I am not talking about that. I am talking about the relatively small clique of scientists who have historically dominated the IPCC and most mainstream climate publications in relation to temperature reconstructions and projections. That group is not a cast of thousands as it is often portrayed. These reconstructions that get so much press and so much attention are the work of a relative handful.
Where do you come up with these alleged 'facts' and preconceived notions?
Here is a link to the list of authors for the IPCC AR4 (2007).
Per this Wiki on AR4 (2007) and AR5 (2014), the reports
were generated by 559 and 831 different authors/contributors, respectively. Which ones are 'the relatively small clique' or 'handful' who are behind this conspiracy of 'groupthink' and 'get all the press'???
From the Wiki page:
In March 2010, the IPCC received approximately 3,000 author nominations from experts around the world.
At the bureau session held in Geneva, 19–20 May 2010, the three working groups presented their selected authors and review editors for the AR5. Each of the selected scientists, specialists and experts was nominated in accordance with IPCC procedures, by respective national IPCC focal-points, by approved observer organizations, or by the bureau. The IPCC received 50% more nominations of experts to participate in AR5 than it did for AR4. A total of 559 authors and review editors had been selected for AR4 from 2,000 proposed nominees. On 23 June 2010 the IPCC announced the release of the final list of selected coordinating lead authors, comprising 831 experts who were drawn from fields including meteorology, physics, oceanography, statistics, engineering, ecology, social sciences and economics. In comparison to the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), participation from developing countries was increased, reflecting the on-going efforts to improve regional coverage in the AR5. About 30% of authors came from developing countries or economies in transition. More than 60% of the experts chosen were new to the IPCC process, bringing fresh knowledge and perspectives.
Here is a PDF of the AR5 authors (whole list).
Could you go through the AR4 and AR5 authors' lists for us here and 'point out' the 'handful' who are behind your alleged conspiracy scheme of 'getting all the press'?
Here is the Paleoclimate author list from AR4:
Ch. 6 - Palaeoclimate
Coordinating Lead Authors:
Eystein Jansen (Norway), Jonathan Overpeck (USA)
Lead Authors:
Keith R. Briffa (UK), Jean-Claude Duplessy (France), Fortunat Joos (Switzerland), Valérie Masson-Delmotte (France), Daniel Olago (Kenya), Bette Otto-Bliesner (USA), W. Richard Peltier (Canada), Stefan Rahmstorf (Germany), Rengaswamy Ramesh (India), Dominique Raynaud (France), David Rind (USA), Olga Solomina (Russian Federation), Ricardo Villalba (Argentina), De'er Zhang (China)
Contributing Authors:
J.-M. Barnola (France), E. Bauer (Germany), E. Brady (USA), M. Chandler (USA), J. Cole (USA), E. Cook (USA), E. Cortijo (France), T. Dokken (Norway), D. Fleitmann (Switzerland, Germany), M. Kageyama (France), M. Khodri (France), L. Labeyrie (France), A. Laine (France), A. Levermann (Germany), Ø. Lie (Norway), M.-F. Loutre (Belgium), K. Matsumoto (USA), E. Monnin (Switzerland), E. Mosley-Thompson (USA), D. Muhs (USA), R. Muscheler (USA), T. Osborn (UK), Ø. Paasche (Norway), F. Parrenin (France), G.-K. Plattner (Switzerland), H. Pollack (USA), R. Spahni (Switzerland), L.D. Stott (USA), L. Thompson (USA), C. Waelbroeck (France), G. Wiles (USA), J. Zachos (USA), G. Zhengteng (China)
Review Editors:
Jean Jouzel (France), John Mitchell (UK)
Here is the paleoclimate list from AR5:
Chapter 5: Information from Paleoclimate Archives
63 Masson-Delmotte Valerie Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE) France 5 CLA I
64 Schulz Michael University of Bremen Germany 5 CLA I
65 Abe-Ouchi Ayako University of Tokyo Japan 5 LA I
66 Beer Juerg Eawag Switzerland 5 LA I
67 Ganopolski Andrey Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) Germany 5 LA I
68 Gonzalez Rouco Jesus Fidel Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain 5 LA I
69 Jansen Eystein University of Bergen Norway 5 LA I
70 Lambeck Kurt The Australian National University Australia 5 LA I
71 Luterbacher Juerg Justus-Liebig University Giessen Germany 5 LA I
72 Naish Tim Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand 5 LA I
73 Osborn Timothy University of East Anglia United Kingdom 5 LA I
74 Otto-Bliesner Bette National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) United States of America 5 LA I
75 Quinn Terrence The University of Texas at Austin United States of America 5 LA I
76 Ramesh Rengaswamy Physical Research Laboratory India 5 LA I
77 Rojas Maisa University of Chile Chile 5 LA I
78 Shao XueMei Chinese Academy of Sciences China 5 LA I
79 Timmermann Axel University of Hawaii United States of America 5 LA I
80 Gupta Anil Kumar Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology India 5 RE I
81 Rahimzadeh Fatemeh Islamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO) Iran, Islamic Republic of 5 RE I
82 Raynaud Dominique Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Geophysique de l`Environnement (LGGE) France 5 RE I
83 Wanner Heinz University of Bern Switzerland 5 RE I
(FWIW...I searched: Michael Mann is on NEITHER of the authors' lists, so although he 'gets a lot of press' in the ClimateGate frenzy, he hasn't participated in the last 2 IPCC reports.)