Agreed. I think they tried, but the establishment Republicans got in the way.Why didn’t Trump and Rs do it when they had total control during his first two years? Could have do it however they pleased and didn’t get it done.
Why not do some sort of fix now... then if you win in November might be able to do more or do things your way depending on the make up on next Congress? Just shows they need and want this issue to run on.
Why not do some sort of fix now... then if you win in November might be able to do more or do things your way depending on the make up on next Congress? Just shows they need and want this issue to run on.
Translation = If you don't just wave that liberal magic wand and make them legal then you are a racist.What's wrong with them coming here legally? Why can't we find a solution to allow them to be here legally? Why don't you want them here if they want to be? I doubt you are native American so at some point your ancestors were immigrants. Is it the fault of these people our system is so ****ed? And I only bring race into it because it seems to be the only reason that makes any sense as to why you wouldn't want them here legally.
House Republicans. Haha. The Senate Republicans can't even deal with the House. There is no compromise with the Freedom Caucus. You are so tribal. Edit: Do you believe that any deal on immigration would happen without Trump's approval?House Republicans put forward their bill,.. start the conversation there.
House Republicans. Haha. The Senate Republicans can't even deal with the House. There is no compromise with the Freedom Caucus. You are so tribal. Edit: Do you believe that any deal on immigration would happen without Trump's approval?
PS: he allowed over 15 million illegals into the U.S.
You are either a liar, misinformed, or stupid AF.
@Chishawk1425 is a reality denier. What a psycho.
‘Total control’ would mean 60 seats in the Senate.Why didn’t Trump and Rs do it when they had total control during his first two years? Could have do it however they pleased and didn’t get it done.
Why did the dems refuse to act on H.R.2?