Supreme Court is as corrupt and dominated by fascists as we thought

Menace Sockeyes

HR Legend
Sep 2, 2010
These far right whack jobs just went 0-3 yesterday:

-Bribes to public officials are legal now, as long as the transaction directly to the official is done AFTER they’ve been elected from the briber’s campaign donations. OF COURSE Alito and Thomas ruled in favor of corruption. Gotta keep that corporate lobbying money flowing to their lavish lifestyles!

-The most minute regulations will be dictated by the bought-and-paid-for idiots in Congress and politically appointed ideologues of the courts, rather than the actual experts in each agency.

-You can get fined or jailed for sleeping outside on public property now. Cities can now trample all over the freedom to take a nap. Even if you’re homeless, and have nowhere to go, you can be fined.

We are in a dangerous downward spiral with this corrupt court. Individual freedom is eroding while corporations and politicians are getting more power than ever.
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-You can get fined or jailed for sleeping outside on public property now. Cities can now trample all over the freedom to take a nap. Even if you’re homeless, and have nowhere to go, you can be fined.

You say this like it’s a bad thing. No one has any right to piss and shit wherever they like including on people’s front doorsteps and in front of businesses. Governments & police need to crack down and start enforcing laws to stop this behavior.
On the homeless one.. Aren't the prisons over crowded enough. I am betting the homeless want to get arrested. 3 squares a day and a cot with a toilet.
Some would and some wouldn’t. Being locked in a cell, with a bunch of people and an open toilet, and no freedom to move about, isn’t the Taj Mahal. It will basically exile most. Especially with the fines.
These far right whack jobs just went 0-3 yesterday:

-Bribes to public officials are legal now, as long as the transaction directly to the official is done AFTER they’ve been elected from the briber’s campaign donations. OF COURSE Alito and Thomas ruled in favor of corruption. Gotta keep that corporate lobbying money flowing to their lavish lifestyles!

-Government regulations will be dictated by the bought-and-paid-for idiots in Congress and politically appointed ideologues of the courts, rather than the actual experts in each agency.

-You can get fined or jailed for sleeping outside on public property now. Cities can now trample all over the freedom to take a nap. Even if you’re homeless, and have nowhere to go, you can be fined.

We are in a dangerous downward spiral with this corrupt court. Individual freedom is eroding while corporations and politicians are getting more power than ever.
Wow…a marxist crying its eyes out because a duly appointed body rendered a couple opinions it didn’t agree with? 🤡 It goes right into its name calling tantrum mode right on que like the unhinged bitch it is…
You say this like it’s a bad thing. No one has any right to piss and shit wherever they like including on people’s front doorsteps and in front of businesses. Governments & police need to crack down and start enforcing laws to stop this behavior.
Sleeping was the issue ruled on. Not pissing and shitting. We know your reading comprehension is elementary, but I have confidence that you can be more intelligent than you have shown us.
Sleeping was the issue ruled on. Not pissing and shitting. We know your reading comprehension is elementary, but I have confidence that you can be more intelligent than you have shown us.

They go hand in hand for homeless. Get real. Taxpayers and business owners don’t want mentally unstable drug addicted humans setting up shop on their doorstep. What a shock. How the hell this was ever allowed by any government at any time is the question you should be asking.
They go hand in hand for homeless. Get real. Taxpayers and business owners don’t want mentally unstable drug addicted humans setting up shop on their doorstep. What a shock. How the hell this was ever allowed by any government at any time is the question you should be asking.
I want to note for everyone posts like this, which are “mask off” moments for MAGAts. All that crap about government being a burden on the common man or the poor is all BS. As is all the crocodile tears of corruption or big money interests controlling us too. It’s all hogwash. Fundamentally, Conservatives believe that the rich, white, Christian Conservatives deserve to rule everyone’s lives. If you’re homeless or bohemian you’re less than human to them. Not surprising from the ideology that thought Blacks and women were less than human.
I want to note for everyone posts like this, which are “mask off” moments for MAGAts. All that crap about government being a burden on the common man or the poor is all BS. As is all the crocodile tears of corruption or big money interests controlling us too. It’s all hogwash. Fundamentally, Conservatives believe that the rich, white, Christian Conservatives deserve to rule everyone’s lives. If you’re homeless or bohemian you’re less than human to them. Not surprising from the ideology that thought Blacks and women were less than human.
The school system programmed you well.
Any liberal decrying the Chevron decision is dumber than even I thought possible.
If you guys want Ilhan Omar to have more power over every little detail of (say) commercial fishing in Maine, than someone like a group of professors and retired fishermen that have tracked fish off Maine for decade, you enjoy your “smart” decision.
If you guys want Ilhan Omar to have more power over every little detail of (say) commercial fishing in Maine, than someone like a group of professors and retired fishermen that have tracked fish off Maine for decade, you enjoy your “smart” decision.
I actually don’t want ANYONE to have power over my life - neither a brain dead bureaucrat nor a sociopathic R/D.

