What makes you think we are here to help? That's not how this place works.The posts you people make don't seem to help the situation much.
What makes you think we are here to help? That's not how this place works.
Please name some cities where the article would apply?
The boogieman is coming to get you, be scared and prepared.
I'm not afraid of anyone. But to answer your question- Newark, NJ, and half of Detroit, definitely including Dearborn. Hell Seattle IS implementing it. You name it, anywhere there's weak leadership could apply here. Read this article below.
One of the committee’s recommendations: Banks need to offer “Shariah-compliant” mortgage loans for Seattle’s growing Muslim community.
Muslims are forbidden by their religious law, Shariah, from paying interest on loans so they must be offered loans structured in such a way that interest is not part of the package.
The 28-member committee recommended the city convene lenders and community leaders to explore options for increasing access to Shariah-compliant loans, the Puget Sound Business Journal reported.
Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/07/major-u-s-city-poised-to-implement-islamic-law/#7wo5wFt5kXfIIj4O.99
I'm not afraid of anyone. But to answer your question- Newark, NJ, and half of Detroit, definitely including Dearborn. Hell Seattle IS implementing it. You name it, anywhere there's weak leadership could apply here. Read this article below.
One of the committee’s recommendations: Banks need to offer “Shariah-compliant” mortgage loans for Seattle’s growing Muslim community.
Muslims are forbidden by their religious law, Shariah, from paying interest on loans so they must be offered loans structured in such a way that interest is not part of the package.
The 28-member committee recommended the city convene lenders and community leaders to explore options for increasing access to Shariah-compliant loans, the Puget Sound Business Journal reported.
Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/07/major-u-s-city-poised-to-implement-islamic-law/#7wo5wFt5kXfIIj4O.99
What makes you think we are here to help? That's not how this place works.
We are reproducing slower and slower, while they rapidly have kids. Guess what? The HIGHEST fertility rates in the muslim world are found in countries with the highest level of terrorist activity and hatred toward the west. See below. Somalians at 5.2 to 1.8 of the Norwegians? Good gracious, that will not take 300 years to completely change their country. 30 or less would be much closer guess than 300 years.
So you're making stuff up with nothing to add? Great to know - we can all dismiss you when the adults talk next time.
LOL...nearly 14% of all Somali children are dead before their fifth birthday. For Norwegians, it's 0.26%. Good gracious, STOP posting.
Just the usury laws so far. Judaism have some pretty fine policies along those lines too.
LOL...nearly 14% of all Somali children are dead before their fifth birthday. For Norwegians, it's 0.26%. Good gracious, STOP posting.
Keep your dog-whistle language out of my ears.
Would you like to be?
Link to that? You act as though I'm stupid, but then im supposed to just take your BS at face value? Please. Nice mob mentality around here. At least the Noles guy has an open mind - thank you for that..LOL...nearly 14% of all Somali children are dead before their fifth birthday. For Norwegians, it's 0.26%. Good gracious, STOP posting.
Link to that? You act as though I'm stupid, but then im supposed to just take your BS at face value? Please. Nice mob mentality around here. At least the Noles guy has an open mind - thank you for that..