The good old Covid lies

This seems a bit like if I said I "worked in oncology" when I was a lab assistant in college in a lab researching cell apoptosis. Although I later became a full research assistant and have first authorship on a publication. Which isn't bad since I only did that one year before switching labs.
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Manufacturing tech just follows the instructions written out for you by the scientists and chemical engineers who developed the process.

Consider yourself a glorified "baker".
Yep you were there everyday watching what we did and didn’t do.
Just like jwolf and mclovin said I didn’t work in pharmaceuticals and if I did I was just the janitor.
You guys just love making shit up don’t you.

It’s amazing to how quickly they “both” laughed at my link that didn’t work and a few minutes later when I attached the photos they went radio silent.
There ya go again with graphs they don't understand.
Those ‘studies’ attempted to link higher death rates from ‘covid’ based on collective, countywide voting; they did NOT show death rates from individual vaccination status.

Just more propaganda, ‘Doc’. Which seems is the only thing you people have had to offer the past 4 years.
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This seems a bit like if I said I "worked in oncology" when I was a lab assistant in college in a lab researching cell apoptosis. Although I later became a full research assistant and have first authorship on a publication. Which isn't bad since I only did that one year before switching labs.

Hey...that means I'm an oncologist, too!!! 😉

I did work with with Pope Moseley at UI when he was doing work on apoptosis and stress proteins back in the day. IIRC, he had some nice DoD grants to identify stress protein mechanisms, with the overall goal of making humans more heat-tolerant. As in, fighting a war in combat gear in a hot desert...
Those ‘studies’ attempted to link higher death rates from ‘covid’ based on collective, countywide voting; they did NOT show death rates from individual vaccination status.

Just more propaganda, ‘Doc’. Which seems is the only thing you people have had to offer the past 4 years.
It showed in counties that voted heavier for Trump, the vaccination rates were lower. And their death rate was predictably higher. And I'm sure that trend likely holds up when controlling for comorbidities. Correct, those graphs didn't directly show death rates from individuals who were vaccinated vs unvaccinated. But there's already lots of those studies showing that. You know.... "propaganda".

But hey, you're smarter than all the worlds immunologists and doctors.
Hey...that means I'm an oncologist, too!!! 😉

I did work with with Pope Moseley at UI when he was doing work on apoptosis and stress proteins back in the day. IIRC, he had some nice DoD grants to identify stress protein mechanisms, with the overall goal of making humans more heat-tolerant. As in, fighting a war in combat gear in a hot desert...
My second research assistant job (worked out well, was a 1 year DOD grant and I had a year to kill before med school), I designed a protocol where we exercised rats in heated environments and recorded their vitals and HR variability. Trying to obtain some info on the sympathetic nervous system and how the heat might affect our soldiers. I'm not sure if the data was ever sufficient enough to publish though. Was an interesting year.
You're grossly overselling your background here, spud.
So did I or did I not work in pharmaceuticals? Would I also know what I claimed to have said about the Covid vaccine?
I think you’re the one overselling anything that I claimed and then trying to make stuff up about what I stated.
I can tell you one thing, you’re just like the research and lab people I worked with. They thought they were gods greatest gift and would walk right past a person in the hallway and not look at you or bother saying good morning or hold a door open.
Fvcking weird people.
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Our findings suggest that political party affiliation became a substantial factor only after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults in the US. Although the lack of individual-level vaccination status limited our ability to note further associations, the results suggest that well-documented differences in vaccination attitudes and reported uptake between Republican and Democratic voters24,25 may have been factors in the severity and trajectory of the pandemic. However, one alternative explanation is that political party affiliation is a proxy for other risk factors (beyond age, which we adjusted for) for excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as rates of underlying medical conditions, race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or health insurance coverage,26-29 and these risk factors may be associated with differences in excess mortality by political party, even though we only observed differences in excess mortality after vaccines were available to all adults. It is also possible that specific risk factors for excess mortality interact with the emergence of COVID-19 variants (eg, Delta) or changes in vaccine-associated protection over time to be more consequential at different stages of the pandemic. Because data limitations prevented us from directly adjusting for these factors, their potential influence remains an important question for future research. (jamanetwork)

