The good old Covid lies

I just emailed Ted to make sure everyone remembers that Big Pharma, Fauci, the Biden administration all knowingly lied to everyone so they could sell more vaccines.

100% effective. Lmao
Yeah I don't know who Ted is but thank you!

And I do like that you threw the Biden Administration in there, since the vaccines were being developed during the final year of Trump's administration. Are we supposed to be mad that the Trump administration didn't profit or that Biden's did? Feels like both should be listed but I'm sure you already knew that.
Yeah I don't know who Ted is but thank you!

And I do like that you threw the Biden Administration in there, since the vaccines were being developed during the final year of Trump's administration. Are we supposed to be mad that the Trump administration didn't profit or that Biden's did? Feels like both should be listed but I'm sure you already knew that.

Do yo think OP knows?

Yeah I don't know who Ted is but thank you!

And I do like that you threw the Biden Administration in there, since the vaccines were being developed during the final year of Trump's administration. Are we supposed to be mad that the Trump administration didn't profit or that Biden's did? Feels like both should be listed but I'm sure you already knew that.
I think this is an issue that should be bi partisan. It won’t nothing seemingly ever will be. This is overall government coverup and corruption in so many layers. I guess it was a hip I partisan screw job. Yeah USA.
Anyone held accountable for this crap yet
FUNFACT: One of your anti-vax buddies recently posted a study, where they tried to re-infect people with the original Covid strain, as part of an immunology experiment.

Because that vaccine was so effective, along with many people having been infected with that strain, they were unable to infect any of their study participants. Which implies that vaccine indeed WAS "nearly 100% effective"...
FUNFACT: One of your anti-vax buddies recently posted a study, where they tried to re-infect people with the original Covid strain, as part of an immunology experiment.

Because that vaccine was so effective, along with many people having been infected with that strain, they were unable to infect any of their study participants. Which implies that vaccine indeed WAS "nearly 100% effective"...
FUNFACT: One of your anti-vax buddies recently posted a study, where they tried to re-infect people with the original Covid strain, as part of an immunology experiment.

Because that vaccine was so effective, along with many people having been infected with that strain, they were unable to infect any of their study participants. Which implies that vaccine indeed WAS "nearly 100% effective"...
Also natural immunity for the win. The natural laws of virology and immunology still win over "The $cience"
My favorite part of all this is when Internet morons (who will vote for Trump a third time) actually think they're smarter than immunologists and doctors. It's adorable.

The vaccines were effective at preventing infection and transmission of the original strain in 2020-21. As the virus changed, it's effectiveness predictably became lower to new variants. Which is why they were updated. Like the yearly influenza vaccines.
It was never 100% effective. On any strain. That is not true.
It was never 100% effective. On any strain. That is not true.
Nothing in life is 100%. But it was very good. You're a bitter hack who's been mostly wrong about everything COVID for 4 years. You're one of the adorable morons I was thinking of.

Youre Wrong The West Wing GIF
Nothing in life is 100%. But it was very good. You're a bitter hack who's been mostly wrong about everything COVID for 4 years. You're one of the adorable morons I was thinking of.
I’ve been right all along. And you don’t say it’s 109% effective, when it is not.
Lies like that cost the government and big pharma a lot of credibility, and made things worse.
Trump never implemented any vaccination mandates. That's all on Biden.
That’s bs. You didn’t have to get the vaccine. Some would have just lost their jobs if they didn’t. But it wasn’t mandated. Trust me I was told this plenty of times when I decided to keep my job.