The latest from Joni Ernst

Anyone else remember when Joni first went to DC on the back of a campaign built upon small town Iowa values, and the promise of how bi-partisan she'd be? Anyone else remember she partially won because of non stop attacks on her opponent dripping with grievance because he said a then 80 year old farmer from Iowa shouldn't be on the judiciary committee?
Joni has gone full potato. Sadly, my rep, MMM, has gone full potato, too. I've received numerous emails the last few weeks warning me about the CCP lurking beyond the borders of the 1st District, and how we all need to back the blue by voting for the guy who raped a woman, stole from people, hid documents, and was so incompetent the first time around he was voted out of office
Anyone else remember when Joni first went to DC on the back of a campaign built upon small town Iowa values, and the promise of how bi-partisan she'd be? Anyone else remember she partially won because of non stop attacks on her opponent dripping with grievance because he said a then 80 year old farmer from Iowa shouldn't be on the judiciary committee?
Joni has gone full potato. Sadly, my rep, MMM, has gone full potato, too. I've received numerous emails the last few weeks warning me about the CCP lurking beyond the borders of the 1st District, and how we all need to back the blue by voting for the guy who raped a woman, stole from people, hid documents, and was so incompetent the first time around he was voted out of office

They both immediately transitioned right into company men. I know there are probably 100 examples but these are the most stark and close to home as I've ever seen. I'm confident I could guess what they were going to say with pretty good accuracy just knowing the subject.
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She’s lying about Joe. Dems aren’t lying about Trump. Always false equivalencies.
Democrats never lie. About anything. Right?

And what false equivalencies? Are you trying to claim Democrats never make anything political? And I never said anything about Trump or Biden.....YOU are the one who did that. False equivalencies indeed!
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In a partial defense of Ernst, it is scary going into confrontation with Russia and China when both candidates are either evil or well past their prime.
She wants to trade in a feeble old man. For another feeble old man. But this other feeble old man is also a felon and rapist. Make this make sense.
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I've said many times that Ernst has done good work combatting sexual assaults in the military. It's sad that she in such a calculating way has attached herself to a rapist in Donald Trump. I remember one time her being caught out in the open and having to answer a question about Trump raping E. Jean Carroll and she meekly said, "All women's voices need to be heard".
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Shes gone all in MAGA

I find it sad that she starts off about a bipartisan deal and then goes full on political in the next sentence. BAU

We see 'the world on fire', because right-wing extremism is on the rise, and moderate conservatives are doing absolutely nothing to stem that trend within their own party. In fact, quite the opposite - they are using that jingoism and populism of hatred and bigotry to fuel a rise to power.

A rise they think they can ultimately control, but history has taught us differently - that when ultra-right factions gain power, they wield that power in ways moderates didn't expect. The Germans learned this >75 years ago. And they looked the other way until they were forced by the Allies to visit camps they all pretended didn't exist.
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