At least the elected morons can (theoretically) be voted out.

Whole country’s suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
I actually don’t want ANYONE to have power over my life - neither a brain dead bureaucrat nor a sociopathic R/D.
Imagine thinking experts who’ve studied these fields for decades have to be micromanaged by Congressional twits serving their donor interests. America’s war on the educated and intellectual has a dutiful soldier in you!
At least the elected morons can (theoretically) be voted out.
I remember what it was like to be this naive, over 20 years ago and just in college.
I want to note for everyone posts like this, which are “mask off” moments for MAGAts. All that crap about government being a burden on the common man or the poor is all BS. As is all the crocodile tears of corruption or big money interests controlling us too. It’s all hogwash. Fundamentally, Conservatives believe that the rich, white, Christian Conservatives deserve to rule everyone’s lives. If you’re homeless or bohemian you’re less than human to them. Not surprising from the ideology that thought Blacks and women were less than human.

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They go hand in hand for homeless. Get real. Taxpayers and business owners don’t want mentally unstable drug addicted humans setting up shop on their doorstep. What a shock. How the hell this was ever allowed by any government at any time is the question you should be asking.
So we pay for them to be in prison. Maybe we should actually find a solution to homelessness in the country. Hell we have billionaires who could eliminate it. Some of those homeless are you want women forced to bear them into this shit...after that, like we always tell you guys, bootstraps. You're backwards.
It has to be said, a big part of this was enabled by the selfishness of RBG and it completely has undone her legacy. She could have retired in her late 70s beginning of Obama’s first term or early 80s beginning of his second but decided to work until she died at 87 in his last year. She was replaced by a woman straight out of the Handmaiden’s Tale.

I sure hope we learned that lesson and don’t let the similar mistake being made for selfish reasons cost us the last branch. History will be just as unkind to him as well.

The Democrats are making horrible choices. It’s like they still don’t know they are fighting monsters who want to dramatically alter this country so they can hold the power and transform us into an autocratic dictatorship.
So we pay for them to be in prison. Maybe we should actually find a solution to homelessness in the country. Hell we have billionaires who could eliminate it. Some of those homeless are you want women forced to bear them into this shit...after that, like we always tell you guys, bootstraps. You're backwards.
Those billionaires need their tax breaks and planes and yachts and generational wealth.
fascists let the city municipalities run their own show, aside from feds, and let the people from jan 6th have a day in court without bogus fed made up charges and let people spend money freely as they see fit? sounds like opposite of fascism
Too much Ottumwa meth and Infiowars on the brain? The feds were protecting the freedoms of individuals from government oppression. You do realize that your argument would have given Arkansas segregationists power to ban the Little Rock Nine from school under the guise of anti-fascism. You didn’t think that through. So completely dumb. But when @Phenomenally Frantastic gives it his seal of approval, it’s about as shallow thinking as a puddle.
It has to be said, a big part of this was enabled by the selfishness of RBG and it completely has undone her legacy.


The Democrats are making horrible choices.

Right again.

Democrats are dumb and selfish. Ala Biden running for President instead of lovingly being sent to a retirement community. It’s preposterous and abusive behavior by Democrats including Barack Obama and Jill Biden. Elder abuse by both of them. Being enabled by millions of voters too I might add.

“Yeah he belongs in the old folks home but i will vote for him anyways” rationale

Same reason Feinstein worked til she croaked, same reason Pelosi was in a decade too long, same reason Maxine Waters won’t step down, same reason Biden won’t step down. Too selfish and enthralled by Power.

Precisely what our Founders warned us about with these types of people.
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I want to note for everyone posts like this, which are “mask off” moments for MAGAts. All that crap about government being a burden on the common man or the poor is all BS. As is all the crocodile tears of corruption or big money interests controlling us too. It’s all hogwash. Fundamentally, Conservatives believe that the rich, white, Christian Conservatives deserve to rule everyone’s lives. If you’re homeless or bohemian you’re less than human to them. Not surprising from the ideology that thought Blacks and women were less than human.
lol. Honest question, what is the population of the metro area in which you reside?

Nobody wants to throw homeless people in jail for being homeless. Conversely, nobody wants to live in cities with thousands of homeless people living in unsanitary, large scale encampments, which is where we are in many cities—on the west coast, because of the federal ruling in that Boise case, some of Americas greatest cities are filled with trash and overrun with homeless people.

Nobody seems to offer any happy medium.
Imagine thinking experts who’ve studied these fields for decades have to be micromanaged by Congressional twits serving their donor interests. America’s war on the educated and intellectual has a dutiful soldier in you!

I remember what it was like to be this naive, over 20 years ago and just in college.
You still are incredibly naive; totally clueless as to how government ‘works’. It’s a grift…a good old boys and girls network.

And yes, it works exactly the same on both sides of the aisle.


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