The Religious Right misses this great man...

And you're a perfect follower - one who mistakes power for holiness.
Exactly, having the biggest stage or loudest voice or most access doesn't equal good Christian. Admitting you're flawed and a sinner and acknowledging there is nothing you can do about it is a start to becoming a Christian (I realize that probably isn't where you were going with this IA, but it wasn't exactly wrong, from biblical perspective). Showing others that about yourself is a start, not judging others flaws but instead showing them how, and who, can overcome them is a good second step. Falwell did none of this.
So you are now "judgmental"? Nope I won't say anything...
I'm judging the action of not being Christlike and not stepping away from it, but embracing that. I'm showing why Falwell isn't a Christian that should be followed or emulated. Christ called out religious leaders more than everyone else combined, including political leaders of his time. Why? Because they were guilty of something far worse than immorality or lying or any other sin. They were guilty of intentionally pulling people away from the truth. Falwell isn't any different than the Sanhedrin was in Christ's time. Those people deserve to be called out and Christ implores us to do so. It's the only group we are to do that with.
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I'm judging the action of not being Christlike and not stepping away from it, but embracing that. I'm showing why Falwell isn't a Christian that should be followed or emulated. Christ called out religious leaders more than everyone else combined, including political leaders of his time. Why? Because they were guilty of something far worse than immorality or lying or any other sin. They were guilty of intentionally pulling people away from the truth. Falwell isn't any different than the Sanhedrin was in Christ's time. Those people deserve to be called out and Christ implores us to do so. It's the only group we are to do that with.
That is where we disagree...I believe Jerry Falwell was called by God...big difference in us.
Jerry Falwell...the most divisive man in America over the last 50 years.
Jerry Falwell...the most divisive man in America over the last 50 years.
He was the most unifying person in the last 50 years...Obama is the most divisive...image sitting in a racist church and hearing the rants of a vicious fanatic on is what the president who claims to be for all the people gosh what a horrid fraud walks the halls where Washington, Lincoln, FDR and Reagan once strode.
He had more impact than Billy and Franklin Graham ever thought about having...he had the ear of Christian evangelicals...and struck fear into the hearts of the secular humanist. The man never backed down from a fight and in His own way neither did Jesus.
You don't like secular humanist? What did they ever do to anybody?
I'll take this a step further...had he still been alive you would have never heard of an Obama as president. The reason Christianity has lost it's steam is we no longer have strong leadership as his was in the has been replaced by weak, PC indoctrinated gutless people masquerading as religious leaders...including my current pastor.
Now this is an interesting point. Personally I would say religion lost its steam when it decided to go after the gays an abortion, wo things that hardly impact anyone in the congregation, and ignore all the everyday issues the bible actually deals with. I think the bible hints at this. How you ask? Simply count up all the verses from Jesus on gays and abortion and compare that to how often he talks about healthcare. Religion missed the boat when it didn't rally around the ACA in unity.
He was the most unifying person in the last 50 years...Obama is the most divisive...image sitting in a racist church and hearing the rants of a vicious fanatic on is what the president who claims to be for all the people gosh what a horrid fraud walks the halls where Washington, Lincoln, FDR and Reagan once strode.
You must see the problem here, right?
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Maybe the religious right misses him, but everyone else (which is the vast majority of people in this country) thinks "good riddance."
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Maybe the religious right misses him, but everyone else (which is the vast majority of people in this country) thinks "good riddance."
Vast majority? I doubt it. Dr. Falwell and his "Moral Majority" had far more than evangelicals under his organizational tent.
If you were a Christian you would never have made the statement you did about Dr. Falwell...even if you disagreed with him. You are a fraud and a disgrace to so many good Catholics I know...a few of them are even Christians...and you are a disgrace to the teaching profession. You have no business being around children.

Ok how about this. . .

As a Christian (Confessional Lutheran) Jerry Falwell was a heretic who distorted the Christian faith in a way such as to suit Satan's whims.

He understood and taught nothing of the gospel but only law and condemnation. At every turn he failed at the great commandment, he was a serial violator of the commandment against bearing false witness (8th commandment by Lutheran and Roman Catholic numbering, 9th by Reformed Protestants) and refused to apologize or repent for his violations. He is for me the definition of Anathema.

When Christ himself warned of false teachers and wolves in sheep's clothing, Falwell and his ilk are what he was warning of. He taught what itching and hateful ears wanted to hear and not the true word of God which teaches us to not bear false witness, to love our enemies, and to forgive as we have been forgiven.

I have sincere doubts that his soul was in any condition to receive mercy due to Matt 6:15. I prayed that his soul was in a condition to receive mercy as any true Christian would not wish hell upon his worst enemy (unlike Falwell who did gleefully wish it upon others). However Matt 6:15 gives me strong reason to doubt this.

A person with such a stunning lack of love for his fellow man, a person who repeatedly violated the 8th commandment with no repentance for his violations, and one with such a stunning lack of ability to forgive is most certainly hard to imagine to be among the communion of the saints and quite easy to imagine with Satan and his reprobate.

I feel compelled to warn you that while it is important to recognize sexual sins such as fornication, homosexual acts, and other common sins such as taking God's name in vain and divorce it is also equally important if not more important to understand that God is love and he expects his followers to demonstrate love. You can't demonstrate it perfectly no one can, but repent of your failures and demonstrate it as best you can. You must also show mercy to receive mercy. Forgiveness from Christ can not be obtained by the unforgiving.
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He was the most unifying person in the last 50 years...Obama is the most divisive...image sitting in a racist church and hearing the rants of a vicious fanatic on is what the president who claims to be for all the people gosh what a horrid fraud walks the halls where Washington, Lincoln, FDR and Reagan once strode.

jake...this is another reason why we could never get married.
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Ok how about this. . .

As a Christian (Confessional Lutheran) Jerry Falwell was a heretic who distorted the Christian faith in a way such as to suit Satan's whims.

He understood and taught nothing of the gospel but only law and condemnation. At every turn he failed at the great commandment, he was a serial violator of the commandment against bearing false witness (8th commandment by Lutheran and Roman Catholic numbering, 9th by Reformed Protestants) and refused to apologize or repent for his violations. He is for me the definition of Anathema.

When Christ himself warned of false teachers and wolves in sheep's clothing, Falwell and his ilk are what he was warning of. He taught what itching and hateful ears wanted to hear and not the true word of God which teaches us to not bear false witness, to love our enemies, and to forgive as we have been forgiven.

I have sincere doubts that his soul was in any condition to receive mercy due to Matt 6:15. I prayed that his soul was in a condition to receive mercy as any true Christian would not wish hell upon his worst enemy (unlike Falwell who did gleefully wish it upon others). However Matt 6:15 gives me strong reason to doubt this.

A person with such a stunning lack of love for his fellow man, a person who repeatedly violated the 8th commandment with no repentance for his violations, and one with such a stunning lack of ability to forgive is most certainly hard to imagine to be among the communion of the saints and quite easy to imagine with Satan and his reprobate.

I feel compelled to warn you that while it is important to recognize sexual sins such as fornication, homosexual acts, and other common sins such as taking God's name in vain and divorce it is also equally important if not more important to understand that God is love and he expects his followers to demonstrate love. You can't demonstrate it perfectly no one can, but repent of your failures and demonstrate it as best you can. You must also show mercy to receive mercy. Forgiveness from Christ can not be obtained by the unforgiving.
Extraordinarily well said.
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