The funniest alpha white male trait in America right now...

Is “alpha white male” code for something other than a white male with a dominant personality? Or are you referring to people who live in rural areas? Otherwise I don’t know anyone afraid of cities, let alone proud of it.

I'd say they hate American cities vs fearing them and in this context, the "alpha white male" is the rural trumpie types and the politicians they support. They often refer to themselves and their political heroes as white alpha males. They also see themselves as true patriots, they proudly display the American (and confederate?) flag but hate America's cities, culture, educational institutions, government agencies, and all of the American's who don't think like they do. Apparently that's what it means to be a patriot.
I'd say they hate American cities vs fearing them and in this context, the "alpha white male" is the rural trumpie types and the politicians they support. They often refer to themselves and their political heroes as white alpha males. They also see themselves as true patriots, they proudly display the American (and confederate?) flag but hate America's cities, culture, educational institutions, government agencies, and all of the American's who don't think like they do. Apparently that's what it means to be a patriot.
I see. I guess for slang i I would have used the term MAGAt.
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Is “alpha white male” code for something other than a white male with a dominant personality? Or are you referring to people who live in rural areas? Otherwise I don’t know anyone afraid of cities, let alone proud of it.
Not sure where you live but this fits the description of many in small town Iowa that vote Trump but act tough in real life. I know a couple that won’t go to certain cities because of crime!
I'd say they hate American cities vs fearing them and in this context, the "alpha white male" is the rural trumpie types and the politicians they support. They often refer to themselves and their political heroes as white alpha males. They also see themselves as true patriots, they proudly display the American (and confederate?) flag but hate America's cities, culture, educational institutions, government agencies, and all of the American's who don't think like they do. Apparently that's what it means to be a patriot.
This phenomenon is one that pisses me off about as much as anything these people do. They have always hated 1/2 the country, but that has expanded to a position that it’s hard to tell what they even like about this place
Not sure where you live but this fits the description of many in small town Iowa that vote Trump but act tough in real life. I know a couple that won’t go to certain cities because of crime!
Like I said, this isn’t a white thing, or an alpha thing. It is a MAGA TIITB (I wrote “thing” and somehow Apple saw fit to autocorrect it to “TIITB” and it was too funny so I let it stand) thing.
From those, I know not sure I'd say afraid, but rather dislike or maybe hate. They seem to hate or dislike things already mentioned like gov't, cities, anything new or different, most education, science, arts, etc. So, they tend to complain about the present and the future but love the good old days.
Is “alpha white male” code for something other than a white male with a dominant personality? Or are you referring to people who live in rural areas? Otherwise I don’t know anyone afraid of cities, let alone proud of it.
I figured 'white alpha male' because non whites tend to live in cities, so the quip doesn't work as well without it.

Alpha male = stereotype of tough guy. Tough guy political stereotype is usually conservative.

So it's the contrast... tough guy complaining about danger all the time. That was funny.
Is “alpha white male” code for something other than a white male with a dominant personality? Or are you referring to people who live in rural areas? Otherwise I don’t know anyone afraid of cities, let alone proud of it.
I think it's about white dudes who would sincerely refer to themselves as alpha males. I know tons of them.
Well I live in rural Iowa, have a pickup I use to haul stuff and I hate going to big cities. Not because I am “afraid”, more like I hate the effing traffic and crowds. I also don’t like being called “flyover” country. Like we don’t matter here or something. Also I am far far from a Trump loving MAGA. So your stereotype above is not entirely accurate (although I do see the people you describe).
From a lifelong Iowan….Iowa is 100% flyover country…get over it snow flakes….

Heck, ideally the only way I want to experience western Iowa is flying over it….driving through it and Nebraska is nearly torture…
From a lifelong Iowan….Iowa is 100% flyover country…get over it snow flakes….

Heck, ideally the only way I want to experience western Iowa is flying over it….driving through it and Nebraska is nearly torture…
I would much rather drive through Nebraska than downtown bumper to bumper, crawling, stopping, crawling, beeping, bird flipping Chicago anytime. But that’s just me.
From a lifelong Iowan….Iowa is 100% flyover country…get over it snow flakes….

Heck, ideally the only way I want to experience western Iowa is flying over it….driving through it and Nebraska is nearly torture…
For people on the coasts, flyover country is basically everything west of Pittsburgh until you hit a state touching the Pacific, or perhaps Vegas, and south of Pittsburgh until Florida and Texas. While I like cities like KC, they are referred to as "cow towns". My favorite shirt I wore in college was:

I would say that flyover country starts at Chicago. I've driven through Nebraska one time and will never do it again.
And you would be wrong, as viewed by east coasters. When in the military in Boston, I literally worked with rocket scientists and a whole array of super smart civilians. Most of them could not, or refused to, distinguish Ohio from Illinois from Iowa from Idaho. Illinois is absolutely a flyover state, even with Chicago.
And you would be wrong, as viewed by east coasters. When in the military in Boston, I literally worked with rocket scientists and a whole array of super smart civilians. Most of them could not, or refused to, distinguish Ohio from Illinois from Iowa from Idaho. Illinois is absolutely a flyover state, even with Chicago.
I can confirm illinois outside of chicago, especially central illinois is a terrible drive as well.
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And you would be wrong, as viewed by east coasters. When in the military in Boston, I literally worked with rocket scientists and a whole array of super smart civilians. Most of them could not, or refused to, distinguish Ohio from Illinois from Iowa from Idaho. Illinois is absolutely a flyover state, even with Chicago.

I would hope that rocket scientists could point out Fermilab and the U. of Chicago on a map but if we are going to consider the 3rd largest metro area to be flyover country, we're adding a lot of metro areas to it.

The rest of Illinois is a flyover state, no question. Nothing of substance is coming out of it and it may as well be Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, or Nebraska
I would hope that rocket scientists could point out Fermilab and the U. of Chicago on a map but if we are going to consider the 3rd largest metro area to be flyover country, we're adding a lot of metro areas to it.

The rest of Illinois is a flyover state, no question. Nothing of substance is coming out of it and it may as well be Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, or Nebraska
All I am relaying to you is my experience. I think they view Chicago like one would view Rome. It is its own thing in the middle of another thing, if that makes sense.