The best player nobody ever heard of

There has to be something about the kid that people dont like. There is no way if they sent out that much film and talked to that many people, that no one offered him a scholarship or even a chance to walk on (maybe I missed that part)

Or maybe he is one of those kids that is a good player but just not good enough to play at the highest level. There are ways to get yourself noticed. Go play at a JUCO.

It is amazing the number of kids who think they are division one players that just arent as good as they think. In a D3 locker room there are always handful of kids who think they are Division 1 players.

Maybe this kid is the greatest thing since sliced bread and every school/football staff in the country is wrong, but something smells funny about this.
Even if he doesn't turn out to be all that great, when you're getting letters of interest from Ok St, Alabama, and others, you have to admit it's weird not getting a scholarship offer from the New Mexico's and Louisiana-Monroe's of the world.
Ironic that several years ago New Mexico State recruited a quarterback from IOWA who threw for 1,100 yards and 11 touchdowns as a senior, who was also grandson of big Iowa donor and nephew of former UI asst. coach.
Baring some signing day offer, I would guess he tears it up on the community college route and then have 4 to play 3.
If he is that good why no offers from his in state schools, New Mexico and NMSU? It's not like he wouldn't be on their radar. The film looked ok, but nothing blew me away. Maybe scouts just think he isn't a D1 quarterback?

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