure, reminiscent of the dilated cardiomyopathies seen with selenium deficiency. Thus,
the epidemic of heart failure and atherosclerosis that plagues the modern world may paradoxically be aggravated by the pervasive use of statin drugs. We propose that current statin treatment guidelines be critically reevaluated.

besides pharma. Doc wants to put me on simvastatin as a recent work up shows me at 260. HDL is 61, VLDL 26, and LDL is 173. This work up is kinda puzzling, since for years my numbers were more like 150 range, although they have been creeping up.
64 years young, fairly active, no tobacco. Decent diet, but prolly a bit heavy on meat mostly due to work travel.

I have no desire to get involved with statins.
That LDL number is WAY too high! It needs to be below 100, at least. HDL is pretty damned good. A statin, some regular exercise and be careful with your (red) meat....Red meat is a killer for folks over 50...4 Oz. A couple of times a week is plenty...
besides pharma. Doc wants to put me on simvastatin as a recent work up shows me at 260. HDL is 61, VLDL 26, and LDL is 173. This work up is kinda puzzling, since for years my numbers were more like 150 range, although they have been creeping up.
64 years young, fairly active, no tobacco. Decent diet, but prolly a bit heavy on meat mostly due to work travel.

I have no desire to get involved with statins.
Lose weight probably.
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I recently looked up whether it’s okay to consume cashews mainly because it’s one of the nuts in a bar i consume semi regularly. google seemed to suggest it reduces bad cholesterol and promotes the good kind.
i don’t claim any expertise in nutrition but since i read this very recently thought i would post.
besides pharma. Doc wants to put me on simvastatin as a recent work up shows me at 260. HDL is 61, VLDL 26, and LDL is 173. This work up is kinda puzzling, since for years my numbers were more like 150 range, although they have been creeping up.
64 years young, fairly active, no tobacco. Decent diet, but prolly a bit heavy on meat mostly due to work travel.

I have no desire to get involved with statins.
Cut white rice, white bread, butter and booze. That being said, for some it’s just hereditary. My father had high cholesterol so he went full vegan for 8 months. It barely changed his numbers so he went on a statin.