The Hypocrisy of the Democratic Party

Do you honestly not understand the difference between physically fit to carry out the duties of office, and being old and slow? Do you honestly not understand the difference between fumbling over words to orally communicate, and having the thoughts themselves? For whatever reason I was thinking you were a better poster than this. Carry on.
I don't think Biden showed that his words or his thoughts were clear last night. It was really really bad. Now, with that said, if I had to place a wager on which man could find Turkey on a map without names or list off the amendments to the constitution they are sworn to uphold and defend, it would be placed on the same guy who looked really really bad last night.

That's the difference between these 2 men. One was never fit to be POTUS. One is now too old and impaired to be POTUS. It's an incredible turn of events and just the latest indication of how broken the political process is in this country.
There is no sugarcoating Biden's performance - it was simply awful. Unfortunately, this could very well be an election game changer. Biden's excellent record speaks for itself. However, it's apparent that going forward Biden should not be the candidate. He's lost it, period. It's time for Jill Biden, his closest advisors, campaign staff, and Dem congressional leaders to step in and conduct an intervention. Biden needs to step down and be replaced immediately.
Replaced as a candidate, not as President.
Biden is a decent man with mostly good values.

He doesn't need to be sharp as a tack as long as he has good people to follow through on his values.

Comments like this one are childish gotcha comments that miss the important point.
So this is what the greatest country on earth has been reduced to? The leader of the free world is age-impaired and would be better off in a retirement home than the most important job on the planet, but as long as he has smart people around him we're good?
I don't think Biden showed that his words or his thoughts were clear last night. It was really really bad. Now, with that said, if I had to place a wager on which man could find Turkey on a map without names or list off the amendments to the constitution they are sworn to uphold and defend, it would be placed on the same guy who looked really really bad last night.

That's the difference between these 2 men. One was never fit to be POTUS. One is now too old and impaired to be POTUS. It's an incredible turn of events and just the latest indication of how broken the political process is in this country.
I do not disagree with you. But that does not mean - per the OP's claim - that we have been lied to and that he actually is mentally unfit. He could be mentally unfit, but what we saw last night does not make him so. With that being said, as I have been saying the optics were horrible, perception can be reality to voters, and the democrats need to change horses. I feel like I am being pretty rational in this thread and I enjoy interacting with other rational posters, so thank you.
So this is what the greatest country on earth has been reduced to? The leader of the free world is age-impaired and would be better off in a retirement home than the most important job on the planet, but as long as he has smart people around him we're good?
No. Smarmy take.

We're better off with a decent, impaired Biden than Trump.

My preference is that Biden quickly withdraw as candidate for reelection. Then hope that the Dems act sensibly. That way there's a chance.

I see no chance if Biden doesn't step aside. And when I say "no chance" I mean no chance for America and civilization, not just no chance for Dems in the coming election.
I do not disagree with you. But that does not mean - per the OP's claim - that we have been lied to and that he actually is mentally unfit. He could be mentally unfit, but what we saw last night does not make him so. With that being said, as I have been saying the optics were horrible, perception can be reality to voters, and the democrats need to change horses. I feel like I am being pretty rational in this thread and I enjoy interacting with other rational posters, so thank you.
I can't make the leap that we have been lied to either. It's not as if Biden's age and frailty have been some secret that people haven't been talking about for the past year pretty much non-stop. I had heard a couple of weeks ago from Mark Halpern on a show I listen to that the physical changes seen in Biden by close associates over just the last several months have been extreme and that concerns have been building within his camp that he couldn't pull this off. Last night was confirmation of that.
No. Smarmy take.

We're better off with a decent, impaired Biden than Trump.

My preference is that Biden quickly withdraw as candidate for reelection. Then hope that the Dems act sensibly. That way there's a chance.

I see no chance if Biden doesn't step aside. And when I say "no chance" I mean no chance for America and civilization, not just no chance for Dems in the coming election.
I just can’t accept that having smart people around you is a substitute for having the physical and mental faculties to do the job. Forget what he's like today. What would he be like by inauguration day? What's he going to be like in 1 year let alone 2 or 3? This is an unacceptable choice that the country is being forced to make. Biden needs to step down today because he sure as hell isn't going to be President next January. Forget about all the smart people around him because they are all going to be looking for jobs.
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Yes, Donald Trump lies more than he tells the truth.

At the same time, how many Democrats (in the House, in the Senate and in Biden's camp) over the last several months have publicly lied to the American people, saying Biden's mind was sharp and that he was mentally & physically fit for the office of President of the United States?

The truth? That list is long.
Wow. Whole months! So let’s see. Team Democrat on the night and morning after they saw for sure their candidate is lacking the vigor and acumen needed to be President are having it out about this and many are pointing to the need to replace him and they are the hypocrites?!

Meanwhile the Republicans have known how truly horrible and unqualified as a human being Donald Trump is for POTUS last 6-7 years and they nominated him in a landslide and could give two chits about the felony counts, the sleeping with porn stars, the stealing state secrets and the attempted insurrection.

That is too funny.
Fran must have taught you how to read. I never said "everything was a lie". You asked for someone to identify a lie of Trump's. I simply posted a link to your request and said that took 2 seconds. Incidentally, that same link fact checked some of Biden's statements as well.

spewing more bullshit

didn't realize what an ass you were until now
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Wow. Whole months! So let’s see. Team Democrat on the night and morning after they saw for sure their candidate is lacking the vigor and acumen needed to be President are having it out about this and many are pointing to the need to replace him and they are the hypocrites?!