You can call this junk science or you can call it propaganda but the fact remains they were trying to push a narrative that had nothing to do with facts or data; just speculation.
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Our findings suggest that political party affiliation became a substantial factor only after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults in the US. Although the lack of individual-level vaccination status limited our ability to note further associations, the results suggest that well-documented differences in vaccination attitudes and reported uptake between Republican and Democratic voters24,25 may have been factors in the severity and trajectory of the pandemic. However, one alternative explanation is that political party affiliation is a proxy for other risk factors (beyond age, which we adjusted for) for excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as rates of underlying medical conditions, race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or health insurance coverage,26-29 and these risk factors may be associated with differences in excess mortality by political party, even though we only observed differences in excess mortality after vaccines were available to all adults. It is also possible that specific risk factors for excess mortality interact with the emergence of COVID-19 variants (eg, Delta) or changes in vaccine-associated protection over time to be more consequential at different stages of the pandemic. Because data limitations prevented us from directly adjusting for these factors, their potential influence remains an important question for future research. (jamanetwork)

You can call this junk science or you can call it propaganda but the fact remains they were trying to push a narrative that had nothing to do with facts or data; just speculation.
Just let it go and take the L, as they say.

Manufacturing tech just follows the instructions written out for you by the scientists and chemical engineers who developed the process.

Consider yourself a glorified "baker".
You would probably know. You seem pretty baked most of the time.
Jwolf and/mclovin so bad at acknowledging that I proved them wrong. Also how do you plan on sending me that $4.20
You literally didn't prove anything w/ 1 picture of a mug and 2 pictures of someone sleeping hahahahaha

This thread got so much better than I ever expected. My fiance has a coffee mug w/ a Harry Potter character on it, it doesn't mean she helped write the books or create the movies. I ****ing love this site so goddamn much sometimes. What is it w/ the idiots on this board thinking pictures of their hands prove something?
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You literally didn't prove anything w/ 1 picture of a mug and 2 pictures of someone sleeping hahahahaha

This thread got so much better than I ever expected. My fiance has a coffee mug w/ a Harry Potter character on it, it doesn't mean she helped write the books or create the movies. I ****ing love this site so goddamn much sometimes. What is it w/ the idiots on this board thinking pictures of their hands prove something?
Pic of nerdy fiance? Pic of mug (with or without hand).
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Pic of nerdy fiance?
Oookaay buddy and that was me giving you and your other handles the finger because you’re a fvcking idiot.
I’m sure just about everyone has a UI Pharmaceuticals mug sitting around. I was just fortunate that you and tard boy Mclovin tried to say I didn’t work in pharmaceuticals, it worked out perfectly.
Just go on continuing to make up stuff. Just like your hardcore liberal buddies on here.
So did I or did I not work in pharmaceuticals?
You really did not

You worked on a manufacturing floor, probably as an hourly employee.

It's like claiming someone who assembles some medical device "works in medical devices". When you work on the development/design side of things is when you actually have industry expertise/experience.
Our findings suggest that political party affiliation became a substantial factor only after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults in the US.


Because you and your rightwing buddies went all anti-vaxx, and it killed of thousands of MAGAs.
You really did not

You worked on a manufacturing floor, probably as an hourly employee.

It's like claiming someone who assembles some medical device "works in medical devices". When you work on the development/design side of things is when you actually have industry expertise/experience.
Congrats every statement you just made was incorrect.
if you actually read stuff on here instead of getting a hard on to post some stupid reply, you’d see where I mentioned we were often the research part of projects as well.
Like I mention earlier, the fentanyl patch project we had. It was all in development stage and we were the ones developing it. No batch record at all for this glorified baker.
I guess we were just extremely glorified for that project. We must have been the head chef trying out new recipes, not sure what they were thinking when all we could do is follow a cookbook.
But then again you’ll just continue to believe what you make up in your mind. I mean I’m sure you still pee yourself a little bit in fear just thinking about Covid.

