***The Official Presidential Firsts by Trump Thread***

God, you’re pathetic.

Denigrating our founding fathers for the sole purpose of “not” defending Commander In Chief Bonespurs. That’s pretty woke, bro.

Seek help.
Stop already. Where did I compare or founding fathers to Trump. Grow up. You got caught talking out your ass and now you change the subject.
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Stop already. Where did I compare or founding fathers to Trump. Grow up. You got caught talking out your ass and now you change the subject.
Are you mental?

I said Trump is the first felon to serve as president. That is true.

You’re the dumbass that tried to make the case Georgia Washington was a felon. Again, he was not. In order to be a felon, you must be convicted of a felony. Washington was not—hence why you are wrong.

You are a lost cause.
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I don’t watch cable news nor have any social media. I knew damn well what you were getting at and it’s unequivocally stupid. By that logic, all the founding fathers were felons. Again, you have to be actually convicted to be considered a felon. Get a clue.

Nah, they were pretty triggered by W. In fact, the actual derangement syndrome acronym was first coined by the late conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer who accused liberals of having Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS).

The Republican idolization and nutsack slurping of Donald Trump is the real derangement syndrome we see today; BDS has become TDS—Trump Dick Sucking. Don’t worry, though, Hans, you are low in that pecking order compared to mental midgets like @Scruddy and @soonerinlOUisiana, who scratch and claw their way to be first in line to lick the sweat off Trump’s scrotum. Those two make the perfect bottom bitches. Trump loves him so poorly-educated cucks. 😝
Why are you always thinking about sucking dick? Your behavior absolutely screams closet homosexual.
Are you mental?

I said Trump is the first felon to serve as president. That is true.

You’re the dumbass that tried to make the case Georgia Washington was a felon. Again, he was not. In order to be a felon, you must be convicted of a felony. Washington was not—hence why you are wrong.

You are a lost cause.
JFC, the British did convict them. Study history for once. They didn't have to go through a court system back then. The King could just declare it so. So they were convicted felons by the Monarchy.
I don’t watch cable news nor have any social media. I knew damn well what you were getting at and it’s unequivocally stupid. By that logic, all the founding fathers were felons. Again, you have to be actually convicted to be considered a felon. Get a clue.

Nah, they were pretty triggered by W. In fact, the actual derangement syndrome acronym was first coined by the late conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer who accused liberals of having Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS).

The Republican idolization and nutsack slurping of Donald Trump is the real derangement syndrome we see today; BDS has become TDS—Trump Dick Sucking. Don’t worry, though, Hans, you are low in that pecking order compared to mental midgets like @Scruddy and @soonerinlOUisiana, who scratch and claw their way to be first in line to lick the sweat off Trump’s scrotum. Those two make the perfect bottom bitches. Trump loves him so poorly-educated cucks. 😝

For me, it’s not even about Trump. It’s about the whole shitty platform that the democrooks have put forth for the last 50 years. But it sure is great for fruits, rug munchers, shemales, illegal aliens, under achievers, and various other human debris.
JFC, the British did convict them. Study history for once. They didn't have to go through a court system back then. The King could just declare it so. So they were convicted felons by the Monarchy.
Jesus Christ.

I am well aware of the history. The merit, or more accurately the lack thereof, of your argument is the point.

The fact you are this adamant about pushing a vacuous argument for a purpose that is either mysterious or intended to defend Donald Trump speaks volumes about you.

Get a life.

For me, it’s not even about Trump. It’s about the whole shitty platform that the democrooks have put forth for the last 50 years. But it sure is great for fruits, rug munchers, shemales, illegal aliens, under achievers, and various other human debris.
Yes he is.
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Jesus Christ.

I am well aware of the history. The merit, or more accurately the lack thereof, of your argument is the point.

The fact you are this adamant about pushing a vacuous argument for a purpose that is either mysterious or intended to defend Donald Trump speaks volumes about you.

Get a life.
Learn history before you argue about it.
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Amused, more accurately.

I enjoy mocking fake Christians like yourself who are as stupid as they are hateful.

It’s about the whole shitty platform that the democrooks have put forth for the last 50 years. But it sure is great for fruits, rug munchers, shemales, illegal aliens, under achievers, and various other human debris

What a sad, pathetic, little man you are. Keep hating and accuse others of being triggered. 😂
Some of you guys reeeeeeally need to unplug from HORT for a little bit. It's amazing how many of the long time posters' attitudes on here have really changed for the worse.
Amused, more accurately.

I enjoy mocking fake Christians like yourself who are as stupid as they are hateful.

What a sad, pathetic, little man you are. Keep hating and accuse others of being triggered. 😂
What’s sad and pathetic about favoring normal people, rAgNaR? Just keep your freak show where it belongs and we should all be happy.
What’s sad and pathetic about favoring normal people, rAgNaR? Just keep your freak show where it belongs and we should all be happy.
Learn to read.

You’re hateful.

Whom you do or don’t consider normal is irrelevant.

Regardless, I have wasted too much time on you. Bye.
Amused, more accurately.

I enjoy mocking fake Christians like yourself who are as stupid as they are hateful.

What a sad, pathetic, little man you are. Keep hating and accuse others of being triggered. 😂
You're literally posting your gay fan fictions about trump and other posters. You may not wanna call others pathetic all things considered.
First President to drink water like a toddler:

JFC, the British did convict them. Study history for once. They didn't have to go through a court system back then. The King could just declare it so. So they were convicted felons by the Monarchy.
I don't really have a dog in this fight (sorry Vic), but George Washington (and other American revolutionaries) were not "convicted felons" in the sense that we understand today. While it's true the British Crown declared many revolutionaries to be rebels or traitors, this was not equivalent to a formal criminal conviction under a judicial system.

Unless you can show us otherwise, Mr. Shark.
First president to have to clean up the mess left by liberal loser Biden.

In fact he’s the ONLY president in history who could accomplish such a feat.

He’s also the first president to generally be considered the greatest communicator and deal maker
What “deal”has Trump made as President? Selling nic-naks with the Presidential seal on them dies not count.