The CC22 full length, 2 hour long documentary

ottumwan in tx

HR King
Oct 26, 2002
Who is making it and when does it come out? I am not talking about an ESPN 30 minute deal. those are fine.
so I am watching these , I dunno , reels maybe, I dunno what you call it, little film clips, of teammates making fun of Brittney Griner - they say all she does is fart all day. Seriously? is this wonderful entertaining film work?
so I am watching these , I dunno , reels maybe, I dunno what you call it, little film clips, of teammates making fun of Brittney Griner - they say all she does is fart all day. Seriously? is this wonderful entertaining film work?
You bought the W League Pass, too?
Well, you have to cast it first. So, who plays who?
no I mean documentary , not feature film. Like, as in, somebody probably should have started it like two yrs ago, following her around at college. and then showing how different it is in the pros. or maybe how much it is the same.
no I mean documentary , not feature film. Like, as in, somebody probably should have started it like two yrs ago, following her around at college. and then showing how different it is in the pros. or maybe how much it is the same.
Yeah, but the feature film is where the money is!
You mean like ESPN did?

Or did you want three or four sets a camera’s following her around?
I was originally thinking like "the amazing jonathon documentary." if you have ever seen it. it's pretty crazy. but now I am starting to back off of it because A: I think she is very business like and kind of a dull personality. that's just her. no nonsense , make threes. no offense. she is kind of boring most of the time. when she isn't making threes. and B: I don't think she would allow the cameras. she tends to not do well with the attention. she is kind of shy a little. I doubt anybody could follow her around.

so anywhos, we just got the Hulu last year. swear to gosh we never had high speed internet and never had cable prior to this.
I am huge fan of documentaries and not so much movies. What I have noticed is this: there seems to be a formula of 40-45 minutes on there. that's the length. of the episodes. so if it has to go longer, it may be like three episodes of 40 minutes each. I think this is probably due to the short attention span of the average viewer. so I am backing off of the 2 hr lenth. I think ESPN did a few different episodes.

Also I think the most fascinating thing to me is the back room stuff, the goings on behind the scenes.
like in the amazing jonathon, all of a sudden they find out other people are doing documentaries at the same time. plus jonathon keeps saying he's dying. and does not. right away. he dies later. so maybe the "reaction" to CC22, or behind the scenes stuff, or fans, commercial deals. what the sports talk radio guys say. Iowa reactions. The CC22 effect, outside of her person.

A 2 hour documentary is the last thing she needs now. Store the footage and make something in 5-10 years when she's dominating the league
yeah I'm starting to find out I like all the outside stuff. behind the scenes. click bait stories. drama. sports talk radio. all this could be done without her for sure. I have no clue if she shall last 5-10 years but right now there is a buzz around her.
no I mean documentary , not feature film. Like, as in, somebody probably should have started it like two yrs ago, following her around at college. and then showing how different it is in the pros. or maybe how much it is the same.
This was basically done already The 4 part documentary called "Full court press" followed Clark, Cardosa, and Nikki Rice for all of last season . Great behind the scenes work all on players, probably a little slanted toward Clark as the the two time NPOTY. It covered Clark all through the draft, her arrival and starting training in Indy. Excellent watch...
and B: I don't think she would allow the cameras. she tends to not do well with the attention. she is kind of shy a little. I doubt anybody could follow her around.


This has happened…there is an entire show about it on ESPN
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This has happened…there is an entire show about it on ESPN
my bad I didn't articulate correctly. my very first post was "not espn". I meant "not in the style of espn". I knew it was done already I saw it. or I saw one or two episodes. I had a different STYLE of documentary in mind.
my bad I didn't articulate correctly. my very first post was "not espn". I meant "not in the style of espn". I knew it was done already I saw it. or I saw one or two episodes. I had a different STYLE of documentary in mind.

My comment was in response to you saying Caitlin wouldn’t let cameras follow her around
This was basically done already The 4 part documentary called "Full court press" followed Clark, Cardosa, and Nikki Rice for all of last season . Great behind the scenes work all on players, probably a little slanted toward Clark as the the two time NPOTY. It covered Clark all through the draft, her arrival and starting training in Indy. Excellent watch...
I know it, I meant "different style of documentary than ESPN" .

Here is the deal, in 1896 in Texas they crashed two trains head on, on purpose, for entertainment value. what they did not realize : there were people sitting and spectating too close to it, and the shrapnel killed three folks. Now I do not think CC22 is train wreck, but my point is people want to see a train wreck.

some say they tune into the indy 500 or a nascar race for the wrecks. Again, not calling her a wreck. but some people in public are losing their minds. especially after "Olympic - gate".

What I am thinking is people might want to see the wreck of humanity that she leaves in her wake, the behind the scenes stuff. How everyone around her is reacting. once again, maybe not following her or her family, maybe do a doc on the sports guys on radio and tv. MacAfee sticking his foot in his mouth, so on.

So my bad, did not articulate it correctly. This doc would be the digging up of some positives and negatives. the "palace intrigue", the drama. the stuff behind the scenes.

next thing in my mind which wanders all over the map: I am almost thinking the Kate Martin story might be more interesting than Caitlin Clark.
My comment was in response to you saying Caitlin wouldn’t let cameras follow her around
oh, well, this style of doc I am speaking of, she wouldn't want this stuff probably. I mean like investigative journalism finding and digging up negatives and positives. trying to find a good story yes, but negatives will happen. I mean backstage behind the scenes stuff. so in the interest of not stalking her nor her family, I really mean people around her and their stories and their reactions. not so much her and her familiy. Also, like I mentioned, the kate martin story might be more intriguing. an underdog story to be sure.
Are people interested in the royal family- or the "palace intrigue"?? that is the question.

Are people interested in the nascar race, or the wrecks?