Because you and your rightwing buddies went all anti-vaxx, and it killed of thousands of MAGAs.
Shouldn’t right wingers be getting and pushing the useless vac like their cult leader has ordered them to do?

Besides, it cannot explicitly be shown that the covid ‘vaccine’ has saved even one, solitary life.

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Oookaay buddy and that was me giving you and your other handles the finger because you’re a fvcking idiot.
I’m sure just about everyone has a UI Pharmaceuticals mug sitting around. I was just fortunate that you and tard boy Mclovin tried to say I didn’t work in pharmaceuticals, it worked out perfectly.
Just go on continuing to make up stuff. Just like your hardcore liberal buddies on here.
I worked at the health science bookstore as a freshman. We sold that mug. Literally anyone could buy it. We didn't even check ID.
I worked at the health science bookstore as a freshman. We sold that mug. Literally anyone could buy it. We didn't even check ID.

I suppose you sold the non shedding scrubs as well.
Man you’re a loser.

I suppose you sold the non shedding scrubs as well.
Man you’re a loser.
I'm not the one who's allowed themselves to be trolled for 7 pages to get some E-cred from strangers who don't respect you anyway. Personally IDGAF if you worked in a lab or not. I worked in a couple. It's not impressive to me because I know how little the techs contribute.
I'm not the one who's allowed themselves to be trolled for 7 pages to get some E-cred from strangers who don't respect you anyway. Personally IDGAF if you worked in a lab or not. I worked in a couple. It's not impressive to me because I know how little the techs contribute.
There it is! Finally admitting you’re making up crap. Just like how you say you’re a doctor and that you’re not running multiple handles.
There it is! Finally admitting you’re making up crap. Just like how you say you’re a doctor and that you’re not running multiple handles.
You're reading comprehension is really poor. I haven't made anything up. I truly don't believe you have done anything of importance in science that gives you some kind of insight into the development, testing, and implementation of the covid vaccines. And a picture of a mug and a hungover dude didn't move the needle on that belief.

But running 2 handles since 2008 has been a major burden. But it's my cross to bare.
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Same person same lame posts
You do realize, that out of all the posters on this board, you and woody are the only ones that think Jwolf and I are the same person, right? Everyone reads your posts, and goes, "wow, that's one stupid mother****er"
You do realize, that out of all the posters on this board, you and woody are the only ones that think Jwolf and I are the same person, right? Everyone reads your posts, and goes, "wow, that's one stupid mother****er"
You do realize you are the only one that’s ever said I am the same person as woody.
If they actually ready through this post in entirety I think they would realize you both were making up stuff about me and I proved it to you and yet you just make up more shit about my photo not being legit. Anyone with any common sense would realize you’re making shit up.
Not unfortunately there are plenty of people on here that will agree with you just because you’re a hardcore liberal just like them and have the same middle school mentality that you do.
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You do realize you are the only one that’s ever said I am the same person as woody.
If they actually ready through this post in entirety I think they would realize you both were making up stuff about me and I proved it to you and yet you just make up more shit about my photo not being legit. Anyone with any common sense would realize you’re making shit up.
Not unfortunately there are plenty of people on here that will agree with you just because you’re a hardcore liberal just like them and have the same middle school mentality that you do.
I'm not even a liberal, I just hate Trump. You truly are a moron hahaha

It's funny you mention "common sense" though, because you're the guy that thinks people aren't born gay, they turn gay because of events in their life.
You do realize you are the only one that’s ever said I am the same person as woody.
If they actually ready through this post in entirety I think they would realize you both were making up stuff about me and I proved it to you and yet you just make up more shit about my photo not being legit. Anyone with any common sense would realize you’re making shit up.
Not unfortunately there are plenty of people on here that will agree with you just because you’re a hardcore liberal just like them and have the same middle school mentality that you do.
If that was sufficient "proof" to you, it's no wonder you believe and fall for the crap you do.
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