By whom? Very cool use of exclam point. I get your passion. Take a hike!Overrated!
agreed - the guy can piss ice water...I've watched Iowa basketball my entire life and Jordan is the only Hawkeye that could go to the line in late game situations without raising my blood pressure,.. this kid always had ice in his veins.
Say hi to mr. ignore button, you whiny little DB... buh-bye...!Overrated!
"Jordan Bohannon is not overrated."Overrated!
Good work with the capitalization also."Jordan Bohannon is not overrated."
- Jordan Bohannon
By no_one...haha.By whom? Very cool use of exclam point. I get your passion. Take a hike!
Well there you go, perfect timing to stay away from Hawkeye Report since you have seen the best might as well go enjoy something else than waste your time on this board.Bohannon certainly brings some positive things to the table but like Fran it appears nobody here gives a damn about defense which is why we saw the ceiling of the program the first weekend of the dance.
Well there you go, perfect timing to stay away from Hawkeye Report since you have seen the best might as well go enjoy something else than waste your time on this board.
Saying all the right things
True, he only shot 39% from the 3. And 89% from the line. He needs to practice more.The team needed shooting but he didn’t have a great shooting year.
Wonderful! And after the basket, the players got into their defense. Great stuff.
Iowa is going to miss things that JBo brings to the team next season. I hope I’m wrong about that.