Tech kid in Old Capitol Mall?


HR Heisman
Nov 30, 2004
i think someone posted (maybe a year ago now) about a kid that has a kiosk in the old capitol mall that is a wiz when fixing errors on iPhones and such.

anyone know the name of that business? i have a question - or would even just stop by if he's still there.

Not sure of his name or the business, but I recently had a screen fixed at one of the kiosks associated with a service provider- not verizon, maybe sprint? Done by a nerdy looking kid who had it replaced in about 10 minutes. $130 later and the phone is like new. Kid is making more than my plumber.
I've had a few broken iPads and I ordered the replacement screens from Amazon them tried to fix them. It was too hard for me to figure out with the wifi antenna and such. I found a guy in Ankeny that fixes them for around $80 since I provided the screen I bought off Amazon.