I didn't try to claim the word didn't exist until around 800 years ago, I pointed out the fact that it didn't. The fact is marriage originated as a word defined as "to wed". For the purpose of exploring what the word means, it's distant cousins aren't needed.
WWJD makes a more poignant case in that in our culture the state took it upon itself to require a marriage license and in fact long before same sex marriage, had assumed the power of deciding who could wed and who couldn't by issuing licenses and pronouncing people married by the power of the court.
Interestingly enough, to receive that "blessing" of the court requires only that individuals produce the required funds. Very spiritual.
Something I think is worth considering. Anyone can go to a hardware store and buy a can of gold paint. Paint to your heart's content, you still haven't surrounded yourself in real gold. I say, I support the right of all people to choose a partner and live a life filled with love. I believe there are couples of the same sex who could be considered among the most stable, and likely would be better parents than many couples of opposite sex. And these people certainly deserve all the rights that anyone else enjoys.
But marriage? As in the sacred bond between two people in the eyes of God? It was cheapened once and enough when the State said it was in charge. It was cheapened again when the State said it had the power to change the very definition! Now everyone has lost. And how? It isn't hard to imagine the day a Church might be inspired to recognize God's word has drawn a new picture, a new meaning to them. It happens all the time!
But now, should a Church say Gays and Lesbians can indeed enjoy the Grace of a wedding with the blessing of God, who really cares? The State already marched into the Church and said it doesn't matter. Just fork over a little money and get married in the courthouse!
What a shame. A can of paint and everything is supposedly fixed.