Surgeon dies in Israeli custody.

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Obviously zero, but that's not what happens when there's a war (which Israel did not start, BTW)....
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I knew a doctor from Lebanon. Wouldn’t say “Israel.” Doctors can be terrorists too. But, that said, how did he die? Why are we supposed to be mad at Israel for a doctor dying of unknown causes?
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His life is more important than a non doctors?

Many of the Jews slaughtered never even got a chance to finish school.
So your argument is that the Israeli army treats prisoners like your average terrorist? If they act the same what makes one side better?
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When your worldview of the Israel v. Palestine conflict is molded by recency bias and media bias it’s easy to rationalize Israel’s actions as righteous retaliation when nothing could be fury from the truth.

The one thing that Americans must not be lured into believing is that Israel is a “little” “underdog” against its mighty Arab neighbors. Israel is a European nation with a European technological standard battling a primitive and undeveloped foe; furthermore, Israel has behind it, feeding it, and financing it the massed might of countless Americans and West Europeans, as well as the Leviathan governments of the United States and its numerous allies and client states. Israel is no more a “gallant underdog” because of numerical inferiority than British imperialism was a “gallant underdog” when it conquered far more populous lands in India, Africa, and Asia.And so, Israel now sits, occupying its swollen territory, pulverizing houses and villages containing snipers, outlawing strikes of Arabs, killing Arab youths in the name of checking terrorism. But this very occupation, this very elephantiasis of Israel, provides the Arabs with a powerful long-range opportunity. In the first place, as the militant anti-imperialist regimes of Syria and Algeria now see, the Arabs can shift their strategic emphasis from hopeless conventional war with a far better armed foe to a protracted mass people’s guerrilla war. Armed with light weapons, the Arab people could carry out another “Vietnam,” another “Algeria” – another people’s guerrilla war against a heavily armed occupying army. Of course, this is a long-run threat only, because to carry it out the Arabs would have to overthrow all of their stagnant, reactionary monarchies and form a united pan-Arab nation – for the splits into nation-states in the Arab world are the consequence of the artificial machinations and depredations of British and French imperialism. But for the long run, the threat is very real.

Israel, therefore, faces a long-run dilemma which she must someday meet. Either to continue on her present course and, after years of mutual hostility and conflict be overthrown by Arab people’s guerrilla war. Or – to change direction drastically, to cut herself loose completely from Western imperial ties, and become simply Jewish citizens of the Middle East. If she did that, then peace and harmony and justice would at last reign in that tortured region. There is ample precedent for this peaceful coexistence. For in the centuries before 19th- and 20th-century Western imperialism, Jew and Arab had always lived well and peacefully together in the Middle East. There is no inherent enmity or conflict between Arab and Jew. In the great centuries of Arab civilization in North Africa and Spain, Jews took a happy and prominent part – in contrast to their ongoing persecution by the fanatics of the Christian West. Shorn of Western influence and Western imperialism, that harmony can reign once more.

When your worldview of the Israel v. Palestine conflict is molded by recency bias and media bias it’s easy to rationalize Israel’s actions as righteous retaliation when nothing could be fury from the truth.

The one thing that Americans must not be lured into believing is that Israel is a “little” “underdog” against its mighty Arab neighbors. Israel is a European nation with a European technological standard battling a primitive and undeveloped foe; furthermore, Israel has behind it, feeding it, and financing it the massed might of countless Americans and West Europeans, as well as the Leviathan governments of the United States and its numerous allies and client states. Israel is no more a “gallant underdog” because of numerical inferiority than British imperialism was a “gallant underdog” when it conquered far more populous lands in India, Africa, and Asia.And so, Israel now sits, occupying its swollen territory, pulverizing houses and villages containing snipers, outlawing strikes of Arabs, killing Arab youths in the name of checking terrorism. But this very occupation, this very elephantiasis of Israel, provides the Arabs with a powerful long-range opportunity. In the first place, as the militant anti-imperialist regimes of Syria and Algeria now see, the Arabs can shift their strategic emphasis from hopeless conventional war with a far better armed foe to a protracted mass people’s guerrilla war. Armed with light weapons, the Arab people could carry out another “Vietnam,” another “Algeria” – another people’s guerrilla war against a heavily armed occupying army. Of course, this is a long-run threat only, because to carry it out the Arabs would have to overthrow all of their stagnant, reactionary monarchies and form a united pan-Arab nation – for the splits into nation-states in the Arab world are the consequence of the artificial machinations and depredations of British and French imperialism. But for the long run, the threat is very real.

Israel, therefore, faces a long-run dilemma which she must someday meet. Either to continue on her present course and, after years of mutual hostility and conflict be overthrown by Arab people’s guerrilla war. Or – to change direction drastically, to cut herself loose completely from Western imperial ties, and become simply Jewish citizens of the Middle East. If she did that, then peace and harmony and justice would at last reign in that tortured region. There is ample precedent for this peaceful coexistence. For in the centuries before 19th- and 20th-century Western imperialism, Jew and Arab had always lived well and peacefully together in the Middle East. There is no inherent enmity or conflict between Arab and Jew. In the great centuries of Arab civilization in North Africa and Spain, Jews took a happy and prominent part – in contrast to their ongoing persecution by the fanatics of the Christian West. Shorn of Western influence and Western imperialism, that harmony can reign once more.

Israel is a Western civilized country surrounded by third world religious zealots fueled by oil money who can’t agree on whether Muhammad’s descendants should rule or his warlord’s descendants. The ottoman Empire fell. The surrounding areas don’t accept it.
So your argument is that the Israeli army treats prisoners like your average terrorist? If they act the same what makes one side better?
Wipe out Hamas and more lives are saved in the long term.

