Well said Max, you hit the nail on the head. There needs to be a tangible return on investment.I have come to believe that a donation-based collective model is not sustainable. I think fans (including me) are willing to part with their money in support of the team, but there needs to be something tangible in return. Some of the projects the Swarm has going, like Swarm Beer and Swarm Water, are the right idea. It's too bad the university couldn't just put a nickel surcharge on every concession stand item sold at the stadium, with those proceeds benefitting players' NIL. Or any university-licensed apparel could have a $1 surcharge, with proceeds going to players. Or they create a news/fan site similar to Rivals or on3, where all profits generated would go toward the Collective.
The idea of "donating" simply for the betterment of the team just isn't a sales pitch that resonates with enough people. If we are going to "donate," there are far better causes. As I said earlier, they should never have started using the word "donate" in regard to Swarm contributions. Everything should be an exchange of goods, services, or access.
Wow, it has been about 20 years ago now, but I think it was through Jon Miller but that they the Hawk Fanfest in February of 2005 I think. I drove up with my wife from NC and it was one of the coolest experiences that I have ever had. Friday night we had a dinner/mingle thing and all of the coaches were there (except KF) and the senior FB players. I talked to Norm Parker for about an hour, just shooting the bull and it wasn't like there was anyone waiting in line to talk to him or anything, like it was super casual. I remember talking to Lester Erb and KOK for about 10 minutes each and honestly the best conversation I had was with BF as he was a linemen then. Then Saturday we went to the practice facility and the entire team was there. We were able to mingle and get autographs and I think they had burgers and hot dogs there. Then that night we went to the basketball game. Sunday morning we met back at the first facility and Erb, Doyle, KOK and Norm all had presentations on various things like how they call plays, the play nomenclature, day-to-day and a Q&A. I remember Drew Tate was up there helping KOK as they did a renactment of how they call plays and audibles with an actual play clock up on stage. Then at the end KF talked for about an hour. Coolest thing ever.
I got to meet and talk with KF for a little while, maybe like 5 minutes. He was genuinely shocked that we came up from NC, like, why would we come all the way up there for this? Maybe none of them knew then what their reach was.
Just saying all that because I would pay a considerable amount of money to do something like that again. I would think if I am then I bet others would be as well.
Other ideas would be to do shoot-arounds with the basketball teams, like even play games of horse or something. Trade show or expo with athletes there accessible to the fans. Even just having an athlete in their off-season do some meet-and-greets and some light coaching, like tiny clinics. My 13 year old, here in NC, would give his future life-savings and then some to be able to meet Spencer Lee.
If the players and coaches put themselves in positions to interact and form brief relationships with the fans, I think the NIL would skyrocket as this would not be seen as a donation. Everyone earns it here.