Meanwhile the Republicans have known how truly horrible and unqualified as a human being Donald Trump is for POTUS last 6-7 years and they nominated him and a landslide and could give two chits about the felony counts, the sleeping with porn stars, the stealing state secrets and the attempted insurrection.

That is too funny.
Make no mistake, the dems are not bailing on boat Biden because illegals are raping people or his policies are absolutely shit, they are bailing on him because he can't win.
Well he was horse which caused some of the problems with him sounding weak. Again I don't think it's very likely. My point was is that the Dems will not be presented with video or audio evidence of something and claim they never said it. Trump does that.
It was a jackass not a horse.

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Biden is a decent man with mostly good values.

He doesn't need to be sharp as a tack as long as he has good people to follow through on his values.

Comments like this one are childish gotcha comments that miss the important point.
I'm just curious, is there anything a democrat could do or say that would make you admit they aren't the best choice? It seems you will stumble all over yourself to find something, anything positive about a democrat.
I do not disagree with you. But that does not mean - per the OP's claim - that we have been lied to and that he actually is mentally unfit. He could be mentally unfit, but what we saw last night does not make him so. With that being said, as I have been saying the optics were horrible, perception can be reality to voters, and the democrats need to change horses. I feel like I am being pretty rational in this thread and I enjoy interacting with other rational posters, so thank you.

This is just one example. But I am sure you will keep carrying on with more nonsense.

This is just one example. But I am sure you will keep carrying on with more nonsense.

Look, you have your mind made up on the issue. I do not make such weighty conclusions or make such vitriolic posts like you opened up in your OP, based upon last night's onstage performance. And if you would actually parse my posts, I have not said he is not mentally unfit, I simply said we do not know that he is. I have also said that for many voters, perception is reality, and that he should bow out. To you these thoughts are nonsensical bullshit. To me, I cannot comprehend not being able to comprehend those thoughts. But carry on.
Biden is a decent man with mostly good values.

He doesn't need to be sharp as a tack as long as he has good people to follow through on his values.

Comments like this one are childish gotcha comments that miss the important point.
There is no question Joe is not sharp as a tack and we didn't vote for the people around him so their influence on a mentally imparred president is problematic.
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Look, you have your mind made up on the issue. I do not make such weighty conclusions or make such vitriolic posts like you opened up in your OP, based upon last night's onstage performance. And if you would actually parse my posts, I have not said he is not mentally unfit, I simply said we do not know that he is. I have also said that for many voters, perception is reality, and that he should bow out. To you these thoughts are nonsensical bullshit. To me, I cannot comprehend not being able to comprehend those thoughts. But carry on.

Your complaints all go back to the orig post. And if you are now going to use the word "vitriolic," you are going to have to show where was there any hate and/or anger expressed in the orig post.

And I agree with you on one thing; you definitely have problems with comprehension.

The orig post, again:

Yes, Donald Trump lies more than he tells the truth.

At the same time, how many Democrats (in the House, in the Senate and in Biden's camp) over the last several months have publicly lied to the American people, saying Biden's mind was sharp and that he was mentally & physically fit for the office of President of the United States?

The truth? That list is long.
Your complaints all go back to the orig post. And if you are now going to use the word "vitriolic," you are going to have to show where was there any hate and/or anger expressed in the orig post.

And I agree with you on one thing; you definitely have problems with comprehension.

The orig post, again:

Yes, Donald Trump lies more than he tells the truth.

At the same time, how many Democrats (in the House, in the Senate and in Biden's camp) over the last several months have publicly lied to the American people, saying Biden's mind was sharp and that he was mentally & physically fit for the office of President of the United States?

The truth? That list is long.
You claimed democrats publicly lied for months about biden’s fitness based upon one performance. Is that not bitter criticism based upon incomplete data? You post from such a place of anger, which is weird to me. I’m just trying to have a dialogue in this thread.
You claimed democrats publicly lied for months about biden’s fitness based upon one performance. Is that not bitter criticism based upon incomplete data? You post from such a place of anger, which is weird to me. I’m just trying to have a dialogue in this thread.

Good Lord, just stop with the nonsense.
I'm just curious, is there anything a democrat could do or say that would make you admit they aren't the best choice? It seems you will stumble all over yourself to find something, anything positive about a democrat.
They could be accused of multiple sexual assaults, go to impeachment twice, and describe in detail how they would use their presidency to get revenge on their enemies. Oh yeah, and be a 34x felon. If a Democrat did that I wouldn't vote for them.
I just can’t accept that having smart people around you is a substitute for having the physical and mental faculties to do the job.
I don't disagree. But remember it's NOT JUST Biden having smart people around him. It's Biden with good values having good people around him.

Trump lacks the good values and is unlikely to have good people around him.

So, sure, a less broken Biden would be preferable. But even a broken Biden is better than Trump. Because, again, good values and good people.

That said, there are better Dem options available. It just remains to be seen whether the Dems will choose wisely.
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I'm just curious, is there anything a democrat could do or say that would make you admit they aren't the best choice? It seems you will stumble all over yourself to find something, anything positive about a democrat.
Is there anything that would make you pay attention?

I've been calling for Biden to withdraw for a year. Now reread your first comment.

But I still recognize his good qualities. Because they are real.