Hamas could end this tomorrow by surrendering. The sickos slaughtered Jews because this is what they wanted. They sacrificed their own people in hopes of winning TikTok public opinion.

War sucks. It always has and always will. The days of lining up in columns and fighting good against evil ended a long time ago.

Hamas slaughtered people and then used their own people as human shields. No matter the cost the world will be better off if they were wiped out.
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When your worldview of the Israel v. Palestine conflict is molded by recency bias and media bias it’s easy to rationalize Israel’s actions as righteous retaliation when nothing could be fury from the truth.

The one thing that Americans must not be lured into believing is that Israel is a “little” “underdog” against its mighty Arab neighbors. Israel is a European nation with a European technological standard battling a primitive and undeveloped foe; furthermore, Israel has behind it, feeding it, and financing it the massed might of countless Americans and West Europeans, as well as the Leviathan governments of the United States and its numerous allies and client states. Israel is no more a “gallant underdog” because of numerical inferiority than British imperialism was a “gallant underdog” when it conquered far more populous lands in India, Africa, and Asia.And so, Israel now sits, occupying its swollen territory, pulverizing houses and villages containing snipers, outlawing strikes of Arabs, killing Arab youths in the name of checking terrorism. But this very occupation, this very elephantiasis of Israel, provides the Arabs with a powerful long-range opportunity. In the first place, as the militant anti-imperialist regimes of Syria and Algeria now see, the Arabs can shift their strategic emphasis from hopeless conventional war with a far better armed foe to a protracted mass people’s guerrilla war. Armed with light weapons, the Arab people could carry out another “Vietnam,” another “Algeria” – another people’s guerrilla war against a heavily armed occupying army. Of course, this is a long-run threat only, because to carry it out the Arabs would have to overthrow all of their stagnant, reactionary monarchies and form a united pan-Arab nation – for the splits into nation-states in the Arab world are the consequence of the artificial machinations and depredations of British and French imperialism. But for the long run, the threat is very real.

Israel, therefore, faces a long-run dilemma which she must someday meet. Either to continue on her present course and, after years of mutual hostility and conflict be overthrown by Arab people’s guerrilla war. Or – to change direction drastically, to cut herself loose completely from Western imperial ties, and become simply Jewish citizens of the Middle East. If she did that, then peace and harmony and justice would at last reign in that tortured region. There is ample precedent for this peaceful coexistence. For in the centuries before 19th- and 20th-century Western imperialism, Jew and Arab had always lived well and peacefully together in the Middle East. There is no inherent enmity or conflict between Arab and Jew. In the great centuries of Arab civilization in North Africa and Spain, Jews took a happy and prominent part – in contrast to their ongoing persecution by the fanatics of the Christian West. Shorn of Western influence and Western imperialism, that harmony can reign once more.

What a load of crap. There's a reason so many Jews were living in Europe instead of their historical homeland when Hitler came along and wanted to kill them all.
Israel is a Western civilized country surrounded by third world religious zealots fueled by oil money who can’t agree on whether Muhammad’s descendants should rule or his warlord’s descendants. The ottoman Empire fell. The surrounding areas don’t accept it.
Israel has been starving innocent people with their blockades and policy of apartheid, and brutalizing the people of Palestine with incidents like this ( for nearly 20 years.

In addition, Netanyahu was funneling money to Hamas all these years. He’s responsible for everything that has transpired. Doesn’t matter. He owns our congress and will do as he pleases.

‘Civilized’. Righhttt.
Wipe out Hamas and more lives are saved in the long term.

Hamas could end this tomorrow by surrendering. The sickos slaughtered Jews because this is what they wanted. They sacrificed their own people in hopes of winning TikTok public opinion.

War sucks. It always has and always will. The days of lining up in columns and fighting good against evil ended a long time ago.

Hamas slaughtered people and then used their own people as human shields. No matter the cost the world will be better off if they were wiped out.
They’ve been imprisoned for nearly twenty years. How do you surrender when you’re already enslaved.

Oh. And Ukraine could have worked with NATO and prevented any bloodshed in their country but they chose not to. They could end this tomorrow if they wanted to. 🤷‍♂️
Israel has been starving innocent people with their blockades and policy of apartheid, and brutalizing the people of Palestine with incidents like this ( for nearly 20 years.

In addition, Netanyahu was funneling money to Hamas all these years. He’s responsible for everything that has transpired. Doesn’t matter. He owns our congress and will do as he pleases.

‘Civilized’. Righhttt.
Looks like we have our first UCLA protestor. Welcome. 🤡
Israel has been starving innocent people with their blockades and policy of apartheid, and brutalizing the people of Palestine with incidents like this ( for nearly 20 years.

In addition, Netanyahu was funneling money to Hamas all these years. He’s responsible for everything that has transpired. Doesn’t matter. He owns our congress and will do as he pleases.

‘Civilized’. Righhttt.
Innocent? What percent think that Israel has no right to exist? What percent think Mohammed’s descendants should rule the earth? What percent think Mohammed’s warlord’s descendant’s should rule the earth? What percent are simpatico with “death to America?” What percent supported Oct 7? What percent supported 9/11? Innocent. Right.
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Innocent? What percent think they Israel has no right to exist? What percent think Mohammed’s descendants should rule the earth? What percent think Mohammed’s warlord’s descendant’s should rule the earth? What percent are simpatico with “death to America?” What percent supported Oct 7? What percent supported 9/11? Innocent. Right.
Kind of weird why Bibi would support Hamas all those years then, huh? ( It’s like it’s all a f***ing game and the US taxpayers are footing the bill.

Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.

There’s a reason Washington told us to stay the hell out of these foreign entanglements.