We are reproducing slower and slower, while they rapidly have kids. Guess what? The HIGHEST fertility rates in the muslim world are found in countries with the highest level of terrorist activity and hatred toward the west. See below. Somalians at 5.2 to 1.8 of the Norwegians? Good gracious, that will not take 300 years to completely change their country. 30 or less would be much closer guess than 300 years.
"Fertility levels in the countries of origin for Muslim immigrants are reflected in different fertility rates among Muslim groups in Europe, as immigrants often arrive with the norms of their home countries. In Norway, the TFRs varied substantially depending on where women were born. Among immigrant women living in Norway, Somali women had a TFR of 5.2 in 1997-1998, compared with 4.8 for Iraqis, 3.1 for Turks, and 1.9 for Iranians. Native Norwegian women had 1.8 children on average during the period.
Women who report firm adherence to their religious beliefs and practices tend to have higher fertility than less religious women, whether Christian or Muslim. Other factors also contribute to the higher Muslim fertility, including younger marriage ages for Muslims and a tendency to have children soon after immigrating. The study confirms the perception that Muslim women have more children than non-Muslims in Western Europe."