Skittles? How about this vegetable?
Natural...remind me not to send you a gift package with rainbow Skittles.
It's like their version of jelly bellys. They have over 200 flavors of Kit Kats.Man, the damn Asians get a lot more choices than we have.
Veggies for Halloween? Thats pretty gay.Skittles? How about this vegetable?
Agreed and it all goes back to this idea of transparency and authenticity. People need to accept some lies and mystery.Speaking of candy ... We have become a candya** society where everyone is offended by something. It is really out of hand. It gets to the point where you start to question yourself before you say or post something because 'SOMEONE' will take offense to it. I read a recent article in The Atlantic that talked about how college professors are struggling with this new generation because of the helicopter parenting ... Where professors have to be so careful how they interact with the students for fear they will quickly take to social media or go to school leaders if they are "upset" about their professor or the class, etc. It's the "pu&&ification" of America ...
Clearly racists and maybe a little republican too.I guess PC Principal has moved on from South Park Colorado to this school in Texas.
I like grape Kool Aid. Does that make me racist or does it mean I'm supporting blacks?
That is quite the variety of crappy tasting candy.Man, the damn Asians get a lot more choices than we have.
These kids don't have anything to fear (in the moment that is.....usually fear would only set in after the consequences of their actions are realized).Speaking of candy ... We have become a candya** society where everyone is offended by something. It is really out of hand. It gets to the point where you start to question yourself before you say or post something because 'SOMEONE' will take offense to it. I read a recent article in The Atlantic that talked about how college professors are struggling with this new generation because of the helicopter parenting ... Where professors have to be so careful how they interact with the students for fear they will quickly take to social media or go to school leaders if they are "upset" about their professor or the class, etc. It's the "pu&&ification" of America ...
"Mine's bigger than that"- Eric "Otter" StrattonSkittles? How about this vegetable?
I guess PC Principal has moved on from South Park Colorado to this school in Texas.
I guess PC Principal has moved on from South Park Colorado to this school in Texas.
I like grape Kool Aid. Does that make me racist or does it mean I'm supporting blacks?
Only if you drink it with pork rinds and Newports.
That is quite the variety of crappy tasting candy.