The election American's aren't talking enough about


HR King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Mexicans go to the voting booth on Sunday to elect a successor to Andrés Manuel López Obrador at a time of rising cartel violence, drug usage, tough economic times, worsening environmental impacts of climate change, and rugged relations with the US. Lopez Obrador recently has acted to slow migrant crossings through Mexico to ease pressure at the US border, but it is unknown how either of the two women running to replace him will govern, and if they will attempt to foster better relations with the US.
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Claudia Scheinbaum has won. Although she is a protege of Lopez Obrador, she will most be less combative and result driven. She promises to move Mexico towards a greener economy and tackle the violence that blossomed under Lopez Obrador. Of critical importance to the US, will she restrict the passage of migrants through Mexico?

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