So the "luxury" item statement is likely because in his mind women can just use pads. The latter part of that statement, though, is...
The FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.
Someone needs to slap her awake. @NorthernHawkeye ?
dumb is always dumb and you’re dumb.The establishment dems have sold out since the 90s to Wall Street etc, and needs massive reform (as does our irreparably broken and legacy-of-slavery constitution) but only one party is overtly fascist, hateful, violent and waging a war on civility, democracy, women, people of color, LGBTQ+, and even on science and facts themselves.
The GQP is institutionalized evil.
And those who use ends-justifying-means or ideological compromise or religion to continue to support it are complicit in evil committed in a delusional punitive judgmental self virulent self righteousness.
Those people love being terrifying and destructive. Death cultists are not so bad when they drink the cool aid on their own, but when they make all life much more violent and dangerous and destructive and unsustainable and ugly for the supermajority who totally disagree with them and just want to make things work and actually solve problems, then the GQP supporters are doing unadulterated evil.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, as lord acton or some snooty Brit said a long while back.
“The most dangerous political organization in the history of humanity is the current Republican Party”. said Noam Chomsky -repeatedly - starting about six years ago. He explains that the republicans are waging war on the planet and they are supporting nuclear proliferation and the effect of their policies is already more devastating globally than even Hitler and mao and Stalin. And this comes from a Jewish man who’s family survived antisemitism and which lost dozens to the Holocaust.
Why did he repeatedly say this, and even before Trump's rise? Because as Chomsky saw it, a party that is actively working to destroy the environment, and actively pushing nuclear armament, rather than working with countries around the globe to reduce C02 emissions, methane emissions, etc. and other ecocidal practices, or working to ban all nuclear weapons, is pushing us ever closer to the Armageddon that the christian fascists so yearn for so that they can "meet Jesus in the clouds" and have front row seats to the war below between the heathen and the "angelic" armies of the righteous. Yes, it's that insane a magical-thinking, terrifying pseudo-religious ideology and worldview.
We need to come together, call evil what it is, call out religion for what it is, we commit to civility and science and the status of facts and the preponderance of evidence, if we are to save ourselves and our planet.
we are all actually in this together. The ship is sinking and the minority of us are running around sabotaging it and shooting innocent people and punishing the innocent and celebrating the excitement of the danger and distraction. It is evil, they are doing evil, and it must not be allowed to continue.
Translation: I can't refute any of that, so I'll settle for a personal attack.dumb is always dumb and you’re dumb.
No translation is you are an idiot. The left panders to those that are weak and dumb to keep some amount of power and have feasted on them for decades. You fool.Translation: I can't refute any of that, so I'll settle for a personal attack.
ProjectionNo translation is you are an idiot. The left panders to those that are weak and dumb to keep some amount of power and have feasted on them for decades. You fool.
Um...irony I guess???true believers who haven't just drunk the kool aid, but are forcing it down everyone else's throats, from kids in schools to families at 4th of july parades
Comments like this is why HROT needs an animated "shaking my head" emoji.No translation is you are an idiot. The left panders to those that are weak and dumb to keep some amount of power and have feasted on them for decades. You fool.
It’s true and you know it. Look at your voting base.Comments like this is why HROT needs an animated "shaking my head" emoji.
I have a voting base?It’s true and you know it. Look at your voting base.
Liberals. I’m done with this.I have a voting base?
I hope so. You haven't contributed an original thought and only seem to be able to engage in name calling.Liberals. I’m done with this.
Disagree and what original thought have you brought. Spewing nonsense.I hope so. You haven't contributed an original thought and only seem to be able to engage in name calling.
Comments like this is why HROT needs an animated "shaking my head" emoji.
What I really want - related to the ignore option - is a note feature so you can enter comments to yourself on why you are ignoring them. After a while, the reasons are a blur. You know they're bad in some way, but why? Are they racists or do they hate puppies?Extended middled finger with an automatic ignore.
LOL - More insanity from the woke cultistsThe establishment dems have sold out since the 90s to Wall Street etc, and needs massive reform (as does our irreparably broken and legacy-of-slavery constitution) but only one party is overtly fascist, hateful, violent and waging a war on civility, democracy, women, people of color, LGBTQ+, and even on science and facts themselves.
The GQP is institutionalized evil.
And those who use ends-justifying-means or ideological compromise or religion to continue to support it are complicit in evil committed in a delusional punitive judgmental self virulent self righteousness.
Those people love being terrifying and destructive. Death cultists are not so bad when they drink the cool aid on their own, but when they make all life much more violent and dangerous and destructive and unsustainable and ugly for the supermajority who totally disagree with them and just want to make things work and actually solve problems, then the GQP supporters are doing unadulterated evil.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, as lord acton or some snooty Brit said a long while back.
“The most dangerous political organization in the history of humanity is the current Republican Party”. said Noam Chomsky -repeatedly - starting about six years ago. He explains that the republicans are waging war on the planet and they are supporting nuclear proliferation and the effect of their policies is already more devastating globally than even Hitler and mao and Stalin. And this comes from a Jewish man who’s family survived antisemitism and which lost dozens to the Holocaust.
Why did he repeatedly say this, and even before Trump's rise? Because as Chomsky saw it, a party that is actively working to destroy the environment, and actively pushing nuclear armament, rather than working with countries around the globe to reduce C02 emissions, methane emissions, etc. and other ecocidal practices, or working to ban all nuclear weapons, is pushing us ever closer to the Armageddon that the christian fascists so yearn for so that they can "meet Jesus in the clouds" and have front row seats to the war below between the heathen and the "angelic" armies of the righteous. Yes, it's that insane a magical-thinking, terrifying pseudo-religious ideology and worldview.
We need to come together, call evil what it is, call out religion for what it is, we commit to civility and science and the status of facts and the preponderance of evidence, if we are to save ourselves and our planet.
we are all actually in this together. The ship is sinking and the minority of us are running around sabotaging it and shooting innocent people and punishing the innocent and celebrating the excitement of the danger and distraction. It is evil, they are doing evil, and it must not be allowed to continue.
What did he get wrong?LOL - More insanity from the woke cultists
You obviously have no capacity to comprehend what you read, or you failed to read what he posted.What did he get wrong?