Swing Voters: Eye-Roll about Biden; Disgust about Trump

Nov 28, 2010
That's a characterization I heard about swing voters on the Post Reports podcast.

I don't know any swing voters. Are they a real thing? Assuming they are a real thing, is that an accurate characterization of how they view the candidates?
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That's a characterization I heard about swing voters on the Post Reports podcast.

I don't know any swing voters. Are the a real thing? Assuming they are a real thing, is that an accurate characterization of how they view the candidates?
That’s how I view it.

I consider myself a moderate Republican who has voted for Republican candidates for president my entire life until 2016.

Looks like 2024 will be the third time I will vote Democrat for POTUS.

Doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it, but it does mean I have to honor my conscience and uphold the principles of our democratic republic that Trump and MAGA are hellbent on systematically undoing.
That’s how I view it.

I consider myself a moderate Republican who has voted for Republican candidates for president my entire life until 2016.

Looks like 2024 will be the third time I will vote Democrat for POTUS.

Doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it, but it does mean I have to honor my conscience and uphold the principles of our democratic republic that Trump and MAGA are hellbent on systematically undoing.
Thank you.
Also mentioned in the podcast is that RFK is drawing slightly more from Rs (16%) than from Ds (10%) in polls that include 3rd party options.

Does that mean the Dem-leaning media will tone down their attacks on RFK, and the R-leaning media will offer more critical coverage?
While I wish the democrats would run someone younger(I don't know who I would choose), I am afraid these swing voters will vote 3rd party as I did in 2016. I just hope the result will be different than it was then.
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While I wish the democrats would run someone younger(I don't know who I would choose), I am afraid these swing voters will vote 3rd party as I did in 2016. I just hope the result will be different than it was then.
Be careful what you wish for.

Would you rather the election be between Trump and Biden or between MTG and AOC?

Personally I'll love to see the MTG-AOC race, and would happily vote for AOC. But I'm guessing a lot of folks would disagree.

I'd also be happier if the current contest were between Trump and Bernie. So it isn't just age.
Be careful what you wish for.

Would you rather the election be between Trump and Biden or between MTG and AOC?

Personally I'll love to see the MTG-AOC race, and would happily vote for AOC. But I'm guessing a lot of folks would disagree.

I'd also be happier if the current contest were between Trump and Bernie. So it isn't just age.
I'm just afraid the age is catching up to Joe, but I do like that he's pretty middle of the road, although maga scum will say differently.
That's a characterization I heard about swing voters on the Post Reports podcast.

I don't know any swing voters. Are they a real thing? Assuming they are a real thing, is that an accurate characterization of how they view the candidates?
I think the current crop of “swing voters” are Biden voters in 2016 who keep being told by Biden how great of a job he’s doing through all of his lying proxies in regards to the economy, the border, foreign relations, crime etc., while also pretending he’s mentally up to the task.

And the “swing” part of it comes in as they’re figuring out if it’s worse to have their sensibilities insulted by Trump or their intelligence and pocketbook insulted by Biden.