The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajority

Oh JFC. The one time a Democrat shows a spine and of course you nuts pretend that provided the pretext for Republican norms breaking. Just so comprehensively full of shit.

If Reid hadn't done what he did the fed courts would even be more lopsided in favor of the right.

Reid did what he did because the Republicans by that point were completely intransigent and had been blowing up the norms for years and years. Just the never ending lying and deceit from you people.
Yep. If you are going to be murdered and you get a choice between a bullet to the head or by dismemberment you choose bullet. Reid was forced into action by intransience from Mitch and the repubs
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Oh JFC. The one time a Democrat shows a spine and of course you nuts pretend that provided the pretext for Republican norms breaking.
Reid was the first to use the nuclear option for federal judges and eliminated the filibuster.

McConnell basically told him what would happen.

When then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid invoked the nuclear option to break the filibuster on President Obama’s nominees, Mitch McConnell warned that it set a dangerous precedent. He also predicted that Republicans would not hesitate to also change Senate rules once they won back the majority. McConnell will likely have to do just that later this week to break the Democrats’ filibuster on Judge Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. Washington Week looks back at our conversation in 2013 to see how we arrived at this contentious moment.
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We were talking about Reid and the nuclear option. D’s prevented Bush Federal judge nominees from coming to a vote.

Last Congress, Senate Democrats worked with the president to approve 204 judicial nominees, rejecting only 10 of the most extreme.”

Of the 10 appeals court nominees blocked by the Democrats, four are missing from Bush’s new list of nominees for the federal bench.

Charles Pickering Sr.’s bruising battle for a seat on a federal appeals court abruptly ended when Bush, in a recess appointment, elevated him without congressional approval. But on Dec. 9, Pickering announced his retirement, saying he would not seek nomination for a permanent seat on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.

The other three are: Miguel Estrada, a native of Honduras and former clerk to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy who has been mentioned as a possible Supreme Court nominee; California judge Carolyn Kuhl; and Claude Allen, whose Virginia residency upset Maryland’s two senators because the post to which he was nominated on the 4th Circuit typically is held by a Marylander.
Of President Bush's judicial nominees, the Senate has confirmed 61 Circuit Court judges and 261 District Court judges (as of October 6, 2008). Today more than one-third of all Federal judges have been appointed by him – and these men and women are jurists of the highest caliber with an abiding belief in the sanctity of our Constitution.
I can only assume you’re being serious- so unfortunately my assessment of your intelligence seems to be correct.
And yet, you actually couldn't respond to the point and all you could manage to do is throw insults. Take the L and leave the thread Goldie.
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I find it interesting that other than Bins sidetrack there are only maybe 2 repubs responses to the actual thread article.
I’ll sidetrack it even further. Reid knowingly/intentionally lied of the Senate floor when he said Mitt Romney doesn’t pay taxes. He did that because he knew he couldn’t be prosecuted or sued for slander.

After Obama beat Romney and Reid was asked why he lied, he said it worked didn’t it. Reid was a wormy POS.
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I find it interesting that other than Bins sidetrack there are only maybe 2 repubs responses to the actual thread article.
We’re becoming too much like the Demmies. Instead of responding we make personal attacks and deflect.
Sound about right?
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We were talking about Reid and the nuclear option. D’s prevented Bush Federal judge nominees from coming to a vote.

We’re discussing the SC. You moved the goalposts to be able to do your both sides nonsense.
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Oh look, another post blaming Democrats for the terrible things Republicans do. Same shit, different day.
The dems DID change the rules and the Republicans told the dems they would rue the day, but the dems refused to listen and now complain there are conservative judges. They got what they deserved.
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The dems DID change the rules and the Republicans told the dems they would rue the day, but the dems refused to listen and now complain there are conservative judges. They got what they deserved.
A total FAFO moment.

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