The Divided State of America

I’m late to the party, and I haven’t read many of the replies to this thread, but here is my bid for POTY:

Not sure why you think I don't care about the debt.

Because he doesn't care about the debt.
Ask him why it's a problem and see his response.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I strongly believe we are within ten years of experiencing a global economic adjustment. Our country will play a major roll because default in some form will be the result

We 'default' on it constantly, and have ever since we abandoned the gold standard 50 years ago to keep up our guns and butter.
We assumed the role of reserve currency in global finance after WW2 precisely because Bretton Woods established a gold standard with the US dollar redeemable in gold.
We maintain that status after Nixon's betrayal by being 'the least dirty shirt' among the devaluing fiat currencies around the globe. Current actions ($5 trillion in new debt issuance in the last year alone) threaten that.
We have a unique advantage of exporting our inflation to the other nations around the globe that settle their trade in our currency. They don't have to do that, and more and more nations are making economic agreements to settle trade in other currencies.
Anybody loaning Uncle Sam $100 today is going to get paid back with $100 that won't purchase as much. People with no concept of history will tell you this is fine, and normal, and we shouldn't expect anything else.
The continued debasement of the dollar is a method of default. Make no mistake about it.
I'll answer your question. It's because of the left's tolerance of criminal acts.

The left doesn't get excited over riots. Their Dem leaders like the mayors of Portland and Minneapolis instruct their police to stand down as property is burned and stores are looted.

The left doesn't care that BLM protesters chant "Pigs in a Blanket, fry 'em like Bacon". They support it.

The left does not care that their VP, K Harris, not only supported these violent protests, she publicly stated that she hopes they continue after the election. Yet the left claims they don't insight violent behavior.

The left doubles down on their hatred of police by the promotion of police department defunding. The left could care less about demoralizing police. The left pays no attention to the impact demoralized police have on each of our safety.

The left wing press doesn't report on the sexual charges of Andrew Cuomo. Yes, they have targeted him as their sacrificial lamb, but his sexual advances have been ignored by the left wing pseudo news propaganda machine.

The left virtually ignored charges of sexual assault against Joe Biden during the campaign. We watched troubling video of Biden sniffing girls and women time and time, but Democrats and the left wing propaganda machine defended him. A huge number of us haven't forgotten how these same hypocrites behaved and attempted to deceive us during the Justice Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. The behavior of Dems was nothing short of dishonest and disturbing.

The left claims there are 11 million illegal aliens in our country right now. Yet Harvard just released a study that indicates the real number is likely more than double this number. And we are about to see Biden grant these people amnesty in hopes of increasing the Democratic voter base.

We have just watched Biden sign a EO to forbid deportation of illegal immigrant regardless of any crime they have committed.

We've watched Congress guard themselves with a wall around the capital building and a supporting army of gun toting soldiers. Yet we witnessed Joe Biden gloriously hold the hand of Beto O'Rourke's over his head as he promised to have Beto come for our guns. Hypocrisy? Double standard? What would you have us call it?

We've watched Biden open our border to an anticipated 1.25 million immigrants in 2021. Each of these people will receive a $1,600 loan from the government. Each of them will receive health care. Each of them will receive money to transport them to the domestic location of their choice.

We watch as EACH OF THESE POORYLY VETTED IMMIGRANTS COMPETE FOR JOBS WITH U.S. CITIZENS WHILE OUR CONGRESS REFUSES TO EXPEDITIOUSLY ADRESS THEIR WELLBEING. Congress increases the debt of our country by barrowing money to extend unemployment benefits while financially enticing immigrants to take the jobs of people born here.

I'll say this, people like Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Waters, Biden, and Sanders have pissed us off. Those who arrogantly belittle our perceptions garner the same disrespect as disengaged leaders. You have the right to support them, but we have rights too, and there are a lot of us who are willing to do what is necessary to keep these rights.

This was not intended as a personal assault on you Tom Paris. Not at all. But you and your liberal friends ask why, and it's an easy answer.

One of the best summaries I have seen regarding the past year. I will never understand why any of this is passed off or completely ignored.
Ummm, the “left” most certainly condemned the riots—and did so repeatedly. The narrative that Democrats didn’t, just isn’t true.

This was long after they realized polling numbers were taking a major hit. The accurate timeline is out there.

Also Chis, take a break dude. You’ve gone full blown nuts these past couple months and I’m genuinely worried about you. Take a break, and try not to focus on politics. You’ve basically began following this stuff in a cult like manner.
I'm worried his lack of employment has caused him to enter a dark place that began on these boards.
Any defense of the summer rioting and how he framed that?

On that one I would wholeheartedly agree with ol was not nearly as condemned as it should have was not shut down like it should have been, there was real businesses affected by that shit show and they basically were left to be sacrificial lambs.

Both sides love unrest when it's their own causing it and it's pathetic. Sure you get the obligatory 'I don't condone this behavior' on camera with the wink to their team....both sides do this - blatantly with the summer looting and blatantly with the Capitol insurrection.

The CHOP crap in Seattle was especially ridiculous. I realize I'm quickly becoming and old school curmudgeon, but I would've been fine with a few dead bodies in the street to clear that shit up....just like I would've been fine with a few more dead in the capitol building to break that shit up.

I'd add another frightening point to your comments. Kamaltoe Harris, our beloved and overwhelming unpopular VP, publicly stated that these protests (riots) should continue.

Many people say there is no such thing as a "coincidence". For those of this belief, do you not find it interesting that Kamaltoe Harris chose to be interviewed my a comedian?

There is some drug abuse in my past. When assessing the damage, I like to think those opinions are subjective.

If I fall on my head today, I'll undoubtedly bleed out. 😱

The older I get, the more I worry about taking a tumble. And I've got a bigger distance to fall than most folks.

Not to mention, the drug abuse in my current and future life.
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The older I get, the more I worry about taking a tumble. And I've got a bigger distance to fall than most folks.

Not to mention, the drug abuse in my current and future life.
Just discovered I have a pulmonary embolism yesterday. I started Eliquis last night. This morning I realized my death will likely be the result of bleeding out. I hope I walk better than that drunken Mormon, Mitt Romney.

Thank you gentlemen. Just one more thing in an unbelievable 36 months. I still get to see Mrs. Herk everyday which is all that counts.
My wife was just hospitalized for 2 days with this, a couple of weeks ago. Came out of nowhere and was scary as shit.
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You realize that you are part of the problem, right?
No, sadly he doesn't. He's too busy spending 75% of his day trolling the internet looking for the next "gotcha GOP" moment he can run to this board to post. I think Chis would step over a Liberal stabbing someone to get to the other side of a street where there was dirt on a Conservative.
My wife was just hospitalized for 2 days with this, a couple of weeks ago. Came out of nowhere and was scary as shit.
I hope she's doing well. Mrs. Herk is an RN and told me not to be surprised if they hospitalized me. Thank goodness they didn't. They also said to expect 6 months on Elequis. Does that coincide with your wife's experience? How's she doing?
Here are the facts: The liberal left controls the Democrat
party and the extreme right controls the Republicans.

The liberal left has an agenda of defund police forces,
eliminate the electoral college, pack the Supreme Court,
increase the flow of illegal immigrants. That is just a start.

The extreme right has an agenda to make homosexual
marriage and abortion illegal, to build a wall on our southern
border, to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants. For a start.
And here we are Lute, stuck in the middle with you. 😊