Suggestions on how to drop cholesterol numbers…

Cut white rice, white bread, butter and booze. That being said, for some it’s just hereditary. My father had high cholesterol so he went full vegan for 8 months. It barely changed his numbers so he went on a statin.
Heredity is a huge factor in your level. Spot on.
besides pharma. Doc wants to put me on simvastatin as a recent work up shows me at 260. HDL is 61, VLDL 26, and LDL is 173. This work up is kinda puzzling, since for years my numbers were more like 150 range, although they have been creeping up.
64 years young, fairly active, no tobacco. Decent diet, but prolly a bit heavy on meat mostly due to work travel.

I have no desire to get involved with statins.
Steel cut oats.

Cook 'em by the large batch in an Instant Pot
I recently looked up whether it’s okay to consume cashews mainly because it’s one of the nuts in a bar i consume semi regularly. google seemed to suggest it reduces bad cholesterol and promotes the good kind.
i don’t claim any expertise in nutrition but since i read this very recently thought i would post.
I asked my cardiologist about “peanuts and cashews” and cholesterol…he suggested almonds and -pistachios… I went that direction….The result surprised me……my gut (Diverticulosis) has never felt as good as now since I was in my 40’s! For me I don’t know about my statin but it’s the best advice I ever received about diverticulosis….
besides pharma. Doc wants to put me on simvastatin as a recent work up shows me at 260. HDL is 61, VLDL 26, and LDL is 173. This work up is kinda puzzling, since for years my numbers were more like 150 range, although they have been creeping up.
64 years young, fairly active, no tobacco. Decent diet, but prolly a bit heavy on meat mostly due to work travel.

I have no desire to get involved with statins.

U know u just wanna get out and dance with this 1/4-ton of fun!!!

One thing I’ve never understood about cholesterol calculations: the HDL (which you want as high as possible) is in the calculation for the total ( which you want as low as possible).

This makes no sense.
One thing I’ve never understood about cholesterol calculations: the HDL (which you want as high as possible) is in the calculation for the total ( which you want as low as possible).

This makes no sense.
You want your overall level to be low
You want your ratio of HDL to LDL to be high.
One thing I’ve never understood about cholesterol calculations: the HDL (which you want as high as possible) is in the calculation for the total ( which you want as low as possible).

This makes no sense.
LDL below 100 (Below 90 if you have had a cardiac event)….HDL over 40 (Minimal)….statins are great for reducing LDL, as well as diet and exercise……Niacin (1000 mg/ day) and exercise are great fro elevating HDL…
the ratio is the key (HDL to LDL) high ratio is good I think….
A good cigar and single malt scotch daily aids the body in monitoring your cholesterol levels and is key to your maintenance of these numbers!