Shut your damned mouth and get thee to your memory care home!
Testifying yesterday in Iowa City for the establishment of a “Intellectual Freedom School” at the University, Terry testified that when he was a student in political science there, most of his teachers were “socialists”… but he had “good relationships” with them (another “some of my best friends are black” argument).
Governor,,,you are talking shit that is 60 damned years old! Your idea of “intellectual freedom” is opposed by some because they see it for what it is…a tool for mis and dis information .
Your idea has been forwarded to the state BoR for further consideration. Now get yourself to your home.
Testifying yesterday in Iowa City for the establishment of a “Intellectual Freedom School” at the University, Terry testified that when he was a student in political science there, most of his teachers were “socialists”… but he had “good relationships” with them (another “some of my best friends are black” argument).
Governor,,,you are talking shit that is 60 damned years old! Your idea of “intellectual freedom” is opposed by some because they see it for what it is…a tool for mis and dis information .
Your idea has been forwarded to the state BoR for further consideration. Now get yourself to your home.