THE INDY MIGRATION: Could be a fun drive

This is a passing lane. There is a white dashed line between that lane and the middle lane. Nothing wrong or illegal about using that lane to pass.

Yeah that's not what the state trooper told my buddy when we were headed to Iowa City earlier this fall. He tried and a state trooper pulled him over and gave him a ticket. Something about passing on the right is dangerous and blah blah blah.

Said it is used as a "merging lane" and it allows cars to speed up before merging. I have witnessed several close calls with cars either rear-ending semi's or going off into the ditch.

I did get a text last night from an old college buddy who lives in Champaign who is a cop and he said, "they will have speed traps set up along I-74 this weekend." Just an FYI around the Champaign area.