The 10 best things about Obamacare


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
The 5th anniversary of the ACA becoming law is passing rather quietly on HROT. However, I was struck by Ted Cruz saying in his speech announcing his 2016 run that he'd dismantle Obamacare. Nothing saved. Just gut it. It will be interesting to me once the field is full and questions start to come from moderate voices exactly which parts of Obamacare are worth saving? What parts will independent women and moderates want saved? The people Republicans need to win back the presidency.
Just a quick look, but I think Republicans will find it hard to say the will destroy Obamacare without a plan to preserve 4,5,6, and 8. I'm wondering if even 9 might have more support than the far right thinks.

I don't think anybody said Obamacare is devoid of benefits.

But that list makes a pretty good argument for why it shouldn't have been passed. Presumably those are the high points, and together they don't care anywhere near justifying the negatives of the plan, both practical and philosophical.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
I don't think anybody said Obamacare is devoid of benefits.

But that list makes a pretty good argument for why it shouldn't have been passed. Presumably those are the high points, and together they don't care anywhere near justifying the negatives of the plan, both practical and philosophical.
Cruze did, that was the point of lucas's post. What will sane cons insist on keeping and how will they keep the good bits without the bits you think negative?
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
I don't think anybody said Obamacare is devoid of benefits.

But that list makes a pretty good argument for why it shouldn't have been passed. Presumably those are the high points, and together they don't care anywhere near justifying the negatives of the plan, both practical and philosophical.
So, what is the Republican plan to preserve the benefits of the law? You admit there are good parts to the law. You are smart enough to understand a voter with a sick child, or a person with a pre-existing condition will not be thrilled to vote for someone who promises to go back to the bad old days as far as they are concerned.
Originally posted by lucas80:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:
I don't think anybody said Obamacare is devoid of benefits.

But that list makes a pretty good argument for why it shouldn't have been passed. Presumably those are the high points, and together they don't care anywhere near justifying the negatives of the plan, both practical and philosophical.
So, what is the Republican plan to preserve the benefits of the law? You admit there are good parts to the law. You are smart enough to understand a voter with a sick child, or a person with a pre-existing condition will not be thrilled to vote for someone who promises to go back to the bad old days as far as they are concerned.
I assume the Republican plans are the same ones they had before the ACA was passed. A high-risk, subsidized insurance pool for people with pre-existing conditions; sales of policies across state lines; encouraging catastrophic plans that are actually insurance instead of health maintenance plans; allowing small companies to join together to provide group plans to employees; stuff like that there.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by lucas80:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:
I don't think anybody said Obamacare is devoid of benefits.

But that list makes a pretty good argument for why it shouldn't have been passed. Presumably those are the high points, and together they don't care anywhere near justifying the negatives of the plan, both practical and philosophical.
So, what is the Republican plan to preserve the benefits of the law? You admit there are good parts to the law. You are smart enough to understand a voter with a sick child, or a person with a pre-existing condition will not be thrilled to vote for someone who promises to go back to the bad old days as far as they are concerned.
I assume the Republican plans are the same ones they had before the ACA was passed. A high-risk, subsidized insurance pool for people with pre-existing conditions; sales of policies across state lines; encouraging catastrophic plans that are actually insurance instead of health maintenance plans; allowing small companies to join together to provide group plans to employees; stuff like that there.
They should pass that so we can see what's in it.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Are we talking about the same Ted Cruz who voluntarily signed up for OBAMACARE?

No it's the Ted Cruz who hates crony capitalism but has a wife who works at Goldman Sachs.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by lucas80:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:
I don't think anybody said Obamacare is devoid of benefits.

But that list makes a pretty good argument for why it shouldn't have been passed. Presumably those are the high points, and together they don't care anywhere near justifying the negatives of the plan, both practical and philosophical.
So, what is the Republican plan to preserve the benefits of the law? You admit there are good parts to the law. You are smart enough to understand a voter with a sick child, or a person with a pre-existing condition will not be thrilled to vote for someone who promises to go back to the bad old days as far as they are concerned.
I assume the Republican plans are the same ones they had before the ACA was passed. A high-risk, subsidized insurance pool for people with pre-existing conditions; sales of policies across state lines; encouraging catastrophic plans that are actually insurance instead of health maintenance plans; allowing small companies to join together to provide group plans to employees; stuff like that there.
It doesn't have to be weekly. Monthly updates will be fine as to what the Republican led House and Senate are doing to create a workable law.
The very best thing is knowing it will go away sometime after the next Presidential election.
Originally posted by Arbitr8:

The very best thing is knowing it will go away sometime after the next Presidential election.
That's probably the best reason to vote for Hillary.

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